path: root/spec/unit/rest_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/rest_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/rest_spec.rb b/spec/unit/rest_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5eacf89eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/rest_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+# Author:: Adam Jacob (<>)
+# Author:: Christopher Brown (<>)
+# Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<>)
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc.
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010 Opscode, Inc.
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'uri'
+require 'net/https'
+require 'stringio'
+describe Chef::REST do
+ before(:each) do
+ @log_stringio =
+ Chef::Log.init(@log_stringio)
+ Chef::REST::CookieJar.stub!(:instance).and_return({})
+ @base_url = ""
+ @monkey_uri = URI.parse("")
+ @rest =, nil, nil)
+ Chef::REST::CookieJar.instance.clear
+ end
+ describe "calling an HTTP verb on a path or absolute URL" do
+ it "adds a relative URL to the base url it was initialized with" do
+ @rest.create_url("foo/bar/baz").should == URI.parse(@base_url + "/foo/bar/baz")
+ end
+ it "replaces the base URL when given an absolute URL" do
+ @rest.create_url("").should == URI.parse("")
+ end
+ it "makes a :GET request with the composed url object" do
+ @rest.should_receive(:api_request).with(:GET, @monkey_uri, {})
+ @rest.get_rest("monkey")
+ end
+ it "makes a :GET reqest for a streaming download with the composed url" do
+ @rest.should_receive(:streaming_request).with(@monkey_uri, {})
+ @rest.get_rest("monkey", true)
+ end
+ it "makes a :DELETE request with the composed url object" do
+ @rest.should_receive(:api_request).with(:DELETE, @monkey_uri, {})
+ @rest.delete_rest("monkey")
+ end
+ it "makes a :POST request with the composed url object and data" do
+ @rest.should_receive(:api_request).with(:POST, @monkey_uri, {}, "data")
+ @rest.post_rest("monkey", "data")
+ end
+ it "makes a :PUT request with the composed url object and data" do
+ @rest.should_receive(:api_request).with(:PUT, @monkey_uri, {}, "data")
+ @rest.put_rest("monkey", "data")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when configured to authenticate to the Chef server" do
+ before do
+ @url = URI.parse("")
+ Chef::Config[:node_name] = ""
+ Chef::Config[:client_key] = CHEF_SPEC_DATA + "/ssl/private_key.pem"
+ @rest =
+ end
+ it "configures itself to use the node_name and client_key in the config by default" do
+ @rest.client_name.should == ""
+ @rest.signing_key_filename.should == CHEF_SPEC_DATA + "/ssl/private_key.pem"
+ end
+ it "provides access to the raw key data" do
+ @rest.signing_key.should == SIGNING_KEY_DOT_PEM
+ end
+ it "does not error out when initialized without credentials" do
+ @rest =, nil, nil) #should_not raise_error hides the bt from you, so screw it.
+ @rest.client_name.should be_nil
+ @rest.signing_key.should be_nil
+ end
+ it "indicates that requests should not be signed when it has no credentials" do
+ @rest =, nil, nil)
+ @rest.sign_requests?.should be_false
+ end
+ it "raises PrivateKeyMissing when the key file doesn't exist" do
+ lambda {, "client-name", "/dev/null/nothing_here")}.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::PrivateKeyMissing)
+ end
+ it "raises InvalidPrivateKey when the key file doesnt' look like a key" do
+ invalid_key_file = CHEF_SPEC_DATA + "/bad-config.rb"
+ lambda {, "client-name", invalid_key_file)}.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidPrivateKey)
+ end
+ it "can take private key as a sting :raw_key in options during initializaton" do
+, "client-name", nil, :raw_key => SIGNING_KEY_DOT_PEM).signing_key.should == SIGNING_KEY_DOT_PEM
+ end
+ it "raises InvalidPrivateKey when the key passed as string :raw_key in options doesnt' look like a key" do
+ lambda {, "client-name", nil, :raw_key => "bad key string")}.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidPrivateKey)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when making REST requests" do
+ before(:each) do
+ Chef::Config[:ssl_client_cert] = nil
+ Chef::Config[:ssl_client_key] = nil
+ @url = URI.parse("https://one:80/?foo=bar")
+ @http_response ="1.1", "200", "successful rest req")
+ @http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @http_response.stub!(:body).and_return("ninja")
+ @http_response.add_field("Content-Length", "5")
+ @http_client =, @url.port)
+ Net::HTTP.stub!(:new).and_return(@http_client)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(@http_response).and_return(@http_response)
+ @base_headers = { 'Accept' => 'application/json',
+ 'X-Chef-Version' => Chef::VERSION,
+ 'Accept-Encoding' => Chef::REST::RESTRequest::ENCODING_GZIP_DEFLATE}
+ @req_with_body_headers = @base_headers.merge("Content-Type" => "application/json", "Content-Length" => '13')
+ end
+ describe "using the run_request API" do
+ it "should build a new HTTP GET request" do
+ request =
+ Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", @base_headers).and_return(request)
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {})
+ end
+ it "should build a new HTTP POST request" do
+ request =
+ Net::HTTP::Post.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", @req_with_body_headers).and_return(request)
+ @rest.run_request(:POST, @url, {}, {:one=>:two})
+ request.body.should == '{"one":"two"}'
+ end
+ it "should build a new HTTP PUT request" do
+ request =
+ expected_headers = @base_headers.merge("Content-Length" => '13')
+ Net::HTTP::Put.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", @req_with_body_headers).and_return(request)
+ @rest.run_request(:PUT, @url, {}, {:one=>:two})
+ request.body.should == '{"one":"two"}'
+ end
+ it "should build a new HTTP DELETE request" do
+ request =
+ Net::HTTP::Delete.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", @base_headers).and_return(request)
+ @rest.run_request(:DELETE, @url)
+ end
+ it "should raise an error if the method is not GET/PUT/POST/DELETE" do
+ lambda { @rest.api_request(:MONKEY, @url) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "returns the response body when the response is successful but content-type is not JSON" do
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url).should == "ninja"
+ end
+ it "should call read_body without a block if the request is not raw" do
+ @http_response.should_receive(:body)
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}, nil, false)
+ end
+ it "should inflate the body as to an object if JSON is returned" do
+ @http_response.add_field("content-type", "application/json")
+ Chef::JSONCompat.should_receive(:from_json).with("ninja").and_return("ohai2u_success")
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}).should == "ohai2u_success"
+ end
+ it "should return false on a Not Modified response" do
+ http_response ="1.1", "304", "It's old Bob")
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url).should be_false
+ end
+ %w[ HTTPFound HTTPMovedPermanently HTTPSeeOther HTTPUseProxy HTTPTemporaryRedirect HTTPMultipleChoice ].each do |resp_name|
+ it "should call run_request again on a #{resp_name} response" do
+ resp_cls = Net.const_get(resp_name)
+ resp_code = Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ.keys.detect { |k| Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ[k] == resp_cls }
+ http_response ="1.1", resp_code, "bob somewhere else")
+ http_response.add_field("location", @url.path)
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ lambda { @rest.run_request(:GET, @url) }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RedirectLimitExceeded)
+ end
+ end
+ # CHEF-3140
+ context "when configured to disable compression" do
+ before do
+ @rest =, nil, nil, :disable_gzip => true)
+ end
+ it "does not accept encoding gzip" do
+ @rest.send(:build_headers, :GET, @url, {}).should_not have_key("Accept-Encoding")
+ end
+ it "does not decompress a response encoded as gzip" do
+ @http_response.add_field("content-encoding", "gzip")
+ request =
+ Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).and_return(request)
+ # will raise a Zlib error if incorrect
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url, {}).should == "ninja"
+ end
+ end
+ it "should show the JSON error message on an unsuccessful request" do
+ http_response ="1.1", "500", "drooling from inside of mouth")
+ http_response.add_field("content-type", "application/json")
+ http_response.stub!(:body).and_return('{ "error":[ "Ears get sore!", "Not even four" ] }')
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ @rest.stub!(:sleep)
+ lambda {@rest.run_request(:GET, @url)}.should raise_error(Net::HTTPFatalError)
+ @log_stringio.string.should match(Regexp.escape('WARN: HTTP Request Returned 500 drooling from inside of mouth: Ears get sore!, Not even four'))
+ end
+ it "should raise an exception on an unsuccessful request" do
+ @http_response ="1.1", "500", "drooling from inside of mouth")
+ http_response ="1.1", "500", "drooling from inside of mouth")
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @rest.stub!(:sleep)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ lambda {@rest.run_request(:GET, @url)}.should raise_error(Net::HTTPFatalError)
+ end
+ it "adds the rest_request object to any http exception raised" do
+ @http_response ="1.1", "500", "drooling from inside of mouth")
+ http_response ="1.1", "500", "drooling from inside of mouth")
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @rest.stub!(:sleep)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ exception = begin
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url, {})
+ rescue => e
+ e
+ end
+ e.chef_rest_request.url.should == @url
+ e.chef_rest_request.method.should == :GET
+ end
+ describe "streaming downloads to a tempfile" do
+ before do
+ @tempfile ="chef-rspec-rest_spec-line-#{__LINE__}--")
+ Tempfile.stub!(:new).with("chef-rest").and_return(@tempfile)
+ Tempfile.stub!(:open).and_return(@tempfile)
+ @request_mock = {}
+ Net::HTTP::Get.stub!(:new).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @http_response_mock = mock("Net::HTTP Response mock")
+ end
+ after do
+ @tempfile.rspec_reset
+ @tempfile.close!
+ end
+ it "should build a new HTTP GET request without the application/json accept header" do
+ expected_headers = {'X-Chef-Version' => Chef::VERSION, 'Accept-Encoding' => Chef::REST::RESTRequest::ENCODING_GZIP_DEFLATE}
+ Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", expected_headers).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}, false, nil, true)
+ end
+ it "should create a tempfile for the output of a raw request" do
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}, false, nil, true).should equal(@tempfile)
+ end
+ it "should read the body of the response in chunks on a raw request" do
+ @http_response.should_receive(:read_body).and_return(true)
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}, false, nil, true)
+ end
+ it "should populate the tempfile with the value of the raw request" do
+ @http_response_mock.stub!(:read_body).and_yield("ninja")
+ @tempfile.should_receive(:write).with("ninja").once.and_return(true)
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}, false, nil, true)
+ end
+ it "should close the tempfile if we're doing a raw request" do
+ @tempfile.should_receive(:close).once.and_return(true)
+ @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}, false, nil, true)
+ end
+ it "should not raise a divide by zero exception if the size is 0" do
+ @http_response_mock.stub!(:header).and_return({ 'Content-Length' => "5" })
+ @http_response_mock.stub!(:read_body).and_yield('')
+ lambda { @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}, false, nil, true) }.should_not raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ end
+ it "should not raise a divide by zero exception if the Content-Length is 0" do
+ @http_response_mock.stub!(:header).and_return({ 'Content-Length' => "0" })
+ @http_response_mock.stub!(:read_body).and_yield("ninja")
+ lambda { @rest.run_request(:GET, @url, {}, false, nil, true) }.should_not raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "as JSON API requests" do
+ before do
+ @request_mock = {}
+ Net::HTTP::Get.stub!(:new).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @base_headers = {"Accept" => "application/json",
+ "X-Chef-Version" => Chef::VERSION,
+ "Accept-Encoding" => Chef::REST::RESTRequest::ENCODING_GZIP_DEFLATE
+ }
+ end
+ it "should always include the X-Chef-Version header" do
+ Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", @base_headers).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url, {})
+ end
+ it "sets the user agent to chef-client" do
+ # must reset to default b/c knife changes the UA
+ Chef::REST::RESTRequest.user_agent = Chef::REST::RESTRequest::DEFAULT_UA
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url, {})
+ @request_mock['User-Agent'].should match /^Chef Client\/#{Chef::VERSION}/
+ end
+ context "when configured with custom http headers" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @custom_headers = {
+ 'X-Custom-ChefSecret' => 'sharpknives',
+ 'X-Custom-RequestPriority' => 'extremely low'
+ }
+ Chef::Config[:custom_http_headers] = @custom_headers
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Chef::Config[:custom_http_headers] = nil
+ end
+ it "should set them on the http request" do
+ url_string = an_instance_of(String)
+ header_hash = hash_including(@custom_headers)
+ Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with(url_string, header_hash)
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url, {})
+ end
+ end
+ it "should set the cookie for this request if one exists for the given host:port" do
+ Chef::REST::CookieJar.instance["#{}:#{@url.port}"] = "cookie monster"
+ Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", @base_headers.merge('Cookie' => "cookie monster")).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url, {})
+ end
+ it "should build a new HTTP GET request" do
+ Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", @base_headers).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url, {})
+ end
+ it "should build a new HTTP POST request" do
+ request =
+ expected_headers = @base_headers.merge("Content-Type" => 'application/json', 'Content-Length' => '13')
+ Net::HTTP::Post.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", expected_headers).and_return(request)
+ @rest.api_request(:POST, @url, {}, {:one=>:two})
+ request.body.should == '{"one":"two"}'
+ end
+ it "should build a new HTTP PUT request" do
+ request =
+ expected_headers = @base_headers.merge("Content-Type" => 'application/json', 'Content-Length' => '13')
+ Net::HTTP::Put.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar",expected_headers).and_return(request)
+ @rest.api_request(:PUT, @url, {}, {:one=>:two})
+ request.body.should == '{"one":"two"}'
+ end
+ it "should build a new HTTP DELETE request" do
+ Net::HTTP::Delete.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", @base_headers).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @rest.api_request(:DELETE, @url)
+ end
+ it "should raise an error if the method is not GET/PUT/POST/DELETE" do
+ lambda { @rest.api_request(:MONKEY, @url) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
+ it "returns nil when the response is successful but content-type is not JSON" do
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url).should == "ninja"
+ end
+ it "should inflate the body as to an object if JSON is returned" do
+ @http_response.add_field('content-type', "application/json")
+ @http_response.stub!(:body).and_return('{"ohai2u":"json_api"}')
+ @rest.api_request(:GET, @url, {}).should == {"ohai2u"=>"json_api"}
+ end
+ %w[ HTTPFound HTTPMovedPermanently HTTPSeeOther HTTPUseProxy HTTPTemporaryRedirect HTTPMultipleChoice ].each do |resp_name|
+ it "should call api_request again on a #{resp_name} response" do
+ resp_cls = Net.const_get(resp_name)
+ resp_code = Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ.keys.detect { |k| Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ[k] == resp_cls }
+ http_response ="1.1", resp_code, "bob is somewhere else again")
+ http_response.add_field("location", @url.path)
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ lambda { @rest.api_request(:GET, @url) }.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RedirectLimitExceeded)
+ end
+ end
+ it "should show the JSON error message on an unsuccessful request" do
+ http_response ="1.1", "500", "drooling from inside of mouth")
+ http_response.add_field("content-type", "application/json")
+ http_response.stub!(:body).and_return('{ "error":[ "Ears get sore!", "Not even four" ] }')
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @rest.stub!(:sleep)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ lambda {@rest.run_request(:GET, @url)}.should raise_error(Net::HTTPFatalError)
+ @log_stringio.string.should match(Regexp.escape('WARN: HTTP Request Returned 500 drooling from inside of mouth: Ears get sore!, Not even four'))
+ end
+ it "decompresses the JSON error message on an unsuccessful request" do
+ http_response ="1.1", "500", "drooling from inside of mouth")
+ http_response.add_field("content-type", "application/json")
+ http_response.add_field("content-encoding", "deflate")
+ unzipped_body = '{ "error":[ "Ears get sore!", "Not even four" ] }'
+ gzipped_body = Zlib::Deflate.deflate(unzipped_body, 1)
+ http_response.stub!(:body).and_return gzipped_body
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @rest.stub!(:sleep)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ lambda {@rest.run_request(:GET, @url)}.should raise_error(Net::HTTPFatalError)
+ @log_stringio.string.should match(Regexp.escape('WARN: HTTP Request Returned 500 drooling from inside of mouth: Ears get sore!, Not even four'))
+ end
+ it "should raise an exception on an unsuccessful request" do
+ http_response ="1.1", "500", "drooling from inside of mouth")
+ http_response.stub!(:body)
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @rest.stub!(:sleep)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response)
+ lambda {@rest.api_request(:GET, @url)}.should raise_error(Net::HTTPFatalError)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when streaming downloads to a tempfile" do
+ before do
+ @tempfile ="chef-rspec-rest_spec-line-#{__LINE__}--")
+ Tempfile.stub!(:new).with("chef-rest").and_return(@tempfile)
+ @request_mock = {}
+ Net::HTTP::Get.stub!(:new).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @http_response ="1.1",200, "it-works")
+ @http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(@http_response).and_return(@http_response)
+ end
+ after do
+ @tempfile.rspec_reset
+ @tempfile.close!
+ end
+ it " build a new HTTP GET request without the application/json accept header" do
+ expected_headers = {'X-Chef-Version' => Chef::VERSION, 'Accept-Encoding' => Chef::REST::RESTRequest::ENCODING_GZIP_DEFLATE}
+ Net::HTTP::Get.should_receive(:new).with("/?foo=bar", expected_headers).and_return(@request_mock)
+ @rest.streaming_request(@url, {})
+ end
+ it "returns a tempfile containing the streamed response body" do
+ @rest.streaming_request(@url, {}).should equal(@tempfile)
+ end
+ it "writes the response body to a tempfile" do
+ @http_response.stub!(:read_body).and_yield("real").and_yield("ultimate").and_yield("power")
+ @rest.streaming_request(@url, {})
+ == "realultimatepower"
+ end
+ it "closes the tempfile" do
+ @rest.streaming_request(@url, {})
+ @tempfile.should be_closed
+ end
+ it "yields the tempfile containing the streamed response body and then unlinks it when given a block" do
+ @http_response.stub!(:read_body).and_yield("real").and_yield("ultimate").and_yield("power")
+ tempfile_path = nil
+ @rest.streaming_request(@url, {}) do |tempfile|
+ tempfile_path = tempfile.path
+ File.exist?(tempfile.path).should be_true
+ == "realultimatepower"
+ end
+ File.exist?(tempfile_path).should be_false
+ end
+ it "does not raise a divide by zero exception if the content's actual size is 0" do
+ @http_response.add_field('Content-Length', "5")
+ @http_response.stub!(:read_body).and_yield('')
+ lambda { @rest.streaming_request(@url, {}) }.should_not raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ end
+ it "does not raise a divide by zero exception when the Content-Length is 0" do
+ @http_response.add_field('Content-Length', "0")
+ @http_response.stub!(:read_body).and_yield("ninja")
+ lambda { @rest.streaming_request(@url, {}) }.should_not raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
+ end
+ it "fetches a file and yields the tempfile it is streamed to" do
+ @http_response.stub!(:read_body).and_yield("real").and_yield("ultimate").and_yield("power")
+ tempfile_path = nil
+ @rest.fetch("cookbooks/a_cookbook") do |tempfile|
+ tempfile_path = tempfile.path
+ == "realultimatepower"
+ end
+ File.exist?(tempfile_path).should be_false
+ end
+ it "closes and unlinks the tempfile if there is an error while streaming the content to the tempfile" do
+ path = @tempfile.path
+ path.should_not be_nil
+ @tempfile.stub!(:write).and_raise(IOError)
+ @rest.fetch("cookbooks/a_cookbook") {|tmpfile| "shouldn't get here"}
+ File.exists?(path).should be_false
+ end
+ it "closes and unlinks the tempfile when the response is a redirect" do
+ Tempfile.rspec_reset
+ tempfile = mock("die", :path => "/tmp/ragefist", :close => true, :binmode => nil)
+ tempfile.should_receive(:close!).at_least(2).times
+ Tempfile.stub!(:new).with("chef-rest").and_return(tempfile)
+ http_response ="1.1", "302", "bob is taking care of that one for me today")
+ http_response.add_field("location", @url.path)
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_yield(@http_response).and_return(http_response, @http_response)
+ @rest.fetch("cookbooks/a_cookbook") {|tmpfile| "shouldn't get here"}
+ end
+ it "passes the original block to the redirected request" do
+ Tempfile.rspec_reset
+ http_response ="1.1", "302", "bob is taking care of that one for me today")
+ http_response.add_field("location","/that-thing-is-here-now")
+ http_response.stub!(:read_body)
+ block_called = false
+ @http_client.stub!(:request).and_yield(@http_response).and_return(http_response, @http_response)
+ @rest.fetch("cookbooks/a_cookbook") do |tmpfile|
+ block_called = true
+ end
+ block_called.should be_true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when following redirects" do
+ before do
+ Chef::Config[:node_name] = ""
+ Chef::Config[:client_key] = CHEF_SPEC_DATA + "/ssl/private_key.pem"
+ @rest =
+ end
+ it "raises a RedirectLimitExceeded when redirected more than 10 times" do
+ redirected = lambda {@rest.follow_redirect { }}
+ lambda {}.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RedirectLimitExceeded)
+ end
+ it "does not count redirects from previous calls against the redirect limit" do
+ total_redirects = 0
+ redirected = lambda do
+ @rest.follow_redirect do
+ total_redirects += 1
+ unless total_redirects >= 9
+ end
+ end
+ lambda {}.should_not raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RedirectLimitExceeded)
+ total_redirects = 0
+ lambda {}.should_not raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RedirectLimitExceeded)
+ end
+ it "does not sign the redirected request when sign_on_redirect is false" do
+ @rest.sign_on_redirect = false
+ @rest.follow_redirect { @rest.sign_requests?.should be_false }
+ end
+ it "resets sign_requests to the original value after following an unsigned redirect" do
+ @rest.sign_on_redirect = false
+ @rest.sign_requests?.should be_true
+ @rest.follow_redirect { @rest.sign_requests?.should be_false }
+ @rest.sign_requests?.should be_true
+ end
+ it "configures the redirect limit" do
+ total_redirects = 0
+ redirected = lambda do
+ @rest.follow_redirect do
+ total_redirects += 1
+ unless total_redirects >= 9
+ end
+ end
+ lambda {}.should_not raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RedirectLimitExceeded)
+ total_redirects = 0
+ @rest.redirect_limit = 3
+ lambda {}.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RedirectLimitExceeded)
+ end
+ end