path: root/spec/unit/audit/control_group_data_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/audit/control_group_data_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 478 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/audit/control_group_data_spec.rb b/spec/unit/audit/control_group_data_spec.rb
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+++ b/spec/unit/audit/control_group_data_spec.rb
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+# Author:: Tyler Ball (<>)
+# Author:: Claire McQuin (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'securerandom'
+describe Chef::Audit::AuditData do
+ let(:node_name) { "noodles" }
+ let(:run_id) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+ let(:audit_data) {, run_id) }
+ let(:control_group_1) { double("control group 1") }
+ let(:control_group_2) { double("control group 2") }
+ describe "#add_control_group" do
+ context "when no control groups have been added" do
+ it "stores the control group" do
+ audit_data.add_control_group(control_group_1)
+ expect(audit_data.control_groups).to include(control_group_1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when adding additional control groups" do
+ before do
+ audit_data.add_control_group(control_group_1)
+ end
+ it "stores the control group" do
+ audit_data.add_control_group(control_group_2)
+ expect(audit_data.control_groups).to include(control_group_2)
+ end
+ it "stores all control groups" do
+ audit_data.add_control_group(control_group_2)
+ expect(audit_data.control_groups).to include(control_group_1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#to_hash" do
+ let(:audit_data_hash) { audit_data.to_hash }
+ it "returns a hash" do
+ expect(audit_data_hash).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ it "describes a Chef::Audit::AuditData object" do
+ keys = [:node_name, :run_id, :start_time, :end_time, :control_groups]
+ expect(audit_data_hash.keys).to match_array(keys)
+ end
+ describe ":control_groups" do
+ let(:control_hash_1) { {:name => "control group 1"} }
+ let(:control_hash_2) { {:name => "control group 2"} }
+ let(:control_groups) { audit_data_hash[:control_groups] }
+ context "with no control groups added" do
+ it "is an empty list" do
+ expect(control_groups).to eq []
+ end
+ end
+ context "with one control group added" do
+ before do
+ allow(audit_data).to receive(:control_groups).and_return([control_group_1])
+ end
+ it "is a one-element list containing the control group hash" do
+ expect(control_group_1).to receive(:to_hash).once.and_return(control_hash_1)
+ expect(control_groups.size).to eq 1
+ expect(control_groups).to include(control_hash_1)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with multiple control groups added" do
+ before do
+ allow(audit_data).to receive(:control_groups).and_return([control_group_1, control_group_2])
+ end
+ it "is a list of control group hashes" do
+ expect(control_group_1).to receive(:to_hash).and_return(control_hash_1)
+ expect(control_group_2).to receive(:to_hash).and_return(control_hash_2)
+ expect(control_groups.size).to eq 2
+ expect(control_groups).to include(control_hash_1)
+ expect(control_groups).to include(control_hash_2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+describe Chef::Audit::ControlData do
+ let(:name) { "ramen" }
+ let(:resource_type) { double("Service") }
+ let(:resource_name) { "mysql" }
+ let(:context) { nil }
+ let(:line_number) { 27 }
+ let(:control_data) { name,
+ resource_type: resource_type, resource_name: resource_name,
+ context: context, line_number: line_number) }
+ describe "#to_hash" do
+ let(:control_data_hash) { control_data.to_hash }
+ it "returns a hash" do
+ expect(control_data_hash).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ it "describes a Chef::Audit::ControlData object" do
+ keys = [:name, :resource_type, :resource_name, :context, :status, :details]
+ expect(control_data_hash.keys).to match_array(keys)
+ end
+ context "when context is nil" do
+ it "sets :context to an empty array" do
+ expect(control_data_hash[:context]).to eq []
+ end
+ end
+ context "when context is non-nil" do
+ let(:context) { ["outer"] }
+ it "sets :context to its value" do
+ expect(control_data_hash[:context]).to eq context
+ end
+ end
+ end
+describe Chef::Audit::ControlGroupData do
+ let(:name) { "balloon" }
+ let(:control_group_data) { }
+ shared_context "control data" do
+ let(:name) { "" }
+ let(:resource_type) { nil }
+ let(:resource_name) { nil }
+ let(:context) { nil }
+ let(:line_number) { 0 }
+ let(:control_data) {
+ {
+ :name => name,
+ :resource_type => resource_type,
+ :resource_name => resource_name,
+ :context => context,
+ :line_number => line_number
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ shared_context "control" do
+ include_context "control data"
+ let(:control) { name,
+ resource_type: resource_type, resource_name: resource_name,
+ context: context, line_number: line_number) }
+ before do
+ allow(Chef::Audit::ControlData).to receive(:new).
+ with(name: name, resource_type: resource_type,
+ resource_name: resource_name, context: context,
+ line_number: line_number).
+ and_return(control)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#new" do
+ it "has status \"success\"" do
+ expect(control_group_data.status).to eq "success"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#example_success" do
+ include_context "control"
+ def notify_success
+ control_group_data.example_success(control_data)
+ end
+ it "increments the number of successful audits" do
+ num_success = control_group_data.number_succeeded
+ notify_success
+ expect(control_group_data.number_succeeded).to eq (num_success + 1)
+ end
+ it "does not increment the number of failed audits" do
+ num_failed = control_group_data.number_failed
+ notify_success
+ expect(control_group_data.number_failed).to eq (num_failed)
+ end
+ it "marks the audit's status as success" do
+ notify_success
+ expect(control.status).to eq "success"
+ end
+ it "does not modify its own status" do
+ expect(control_group_data).to_not receive(:status=)
+ status = control_group_data.status
+ notify_success
+ expect(control_group_data.status).to eq status
+ end
+ it "saves the control" do
+ controls = control_group_data.controls
+ expect(controls).to_not include(control)
+ notify_success
+ expect(controls).to include(control)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#example_failure" do
+ include_context "control"
+ let(:details) { "poop" }
+ def notify_failure
+ control_group_data.example_failure(control_data, details)
+ end
+ it "does not increment the number of successful audits" do
+ num_success = control_group_data.number_succeeded
+ notify_failure
+ expect(control_group_data.number_succeeded).to eq num_success
+ end
+ it "increments the number of failed audits" do
+ num_failed = control_group_data.number_failed
+ notify_failure
+ expect(control_group_data.number_failed).to eq (num_failed + 1)
+ end
+ it "marks the audit's status as failure" do
+ notify_failure
+ expect(control.status).to eq "failure"
+ end
+ it "marks its own status as failure" do
+ notify_failure
+ expect(control_group_data.status).to eq "failure"
+ end
+ it "saves the control" do
+ controls = control_group_data.controls
+ expect(controls).to_not include(control)
+ notify_failure
+ expect(controls).to include(control)
+ end
+ context "when details are not provided" do
+ let(:details) { nil }
+ it "does not save details to the control" do
+ default_details = control.details
+ expect(control).to_not receive(:details=)
+ notify_failure
+ expect(control.details).to eq default_details
+ end
+ end
+ context "when details are provided" do
+ let(:details) { "yep that didn't work" }
+ it "saves details to the control" do
+ notify_failure
+ expect(control.details).to eq details
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ shared_examples "multiple audits" do |success_or_failure|
+ include_context "control"
+ let(:num_success) { 0 }
+ let(:num_failure) { 0 }
+ before do
+ if num_failure == 0
+ num_success.times { control_group_data.example_success(control_data) }
+ elsif num_success == 0
+ num_failure.times { control_group_data.example_failure(control_data, nil) }
+ end
+ end
+ it "counts the number of successful audits" do
+ expect(control_group_data.number_succeeded).to eq num_success
+ end
+ it "counts the number of failed audits" do
+ expect(control_group_data.number_failed).to eq num_failure
+ end
+ it "marks its status as \"#{success_or_failure}\"" do
+ expect(control_group_data.status).to eq success_or_failure
+ end
+ end
+ context "when all audits pass" do
+ include_examples "multiple audits", "success" do
+ let(:num_success) { 3 }
+ end
+ end
+ context "when one audit fails" do
+ shared_examples "mixed audit results" do
+ include_examples "multiple audits", "failure" do
+ let(:audit_results) { [] }
+ let(:num_success) { audit_results.count("success") }
+ let(:num_failure) { 1 }
+ before do
+ audit_results.each do |result|
+ if result == "success"
+ control_group_data.example_success(control_data)
+ else
+ control_group_data.example_failure(control_data, nil)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "and it's the first audit" do
+ include_examples "mixed audit results" do
+ let(:audit_results) { ["failure", "success", "success"] }
+ end
+ end
+ context "and it's an audit in the middle" do
+ include_examples "mixed audit results" do
+ let(:audit_results) { ["success", "failure", "success"] }
+ end
+ end
+ context "and it's the last audit" do
+ include_examples "mixed audit results" do
+ let(:audit_results) { ["success", "success", "failure"] }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when all audits fail" do
+ include_examples "multiple audits", "failure" do
+ let(:num_failure) { 3 }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#to_hash" do
+ let(:control_group_data_hash) { control_group_data.to_hash }
+ it "returns a hash" do
+ expect(control_group_data_hash).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ it "describes a Chef::Audit::ControlGroupData object" do
+ keys = [:name, :status, :number_succeeded, :number_failed,
+ :controls, :id]
+ expect(control_group_data_hash.keys).to match_array(keys)
+ end
+ describe ":controls" do
+ let(:control_group_controls) { control_group_data_hash[:controls] }
+ context "with no controls added" do
+ it "is an empty list" do
+ expect(control_group_controls).to eq []
+ end
+ end
+ context "with one control added" do
+ include_context "control"
+ let(:control_list) { [control_data] }
+ let(:control_hash) { control.to_hash }
+ before do
+ expect(control_group_data).to receive(:controls).twice.and_return(control_list)
+ expect(control_data).to receive(:to_hash).and_return(control_hash)
+ end
+ it "is a one-element list containing the control hash" do
+ expect(control_group_controls.size).to eq 1
+ expect(control_group_controls).to include(control_hash)
+ end
+ it "adds a sequence number to the control" do
+ control_group_data.to_hash
+ expect(control_hash).to have_key(:sequence_number)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with multiple controls added" do
+ let(:control_hash_1) { {:line_number => 27} }
+ let(:control_hash_2) { {:line_number => 13} }
+ let(:control_hash_3) { {:line_number => 35} }
+ let(:control_1) { double("control 1",
+ :line_number => control_hash_1[:line_number],
+ :to_hash => control_hash_1) }
+ let(:control_2) { double("control 2",
+ :line_number => control_hash_2[:line_number],
+ :to_hash => control_hash_2) }
+ let(:control_3) { double("control 3",
+ :line_number => control_hash_3[:line_number],
+ :to_hash => control_hash_3) }
+ let(:control_list) { [control_1, control_2, control_3] }
+ let(:ordered_control_hashes) { [control_hash_2, control_hash_1, control_hash_3] }
+ before do
+ # Another way to do this would be to call #example_success
+ # or #example_failure per control hash, but we'd have to
+ # then stub #create_control and it's a lot of extra stubbing work.
+ # We can't stub the controls reader to return a list of
+ # controls because of the call to sort! and the following
+ # reading of controls.
+ control_group_data.instance_variable_set(:@controls, control_list)
+ end
+ it "is a list of control group hashes ordered by line number" do
+ expect(control_group_controls.size).to eq 3
+ expect(control_group_controls).to eq ordered_control_hashes
+ end
+ it "assigns sequence numbers in order" do
+ control_group_data.to_hash
+ ordered_control_hashes.each_with_index do |control_hash, idx|
+ expect(control_hash[:sequence_number]).to eq idx + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end