## Description Briefly describe the issue ## Chef Version Tell us which version of chef-client you are using (see below for Server+ChefDK bugs). ## Platform Version Tell us which Operating System distribution and version chef-client is running on. ## Replication Case Tell us what steps to take to replicate your problem. See [How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) for information on how to create a good replication case. ## Client Output The relevant output of the chef-client run or a link to a gist of the entire run, if there is one. The debug output (chef-client -l debug) may be useful, but please link to a gist, or truncate it. ## Stacktrace Please include the stacktrace.out output or link to a gist of it, if there is one. ### NOTE: CHEF CLIENT BUGS ONLY This issue tracker is for the code contained within this repo -- `chef-client`, base `knife` functionality (not plugins), `chef-apply`, `chef-solo`, `chef-client -z`, etc. * Requests for new or alternative functionality should be made to [feedback.chef.io](https://feedback.chef.io/forums/301644-chef-product-feedback/category/110832-chef-client) * [Chef Server issues](https://github.com/chef/chef-server/issues/new) * [ChefDK issues](https://github.com/chef/chef-dk/issues/new) * Cookbook Issues (see the https://github.com/chef-cookbooks repos or search [Supermarket](https://supermarket.chef.io) or GitHub/Google)