path: root/spec/unit/provider/service/freebsd_service_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/provider/service/freebsd_service_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/service/freebsd_service_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/service/freebsd_service_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dd06bde2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/service/freebsd_service_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# Author:: Bryan McLellan (
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Bryan McLellan
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd do
+ before do
+ @node =
+ @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = {:ps => "ps -ax"}
+ @events =
+ @run_context =, {}, @events)
+ @new_resource ="apache22")
+ @new_resource.pattern("httpd")
+ @new_resource.supports({:status => false})
+ @current_resource ="apache22")
+ @provider =,@run_context)
+ @provider.action = :start
+ @init_command = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22"
+ Chef::Resource::Service.stub!(:new).and_return(@current_resource)
+ end
+ describe "load_current_resource" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @stdout =<<-PS_SAMPLE)
+413 ?? Ss 0:02.51 /usr/sbin/syslogd -s
+539 ?? Is 0:00.14 /usr/sbin/sshd
+545 ?? Ss 0:17.53 sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
+ @status = mock(:stdout => @stdout, :exitstatus => 0)
+ @provider.stub!(:shell_out!).with(@node[:command][:ps]).and_return(@status)
+ ::File.stub!(:exists?).and_return(false)
+ ::File.stub!(:exists?).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@new_resource.service_name}").and_return(true)
+ @lines = mock("lines")
+ @lines.stub!(:each).and_yield("sshd_enable=\"YES\"").
+ and_yield("#{}_enable=\"YES\"")
+ ::File.stub!(:open).and_return(@lines)
+ @rc_with_name =<<-RC_SAMPLE)
+ ::File.stub!(:open).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@new_resource.service_name}").and_return(@rc_with_name)
+ @provider.stub(:service_enable_variable_name).and_return nil
+ end
+ it "should create a current resource with the name of the new resource" do
+ Chef::Resource::Service.should_receive(:new).and_return(@current_resource)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ end
+ it "should set the current resources service name to the new resources service name" do
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @current_resource.service_name.should == @new_resource.service_name
+ end
+ it "should not raise an exception if the rcscript have a name variable" do
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ lambda { @provider.service_enable_variable_name }.should_not raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service)
+ end
+ describe "when the service supports status" do
+ before do
+ @new_resource.supports({:status => true})
+ end
+ it "should run '/etc/init.d/service_name status'" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@current_resource.service_name} status").and_return(@status)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ end
+ it "should set running to true if the the status command returns 0" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@current_resource.service_name} status").and_return(@status)
+ @current_resource.should_receive(:running).with(true)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ end
+ it "should set running to false if the status command returns anything except 0" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@current_resource.service_name} status").and_raise(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed)
+ @current_resource.should_receive(:running).with(false)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ # @provider.current_resource.running.should be_false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when a status command has been specified" do
+ before do
+ @new_resource.status_command("/bin/chefhasmonkeypants status")
+ end
+ it "should run the services status command if one has been specified" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with("/bin/chefhasmonkeypants status").and_return(@status)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ end
+ end
+ it "should raise error if the node has a nil ps attribute and no other means to get status" do
+ @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = {:ps => nil}
+ @provider.define_resource_requirements
+ lambda { @provider.process_resource_requirements }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service)
+ end
+ it "should raise error if the node has an empty ps attribute and no other means to get status" do
+ @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = {:ps => ""}
+ @provider.define_resource_requirements
+ lambda { @provider.process_resource_requirements }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service)
+ end
+ describe "when executing assertions" do
+ it "should verify that /etc/rc.conf exists" do
+ ::File.should_receive(:exists?).with("/etc/rc.conf")
+ @provider.stub!(:service_enable_variable_name).and_return("#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable")
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ end
+ context "and the init script is not found" do
+ [ "start", "reload", "restart", "enable" ].each do |action|
+ it "should raise an exception when the action is #{action}" do
+ ::File.stub!(:exists?).and_return(false)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.define_resource_requirements
+ @provider.instance_variable_get("@rcd_script_found").should be_false
+ @provider.action = action
+ lambda { @provider.process_resource_requirements }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service)
+ end
+ end
+ [ "stop", "disable" ].each do |action|
+ it "should not raise an error when the action is #{action}" do
+ @provider.action = action
+ lambda { @provider.process_resource_requirements }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it "update state when current resource enabled state could not be determined" do
+ ::File.should_receive(:exists?).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return false
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.instance_variable_get("@enabled_state_found").should be_false
+ end
+ it "update state when current resource enabled state could be determined" do
+ ::File.stub!(:exist?).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@new_resource.service_name}").and_return(true)
+ ::File.should_receive(:exists?).with("/etc/rc.conf").and_return true
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.instance_variable_get("@enabled_state_found").should be_false
+ @provider.instance_variable_get("@rcd_script_found").should be_true
+ @provider.define_resource_requirements
+ lambda { @provider.process_resource_requirements }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service,
+ "Could not find the service name in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@current_resource.service_name} and rcvar")
+ end
+ it "should throw an exception if service line is missing from rc.d script" do
+ pending "not implemented" do
+ false.should be_true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when we have a 'ps' attribute" do
+ before do
+ @node.automatic_attrs[:command] = {:ps => "ps -ax"}
+ end
+ it "should shell_out! the node's ps command" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out!).with(@node[:command][:ps]).and_return(@status)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ end
+ it "should read stdout of the ps command" do
+ @provider.stub!(:shell_out!).and_return(@status)
+ @stdout.should_receive(:each_line).and_return(true)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ end
+ it "should set running to true if the regex matches the output" do
+ @stdout.stub!(:each_line).and_yield("555 ?? Ss 0:05.16 /usr/sbin/cron -s").
+ and_yield(" 9881 ?? Ss 0:06.67 /usr/local/sbin/httpd -DNOHTTPACCEPT")
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @current_resource.running.should be_true
+ end
+ it "should set running to false if the regex doesn't match" do
+ @provider.stub!(:shell_out!).and_return(@status)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @current_resource.running.should be_false
+ end
+ it "should raise an exception if ps fails" do
+ @provider.stub!(:shell_out!).and_raise(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed)
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.define_resource_requirements
+ lambda { @provider.process_resource_requirements }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should return the current resource" do
+ @provider.load_current_resource.should eql(@current_resource)
+ end
+ describe "when starting the service" do
+ it "should call the start command if one is specified" do
+ @new_resource.start_command("/etc/rc.d/chef startyousillysally")
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out!).with("/etc/rc.d/chef startyousillysally")
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.start_service()
+ end
+ it "should call '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/service_name faststart' if no start command is specified" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out!).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@new_resource.service_name} faststart")
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.start_service()
+ end
+ end
+ describe Chef::Provider::Service::Init, "stop_service" do
+ it "should call the stop command if one is specified" do
+ @new_resource.stop_command("/etc/init.d/chef itoldyoutostop")
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out!).with("/etc/init.d/chef itoldyoutostop")
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.stop_service()
+ end
+ it "should call '/usr/local/etc/rc.d/service_name faststop' if no stop command is specified" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out!).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@new_resource.service_name} faststop")
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.stop_service()
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when restarting a service" do
+ it "should call 'restart' on the service_name if the resource supports it" do
+ @new_resource.supports({:restart => true})
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out!).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@new_resource.service_name} fastrestart")
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.restart_service()
+ end
+ it "should call the restart_command if one has been specified" do
+ @new_resource.restart_command("/etc/init.d/chef restartinafire")
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out!).with("/etc/init.d/chef restartinafire")
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.restart_service()
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when the rcscript does not have a name variable" do
+ before do
+ @rc_without_name =<<-RC_SAMPLE)
+ ::File.stub!(:open).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@current_resource.service_name}").and_return(@rc_with_noname)
+ @provider.current_resource = @current_resource
+ end
+ describe "when rcvar returns foobar_enable" do
+ before do
+ @rcvar_stdout = <<RCVAR_SAMPLE
+# apache22
+# #{@current_resource.service_name}_enable="YES"
+# (default: "")
+ @status = mock(:stdout => @rcvar_stdout, :exitstatus => 0)
+ @provider.stub!(:shell_out!).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@current_resource.service_name} rcvar").and_return(@status)
+ end
+ it "should get the service name from rcvar if the rcscript does not have a name variable" do
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.unstub!(:service_enable_variable_name)
+ @provider.service_enable_variable_name.should == "#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable"
+ end
+ it "should not raise an exception if the rcscript does not have a name variable" do
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ lambda { @provider.service_enable_variable_name }.should_not raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when rcvar does not return foobar_enable" do
+ before do
+ @rcvar_stdout = <<RCVAR_SAMPLE
+# service_with_noname
+ @status = mock(:stdout => @rcvar_stdout, :exitstatus => 0)
+ @provider.stub!(:shell_out!).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@current_resource.service_name} rcvar").and_return(@status)
+ end
+ [ "start", "reload", "restart", "enable" ].each do |action|
+ it "should raise an exception when the action is #{action}" do
+ @provider.action = action
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.define_resource_requirements
+ lambda { @provider.process_resource_requirements }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service)
+ end
+ end
+ [ "stop", "disable" ].each do |action|
+ it "should not raise an error when the action is #{action}" do
+ ::File.stub!(:exist?).with("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/#{@new_resource.service_name}").and_return(true)
+ @provider.action = action
+ @provider.load_current_resource
+ @provider.define_resource_requirements
+ lambda { @provider.process_resource_requirements }.should_not raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::Service)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd, "enable_service" do
+ before do
+ @provider.current_resource = @current_resource
+ @provider.stub!(:service_enable_variable_name).and_return("#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable")
+ end
+ it "should enable the service if it is not enabled" do
+ @current_resource.stub!(:enabled).and_return(false)
+ @provider.should_receive(:read_rc_conf).and_return([ "foo", "#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable=\"NO\"", "bar" ])
+ @provider.should_receive(:write_rc_conf).with(["foo", "bar", "#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\""])
+ @provider.enable_service()
+ end
+ it "should enable the service if it is not enabled and not already specified in the rc.conf file" do
+ @current_resource.stub!(:enabled).and_return(false)
+ @provider.should_receive(:read_rc_conf).and_return([ "foo", "bar" ])
+ @provider.should_receive(:write_rc_conf).with(["foo", "bar", "#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\""])
+ @provider.enable_service()
+ end
+ it "should not enable the service if it is already enabled" do
+ @current_resource.stub!(:enabled).and_return(true)
+ @provider.should_not_receive(:write_rc_conf)
+ @provider.enable_service
+ end
+ end
+ describe Chef::Provider::Service::Freebsd, "disable_service" do
+ before do
+ @provider.current_resource = @current_resource
+ @provider.stub!(:service_enable_variable_name).and_return("#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable")
+ end
+ it "should should disable the service if it is not disabled" do
+ @current_resource.stub!(:enabled).and_return(true)
+ @provider.should_receive(:read_rc_conf).and_return([ "foo", "#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable=\"YES\"", "bar" ])
+ @provider.should_receive(:write_rc_conf).with(["foo", "bar", "#{@current_resource.service_name}_enable=\"NO\""])
+ @provider.disable_service()
+ end
+ it "should not disable the service if it is already disabled" do
+ @current_resource.stub!(:enabled).and_return(false)
+ @provider.should_not_receive(:write_rc_conf)
+ @provider.disable_service()
+ end
+ end