# This script gets a container ready to run our various tests in BuildKite # source /etc/os-release # echo $PRETTY_NAME # Install Chef Foundation echo "--- Installing Chef Foundation" curl -fsSL https://omnitruck.chef.io/chef/install.sh | bash -s -- -c "current" -P "chef-foundation" -v "$CHEF_FOUNDATION_VERSION" export PATH="/opt/chef/bin:${PATH}" echo "--- Container Config..." echo "ruby version:" ruby -v echo "bundler version:" bundle -v echo "--- Preparing Container..." export FORCE_FFI_YAJL="ext" export CHEF_LICENSE="accept-no-persist" export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="/workdir/Gemfile" # make sure we have the network tools in place for various network specs if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then touch /etc/network/interfaces fi # remove default bundler config if there is one rm -f .bundle/config echo "+++ Run tests"