path: root/spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb
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index 0000000000..3894cd61b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/user/dscl_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+# Author:: Dreamcat4 (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 OpsCode, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ShellCmdResult =, :stderr, :exitstatus)
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'ostruct'
+describe Chef::Provider::User::Dscl do
+ before do
+ @node =
+ @events =
+ @run_context =, {}, @events)
+ @new_resource ="toor")
+ @provider =, @run_context)
+ end
+ describe "when shelling out to dscl" do
+ it "should run dscl with the supplied cmd /Path args" do
+ shell_return ='stdout', 'err', 0)
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with("dscl . -cmd /Path args").and_return(shell_return)
+ @provider.safe_dscl("cmd /Path args").should == 'stdout'
+ end
+ it "returns an empty string from delete commands" do
+ shell_return ='out', 'err', 23)
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with("dscl . -delete /Path args").and_return(shell_return)
+ @provider.safe_dscl("delete /Path args").should == ""
+ end
+ it "should raise an exception for any other command" do
+ shell_return ='out', 'err', 23)
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with('dscl . -cmd /Path arguments').and_return(shell_return)
+ lambda { @provider.safe_dscl("cmd /Path arguments") }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::DsclCommandFailed)
+ end
+ it "raises an exception when dscl reports 'no such key'" do
+ shell_return ="No such key: ", 'err', 23)
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with('dscl . -cmd /Path args').and_return(shell_return)
+ lambda { @provider.safe_dscl("cmd /Path args") }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::DsclCommandFailed)
+ end
+ it "raises an exception when dscl reports 'eDSRecordNotFound'" do
+ shell_return ="<dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14136 (eDSRecordNotFound)", 'err', -14136)
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with('dscl . -cmd /Path args').and_return(shell_return)
+ lambda { @provider.safe_dscl("cmd /Path args") }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::DsclCommandFailed)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "get_free_uid" do
+ before do
+ @provider.stub!(:safe_dscl).and_return("\nwheel 200\nstaff 201\n")
+ end
+ it "should run safe_dscl with list /Users uid" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("list /Users uid")
+ @provider.get_free_uid
+ end
+ it "should return the first unused uid number on or above 200" do
+ @provider.get_free_uid.should == 202
+ end
+ it "should raise an exception when the search limit is exhausted" do
+ search_limit = 1
+ lambda { @provider.get_free_uid(search_limit) }.should raise_error(RuntimeError)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "uid_used?" do
+ before do
+ @provider.stub!(:safe_dscl).and_return("\naj 500\n")
+ end
+ it "should run safe_dscl with list /Users uid" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("list /Users uid")
+ @provider.uid_used?(500)
+ end
+ it "should return true for a used uid number" do
+ @provider.uid_used?(500).should be_true
+ end
+ it "should return false for an unused uid number" do
+ @provider.uid_used?(501).should be_false
+ end
+ it "should return false if not given any valid uid number" do
+ @provider.uid_used?(nil).should be_false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when determining the uid to set" do
+ it "raises RequestedUIDUnavailable if the requested uid is already in use" do
+ @provider.stub!(:uid_used?).and_return(true)
+ @provider.should_receive(:get_free_uid).and_return(501)
+ lambda { @provider.set_uid }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RequestedUIDUnavailable)
+ end
+ it "finds a valid, unused uid when none is specified" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("list /Users uid").and_return('')
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor UniqueID 501")
+ @provider.should_receive(:get_free_uid).and_return(501)
+ @provider.set_uid
+ @new_resource.uid.should == 501
+ end
+ it "sets the uid specified in the resource" do
+ @new_resource.uid(1000)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor UniqueID 1000").and_return(true)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("list /Users uid").and_return('')
+ @provider.set_uid
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when modifying the home directory" do
+ before do
+ @new_resource.supports({ :manage_home => true })
+ @new_resource.home('/Users/toor')
+ @current_resource = @new_resource.dup
+ @provider.current_resource = @current_resource
+ end
+ it "deletes the home directory when resource#home is nil" do
+ @new_resource.instance_variable_set(:@home, nil)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("delete /Users/toor NFSHomeDirectory").and_return(true)
+ @provider.modify_home
+ end
+ it "raises InvalidHomeDirectory when the resource's home directory doesn't look right" do
+ @new_resource.home('epic-fail')
+ lambda { @provider.modify_home }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidHomeDirectory)
+ end
+ it "moves the users home to the new location if it exists and the target location is different" do
+ @new_resource.supports(:manage_home => true)
+ current_home = CHEF_SPEC_DATA + '/old_home_dir'
+ current_home_files = [current_home + '/my-dot-emacs', current_home + '/my-dot-vim']
+ @current_resource.home(current_home)
+ @new_resource.gid(23)
+ ::File.stub!(:exists?).with('/old/home/toor').and_return(true)
+ ::File.stub!(:exists?).with('/Users/toor').and_return(true)
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).with('/Users/toor').and_return(true)
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:rmdir).with(current_home)
+ ::Dir.should_receive(:glob).with("#{CHEF_SPEC_DATA}/old_home_dir/*",::File::FNM_DOTMATCH).and_return(current_home_files)
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:mv).with(current_home_files, "/Users/toor", :force => true)
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:chown_R).with('toor','23','/Users/toor')
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor NFSHomeDirectory '/Users/toor'")
+ @provider.modify_home
+ end
+ it "should raise an exception when the systems user template dir (skel) cannot be found" do
+ ::File.stub!(:exists?).and_return(false,false,false)
+ lambda { @provider.modify_home }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::User)
+ end
+ it "should run ditto to copy any missing files from skel to the new home dir" do
+ ::File.should_receive(:exists?).with("/System/Library/User\ Template/English.lproj").and_return(true)
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:chown_R).with('toor', '', '/Users/toor')
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out!).with("ditto '/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj' '/Users/toor'")
+ @provider.ditto_home
+ end
+ it "creates the user's NFSHomeDirectory and home directory" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor NFSHomeDirectory '/Users/toor'").and_return(true)
+ @provider.should_receive(:ditto_home)
+ @provider.modify_home
+ end
+ end
+ describe "osx_shadow_hash?" do
+ it "should return true when the string is a shadow hash" do
+ @provider.osx_shadow_hash?("0"*8*155).should eql(true)
+ end
+ it "should return false otherwise" do
+ @provider.osx_shadow_hash?("any other string").should eql(false)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when detecting the format of a password" do
+ it "detects a OS X salted sha1" do
+ @provider.osx_salted_sha1?("0"*48).should eql(true)
+ @provider.osx_salted_sha1?("any other string").should eql(false)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "guid" do
+ it "should run safe_dscl with read /Users/user GeneratedUID to get the users GUID" do
+ expected_uuid = "b398449e-cee0-45e0-80f8-b0b5b1bfdeaa"
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor GeneratedUID").and_return(expected_uuid + "\n")
+ @provider.guid.should == expected_uuid
+ end
+ end
+ describe "shadow_hash_set?" do
+ it "should run safe_dscl with read /Users/user to see if the AuthenticationAuthority key exists" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor")
+ @provider.shadow_hash_set?
+ end
+ describe "when the user account has an AuthenticationAuthority key" do
+ it "uses the shadow hash when there is a ShadowHash field in the AuthenticationAuthority key" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority: ;ShadowHash;\n")
+ @provider.shadow_hash_set?.should be_true
+ end
+ it "does not use the shadow hash when there is no ShadowHash field in the AuthenticationAuthority key" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority: \n")
+ @provider.shadow_hash_set?.should be_false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with no AuthenticationAuthority key in the user account" do
+ it "does not use the shadow hash" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("")
+ @provider.shadow_hash_set?.should eql(false)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when setting or modifying the user password" do
+ before do
+ @new_resource.password("password")
+ @output =
+ end
+ describe "when using a salted sha1 for the password" do
+ before do
+ @new_resource.password("F"*48)
+ end
+ it "should write a shadow hash file with the expected salted sha1" do
+ uuid = "B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA"
+ File.should_receive(:open).with('/var/db/shadow/hash/B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA', "w", 384).and_yield(@output)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor GeneratedUID").and_return(uuid)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority: ;ShadowHash;\n")
+ expected_salted_sha1 = @new_resource.password
+ expected_shadow_hash = "00000000"*155
+ expected_shadow_hash[168] = expected_salted_sha1
+ @provider.modify_password
+ @output.string.strip.should == expected_shadow_hash
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when given a shadow hash file for the password" do
+ it "should write the shadow hash file directly to /var/db/shadow/hash/GUID" do
+ shadow_hash = '0123456789ABCDE0123456789ABCDEF' * 40
+ raise 'oops' unless shadow_hash.size == 1240
+ @new_resource.password shadow_hash
+ uuid = "B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA"
+ File.should_receive(:open).with('/var/db/shadow/hash/B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA', "w", 384).and_yield(@output)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor GeneratedUID").and_return(uuid)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority: ;ShadowHash;\n")
+ @provider.modify_password
+ @output.string.strip.should == shadow_hash
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when given a string for the password" do
+ it "should output a salted sha1 and shadow hash file from the specified password" do
+ uuid = "B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA"
+ File.should_receive(:open).with('/var/db/shadow/hash/B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA', "w", 384).and_yield(@output)
+ @new_resource.password("password")
+ OpenSSL::Random.stub!(:random_bytes).and_return("\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377")
+ expected_salted_sha1 = "F"*8+"SHA1-"*8
+ expected_shadow_hash = "00000000"*155
+ expected_shadow_hash[168] = expected_salted_sha1
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor GeneratedUID").and_return(uuid)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority: ;ShadowHash;\n")
+ @provider.modify_password
+ @output.string.strip.should match(/^0{168}(FFFFFFFF1C1AA7935D4E1190AFEC92343F31F7671FBF126D)0{1071}$/)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should write the output directly to the shadow hash file at /var/db/shadow/hash/GUID" do
+ shadow_file =
+ uuid = "B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA"
+ File.should_receive(:open).with("/var/db/shadow/hash/B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA",'w',0600).and_yield(shadow_file)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor GeneratedUID").and_return(uuid)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority: ;ShadowHash;\n")
+ @provider.modify_password
+ shadow_file.string.should match(/^0{168}[0-9A-F]{48}0{1071}$/)
+ end
+ it "should run safe_dscl append /Users/user AuthenticationAuthority ;ShadowHash; when no shadow hash set" do
+ shadow_file =
+ uuid = "B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA"
+ File.should_receive(:open).with("/var/db/shadow/hash/B398449E-CEE0-45E0-80F8-B0B5B1BFDEAA",'w',0600).and_yield(shadow_file)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor GeneratedUID").and_return(uuid)
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority:\n")
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("append /Users/toor AuthenticationAuthority ';ShadowHash;'")
+ @provider.modify_password
+ shadow_file.string.should match(/^0{168}[0-9A-F]{48}0{1071}$/)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "load_current_resource" do
+ it "should raise an error if the required binary /usr/bin/dscl doesn't exist" do
+ ::File.should_receive(:exists?).with("/usr/bin/dscl").and_return(false)
+ lambda { @provider.load_current_resource }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::User)
+ end
+ it "shouldn't raise an error if /usr/bin/dscl exists" do
+ ::File.stub!(:exists?).and_return(true)
+ lambda { @provider.load_current_resource }.should_not raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::User)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when the user does not yet exist and chef is creating it" do
+ context "with a numeric gid" do
+ before do
+ @new_resource.comment "#mockssuck"
+ @new_resource.gid 1001
+ end
+ it "creates the user, comment field, sets uid, gid, configures the home directory, sets the shell, and sets the password" do
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_create_user
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_create_comment
+ @provider.should_receive :set_uid
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_set_gid
+ @provider.should_receive :modify_home
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_set_shell
+ @provider.should_receive :modify_password
+ @provider.create_user
+ end
+ it "creates the user and sets the comment field" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor").and_return(true)
+ @provider.dscl_create_user
+ end
+ it "sets the comment field" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor RealName '#mockssuck'").and_return(true)
+ @provider.dscl_create_comment
+ end
+ it "should run safe_dscl with create /Users/user PrimaryGroupID to set the users primary group" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor PrimaryGroupID '1001'").and_return(true)
+ @provider.dscl_set_gid
+ end
+ it "should run safe_dscl with create /Users/user UserShell to set the users login shell" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor UserShell '/usr/bin/false'").and_return(true)
+ @provider.dscl_set_shell
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a non-numeric gid" do
+ before do
+ @new_resource.comment "#mockssuck"
+ @new_resource.gid "newgroup"
+ end
+ it "should map the group name to a numeric ID when the group exists" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Groups/newgroup PrimaryGroupID").ordered.and_return("PrimaryGroupID: 1001\n")
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor PrimaryGroupID '1001'").ordered.and_return(true)
+ @provider.dscl_set_gid
+ end
+ it "should raise an exception when the group does not exist" do
+ shell_return ="<dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14136 (eDSRecordNotFound)", 'err', -14136)
+ @provider.should_receive(:shell_out).with('dscl . -read /Groups/newgroup PrimaryGroupID').and_return(shell_return)
+ lambda { @provider.dscl_set_gid }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::GroupIDNotFound)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when the user exists and chef is managing it" do
+ before do
+ @current_resource = @new_resource.dup
+ @provider.current_resource = @current_resource
+ # These are all different from @current_resource
+ @new_resource.username "mud"
+ @new_resource.uid 2342
+ @new_resource.gid 2342
+ @new_resource.home '/Users/death'
+ @new_resource.password 'goaway'
+ end
+ it "sets the user, comment field, uid, gid, moves the home directory, sets the shell, and sets the password" do
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_create_user
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_create_comment
+ @provider.should_receive :set_uid
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_set_gid
+ @provider.should_receive :modify_home
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_set_shell
+ @provider.should_receive :modify_password
+ @provider.create_user
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when changing the gid" do
+ before do
+ @current_resource = @new_resource.dup
+ @provider.current_resource = @current_resource
+ # This is different from @current_resource
+ @new_resource.gid 2342
+ end
+ it "sets the gid" do
+ @provider.should_receive :dscl_set_gid
+ @provider.manage_user
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when the user exists and chef is removing it" do
+ it "removes the user's home directory when the resource is configured to manage home" do
+ @new_resource.supports({ :manage_home => true })
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor").and_return("NFSHomeDirectory: /Users/fuuuuuuuuuuuuu")
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("delete /Users/toor")
+ FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_rf).with("/Users/fuuuuuuuuuuuuu")
+ @provider.remove_user
+ end
+ it "removes the user from any group memberships" do
+ Etc.stub(:group).and_yield( => 'ragefisters', :mem => 'toor'))
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("delete /Users/toor")
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("delete /Groups/ragefisters GroupMembership 'toor'")
+ @provider.remove_user
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when discovering if a user is locked" do
+ it "determines the user is not locked when dscl shows an AuthenticationAuthority without a DisabledUser field" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor")
+ @provider.should_not be_locked
+ end
+ it "determines the user is locked when dscl shows an AuthenticationAuthority with a DisabledUser field" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with('read /Users/toor').and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority: ;DisabledUser;\n")
+ @provider.should be_locked
+ end
+ it "determines the user is not locked when dscl shows no AuthenticationAuthority" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with('read /Users/toor').and_return("\n")
+ @provider.should_not be_locked
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when locking the user" do
+ it "should run safe_dscl with append /Users/user AuthenticationAuthority ;DisabledUser; to lock the user account" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("append /Users/toor AuthenticationAuthority ';DisabledUser;'")
+ @provider.lock_user
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when unlocking the user" do
+ it "removes DisabledUser from the authentication string" do
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("read /Users/toor AuthenticationAuthority").and_return("\nAuthenticationAuthority: ;ShadowHash; ;DisabledUser;\n")
+ @provider.should_receive(:safe_dscl).with("create /Users/toor AuthenticationAuthority ';ShadowHash;'")
+ @provider.unlock_user
+ end
+ end