set -e pipefail if [[ -z "${BUILDKITE_BUILD_CREATOR_TEAMS:-}" ]] then echo "- block: Build & Test Omnibus Packages" echo " prompt: Continue to run omnibus package build and tests for applicable platforms?" else echo "- wait: ~" fi FILTER="${OMNIBUS_FILTER:=*}" # array of all container platforms in the format test-platform:build-platform container_platforms=("amazon-2:centos-7" "amazon-2-arm:amazon-2-arm" "centos-6:centos-6" "centos-7:centos-7" "centos-7-arm:centos-7-arm" "centos-8:centos-8" "centos-8-arm:centos-8-arm" "sles-15-arm:sles-15-arm" "rhel-9:rhel-9" "rhel-9-arm:rhel-9-arm" "debian-9:debian-9" "debian-10:debian-9" "debian-11:debian-9" "ubuntu-1604:ubuntu-1604" "ubuntu-1804:ubuntu-1604" "ubuntu-2004:ubuntu-1604" "ubuntu-2204:ubuntu-1604" "ubuntu-1804-arm:ubuntu-1804-arm" "ubuntu-2004-arm:ubuntu-2004-arm" "ubuntu-2204-arm:ubuntu-2204-arm" "sles-15:sles-15" "windows-2019:windows-2019") # add rest of windows platforms to tests, if not on chef-oss org if [[ $BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG != "chef-oss" ]] then container_platforms=( "${container_platforms[@]}" "windows-2012:windows-2019" "windows-2012r2:windows-2019" "windows-2016:windows-2019" "windows-2022:windows-2019" "windows-10:windows-2019" "windows-11:windows-2019" ) fi # array of all esoteric platforms in the format test-platform:build-platform esoteric_platforms=("aix-7.1-powerpc:aix-7.1-powerpc" "aix-7.2-powerpc:aix-7.1-powerpc" "aix-7.3-powerpc:aix-7.1-powerpc" "el-7-ppc64:el-7-ppc64" "el-7-ppc64le:el-7-ppc64le" "el-7-s390x:el-7-s390x" "el-8-s390x:el-7-s390x" "freebsd-12-amd64:freebsd-12-amd64" "freebsd-13-amd64:freebsd-12-amd64" "mac_os_x-10.15-x86_64:mac_os_x-10.15-x86_64" "mac_os_x-11-x86_64:mac_os_x-10.15-x86_64" "mac_os_x-12-x86_64:mac_os_x-10.15-x86_64" "mac_os_x-11-arm64:mac_os_x-11-arm64" "mac_os_x-12-arm64:mac_os_x-11-arm64" "solaris2-5.11-i386:solaris2-5.11-i386" "solaris2-5.11-sparc:solaris2-5.11-sparc" "sles-12-s390x:sles-12-s390x" "sles-15-s390x:sles-12-s390x") omnibus_build_platforms=() omnibus_test_platforms=() # build build array and test array based on filter for platform in ${container_platforms[@]}; do case ${platform%:*} in $FILTER) omnibus_build_platforms[${#omnibus_build_platforms[@]}]=${platform#*:} omnibus_test_platforms[${#omnibus_test_platforms[@]}]=$platform ;; esac done # remove duplicates from build array if [[ ! -z "${omnibus_build_platforms:-}" ]] then omnibus_build_platforms=($(printf "%s\n" "${omnibus_build_platforms[@]}" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')) fi ## add esoteric platforms in chef/chef-canary if [[ $BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG != "chef-oss" ]] then esoteric_build_platforms=() esoteric_test_platforms=() # build build array and test array based on filter for platform in ${esoteric_platforms[@]}; do case ${platform%:*} in $FILTER) esoteric_build_platforms[${#esoteric_build_platforms[@]}]=${platform#*:} esoteric_test_platforms[${#esoteric_test_platforms[@]}]=$platform ;; esac done # remove duplicates from build array # using shell parameter expansion this checks to make sure the esoteric_build_platforms array isn't empty if OMNIBUS_FILTER is only container platforms # prevents esoteric_build_platforms unbound variable error if [[ ! -z "${esoteric_build_platforms:-}" ]] then esoteric_build_platforms=($(printf "%s\n" "${esoteric_build_platforms[@]}" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')) fi fi # using shell parameter expansion this checks to make sure the omnibus_build_platforms array isn't empty if OMNIBUS_FILTER is only esoteric platforms # prevents omnibus_build_platforms unbound variable error container_platforms=("centos-7:centos-7" "centos-7-arm:centos-7-arm") if [[ ! -z "${omnibus_build_platforms:-}" ]] then for platform in ${omnibus_build_platforms[@]}; do if [[ $platform != *"windows"* ]]; then if [[ $platform == *"arm"* ]]; then echo "- label: \":hammer_and_wrench::docker::muscle: $platform\"" else echo "- label: \":hammer_and_wrench::docker: $platform\"" fi echo " retry:" echo " automatic:" echo " limit: 1" echo " key: build-$platform" echo " agents:" if [[ $platform == *"arm"* ]]; then echo " queue: docker-linux-arm64" else echo " queue: default-privileged" fi echo " plugins:" echo " - docker#v3.5.0:" if [[ $platform == *"arm"* ]]; then echo " image: chefes/omnibus-toolchain-${platform%????}:$OMNIBUS_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" else echo " image: chefes/omnibus-toolchain-$platform:$OMNIBUS_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" fi echo " privileged: true" echo " propagate-environment: true" echo " environment:" echo " - ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD" echo " - ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY" echo " - RPM_SIGNING_KEY" echo " - CHEF_FOUNDATION_VERSION" echo " commands:" echo " - ./.expeditor/scripts/" echo " timeout_in_minutes: 60" else echo "- label: \":hammer_and_wrench::windows: $platform\"" echo " retry:" echo " automatic:" echo " limit: 1" echo " key: build-$platform" echo " agents:" echo " queue: default-$platform-privileged" echo " plugins:" echo " - docker#v3.5.0:" echo " image: chefes/omnibus-toolchain-$platform:$OMNIBUS_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" echo " shell:" echo " - powershell" echo " - \"-Command\"" echo " propagate-environment: true" echo " environment:" echo " - CHEF_FOUNDATION_VERSION" echo " - BUILDKITE_AGENT_ACCESS_TOKEN" echo " - ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD" echo " - ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY" echo " - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" echo " - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" echo " - AWS_SESSION_TOKEN" echo " volumes:" echo ' - "c:\\buildkite-agent:c:\\buildkite-agent"' echo " commands:" echo " - ./.expeditor/scripts/omnibus_chef_build.ps1" echo " timeout_in_minutes: 120" fi done fi if [[ $BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG != "chef-oss" ]] && [[ ! -z "${esoteric_build_platforms:-}" ]] then for platform in ${esoteric_build_platforms[@]}; do # replace . with _ in build key build_key=$(echo $platform | tr . _) echo "- env:" if [ $platform == "el-7-ppc64" ] || [ $platform == "el-7-ppc64le" ] then echo " OMNIBUS_FIPS_MODE: true" else echo " OMNIBUS_FIPS_MODE: false" fi echo " IGNORE_CACHE: true" echo " key: build-$build_key" echo " label: \":hammer_and_wrench: $platform\"" echo " retry:" echo " automatic:" echo " limit: 1" echo " timeout_in_minutes: 120" echo " agents:" echo " queue: omnibus-$platform" if [[ $platform == mac_os_x* ]] then echo " omnibus: builder" echo " omnibus-toolchain: \"*\"" fi echo " plugins:" echo " - chef/omnibus#v0.2.86:" echo " build: chef" echo " chef-foundation-version: $CHEF_FOUNDATION_VERSION" echo " config: omnibus/omnibus.rb" echo " install-dir: \"/opt/chef\"" if [ $build_key == "mac_os_x-10_15-x86_64" ] then echo " remote-host: buildkite-omnibus-$platform" fi echo " omnibus-pipeline-definition-path: \".expeditor/release.omnibus.yml\"" if [ $build_key == "mac_os_x-11-arm64" ] then echo " concurrency: 1" echo " concurrency_group: omnibus-$build_key/build/chef" fi done if [[ " ${esoteric_build_platforms[*]} " =~ "mac_os_x" ]] then echo "- key: notarize-macos" echo " label: \":lock_with_ink_pen: Notarize macOS Packages\"" echo " agents:" echo " queue: omnibus-mac_os_x-12-x86_64" echo " plugins:" echo " - chef/omnibus#v0.2.86:" echo " config: omnibus/omnibus.rb" echo " remote-host: buildkite-omnibus-mac_os_x-12-x86_64" echo " notarize-macos-package: chef" echo " omnibus-pipeline-definition-path: \".expeditor/release.omnibus.yml\"" echo " depends_on:" for platform in ${esoteric_build_platforms[@]}; do if [[ $platform =~ mac_os_x ]] then echo " - build-$(echo $platform | tr . _)" fi done fi fi if [[ $BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG == "chef-chef-main-validate-release" ]] then echo "- wait: ~" echo "- key: create-build-record" echo " label: \":artifactory: Create Build Record\"" echo " plugins:" echo " - chef/omnibus#v0.2.86:" echo " create-build-record: chef" fi echo "- wait: ~" # using shell parameter expansion this checks to make sure the omnibus_test_platforms array isn't empty if OMNIBUS_FILTER is only esoteric platforms # prevents omnibus_test_platforms unbound variable error if [[ ! -z "${omnibus_test_platforms:-}" ]] then for platform in ${omnibus_test_platforms[@]}; do if [[ $platform != *"windows"* ]]; then echo "- env:" echo " OMNIBUS_BUILDER_KEY: build-${platform#*:}" if [[ $platform == *"arm"* ]]; then echo " label: \":mag::docker::muscle: ${platform%:*}\"" else echo " label: \":mag::docker: ${platform%:*}\"" fi echo " key: test-${platform%:*}" echo " retry:" echo " automatic:" echo " limit: 1" echo " agents:" if [[ $platform == *"arm"* ]]; then echo " queue: docker-linux-arm64" else echo " queue: default-privileged" fi echo " plugins:" echo " - docker#v3.5.0:" echo " image: chefes/omnibus-toolchain-${platform%:*}:$OMNIBUS_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION" echo " privileged: true" echo " propagate-environment: true" echo " commands:" echo " - ./.expeditor/scripts/" echo " - omnibus/" echo " timeout_in_minutes: 60" else echo "- env:" echo " OMNIBUS_BUILDER_KEY: build-${platform#*:}" echo " label: \":mag::windows: ${platform%:*}\"" echo " key: test-${platform%:*}" echo " retry:" echo " automatic:" echo " limit: 1" echo " agents:" if [[ $BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG == "chef-oss" ]] then echo " queue: default-${platform%:*}-privileged" else echo " queue: omnibus-${platform%:*}-x86_64" fi echo " commands:" echo " - ./.expeditor/scripts/download_built_omnibus_pkgs.ps1" echo " - ./omnibus/omnibus-test.ps1" echo " timeout_in_minutes: 120" fi done fi # using shell parameter expansion this checks to make sure the esoteric_test_platforms array isn't empty if OMNIBUS_FILTER is only container platforms # prevents esoteric_test_platforms unbound variable error if [[ $BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG != "chef-oss" ]] && [[ ! -z "${esoteric_test_platforms:-}" ]] then for platform in ${esoteric_test_platforms[@]}; do build_key=$(echo ${platform#*:} | tr . _) test_key=$(echo ${platform%:*} | tr . _) echo "- env:" if [ $build_key == "el-7-ppc64" ] || [ $build_key == "el-7-ppc64le" ] then echo " OMNIBUS_FIPS_MODE: true" else echo " OMNIBUS_FIPS_MODE: false" fi echo " OMNIBUS_BUILDER_KEY: build-${build_key}" echo " key: test-${test_key}" echo " label: \":mag: ${platform%:*}\"" echo " retry:" echo " automatic:" echo " limit: 1" if [[ $platform == *"aix"* ]]; then echo " timeout_in_minutes: 180" else echo " timeout_in_minutes: 90" fi echo " agents:" echo " queue: omnibus-${platform%:*}" if [ $build_key == "mac_os_x-10_15-x86_64" ] || [ $build_key == "mac_os_x-11-arm64" ] then echo " omnibus: tester" echo " omnibus-toolchain: \"*\"" fi echo " plugins:" echo " - chef/omnibus#v0.2.86:" echo " test: chef" echo " test-path: omnibus/" echo " install-dir: \"/opt/chef\"" if [[ ${platform%:*} == mac_os_x*x86_64 ]] then echo " remote-host: buildkite-omnibus-${platform%:*}" fi if [ $test_key == "mac_os_x-11-arm64" ] || [ $test_key == "mac_os_x-12-arm64" ] then echo " concurrency: 1" echo " concurrency_group: omnibus-$test_key/test/chef" fi if [ $test_key == "freebsd-13-amd64" ] then echo " soft_fail: true" fi done fi if [[ $BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG == "chef-chef-main-validate-release" ]] then echo "- wait: ~" echo "- key: promote" echo " label: \":artifactory: Promote to Current\"" echo " plugins:" echo " - chef/omnibus#v0.2.86:" echo " promote: chef" fi