language: ruby sudo: false cache: bundler # Early warning system to catch if Rubygems breaks something before_install: - gem update --system $(grep rubygems omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - gem install bundler -v $(grep bundler omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - rm -f .bundle/config bundler_args: --without changelog development docgen guard maintenance omnibus_package tools aix bsd mac_os_x solaris windows --frozen before_script: # force all .rspec tests into progress display to reduce line count - echo --color > .rspec - echo -fp >> .rspec # necessary for sudo: true tests, ingore failures on tests invoked with sudo: false - sudo sed -i -e 's/^Defaults\tsecure_path.*$//' /etc/sudoers || true # do not run expensive spec tests on PRs, only on branches branches: only: - master - 10-stable - 11-stable env: global: - FORCE_FFI_YAJL=ext matrix: include: - rvm: 2.1 sudo: true script: sudo -E $(which bundle) exec rake spec; # also remove integration / external tests bundler_args: --without changelog development docgen guard integration maintenance omnibus_package tools aix bsd mac_os_x solaris windows --frozen - rvm: 2.2 sudo: true script: sudo -E $(which bundle) exec rake spec; # also remove integration / external tests bundler_args: --without changelog development docgen guard integration maintenance omnibus_package tools aix bsd mac_os_x solaris windows --frozen - rvm: 2.3.0 sudo: true script: sudo -E $(which bundle) exec rake spec; # also remove integration / external tests bundler_args: --without changelog development docgen guard integration maintenance omnibus_package tools aix bsd mac_os_x solaris windows --frozen - rvm: rbx sudo: true script: sudo -E $(which bundle) exec rake spec; # also remove integration / external tests bundler_args: --without changelog development docgen guard integration maintenance omnibus_package tools aix bsd mac_os_x solaris windows --frozen - env: CHEFSTYLE: 1 rvm: 2.1 script: bundle exec rake style # also remove integration / external tests bundler_args: --without changelog development docgen guard integration maintenance omnibus_package tools aix bsd mac_os_x solaris windows --frozen - env: AUDIT_CHECK: 1 rvm: 2.1 script: bundle exec bundle-audit check --update # also remove integration / external tests bundler_args: --without changelog development docgen guard integration maintenance omnibus_package tools aix bsd mac_os_x solaris windows --frozen # # External tests # - env: TEST_GEM: chef-provisioning script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake spec rvm: 2.2 - env: TEST_GEM: chef-provisioning-aws script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake spec rvm: 2.2 - env: TEST_GEM: chef-sugar script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake rvm: 2.2 - env: - TEST_GEM: chef-zero script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake spec cheffs rvm: 2.2 - env: TEST_GEM: cheffish script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake spec rvm: 2.2 - env: TEST_GEM: chefspec # The chefspec tests + bundler cache + "gem update --system" interact badly :/ # (Cucumber doesn't start.) before_install: - gem install bundler -v $(grep bundler omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - bundle config --local without server:docgen:maintenance:omnibus_package:development:ruby_prof:pry script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake rvm: 2.2.0 - env: TEST_GEM: foodcritic script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake test rvm: 2.2 - env: TEST_GEM: halite script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake spec rvm: 2.2 - env: TEST_GEM: knife-windows script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake unit_spec rvm: 2.2 - env: TEST_GEM: poise script: tasks/bin/run_external_test $TEST_GEM rake spec rvm: 2.2 # ### START TEST KITCHEN ONLY ### # - rvm: 2.2 services: docker sudo: required gemfile: kitchen-tests/Gemfile before_install: - gem update --system $(grep rubygems omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - gem install bundler -v $(grep bundler omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) before_script: - sudo iptables -L DOCKER || ( echo "DOCKER iptables chain missing" ; sudo iptables -N DOCKER ) - cd kitchen-tests script: - bundle exec kitchen test ubuntu-1204 after_failure: - cat .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log env: - UBUNTU=1204 - - rvm: 2.2 services: docker sudo: required gemfile: kitchen-tests/Gemfile before_install: - gem update --system $(grep rubygems omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - gem install bundler -v $(grep bundler omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) before_script: - sudo iptables -L DOCKER || ( echo "DOCKER iptables chain missing" ; sudo iptables -N DOCKER ) - cd kitchen-tests script: - bundle exec kitchen test ubuntu-1404 after_failure: - cat .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log env: - UBUNTU=1404 - - rvm: 2.2 services: docker sudo: required gemfile: kitchen-tests/Gemfile before_install: - gem update --system $(grep rubygems omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - gem install bundler -v $(grep bundler omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) before_script: - sudo iptables -L DOCKER || ( echo "DOCKER iptables chain missing" ; sudo iptables -N DOCKER ) - cd kitchen-tests script: - bundle exec kitchen test ubuntu-1604 after_failure: - cat .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log env: - UBUNTU=1604 - - rvm: 2.2 services: docker sudo: required gemfile: kitchen-tests/Gemfile before_install: - gem update --system $(grep rubygems omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - gem install bundler -v $(grep bundler omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) before_script: - sudo iptables -L DOCKER || ( echo "DOCKER iptables chain missing" ; sudo iptables -N DOCKER ) - cd kitchen-tests script: - bundle exec kitchen test centos-6 after_failure: - cat .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log env: - CENTOS=6 - ### END TEST KITCHEN ONLY ### - rvm: 2.2 sudo: required dist: trusty before_install: - gem update --system $(grep rubygems omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - gem install bundler -v $(grep bundler omnibus_overrides.rb | cut -d'"' -f2) - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get -y install squid3 git curl env: - PROXY_TESTS_DIR=proxy_tests/files/default/scripts - PROXY_TESTS_REPO=$PROXY_TESTS_DIR/repo script: - bundle exec chef-client --version - git clone - rvmsudo -E bundle exec bash $PROXY_TESTS_DIR/ chef_client \* \* /tmp/out.txt after_script: - cat /tmp/out.txt - sudo cat /var/log/squid3/cache.log - sudo cat /var/log/squid3/access.log allow_failures: - rvm: 2.3.0 - rvm: rbx notifications: on_change: true on_failure: true on_success: change on_pull_requests: false irc: channels: - webhooks: urls: # Gitter IM - secure: HmMKr/ysKVyKUJ24PRCHcA8QCmlFoukrYumY0GRLzvaFWO8PknHO1t/0RbrKRb2ed/hgkFd+RKNCYvSvcE8Ahr2vlMrBeGHGfVeOGkWtbhLgNqo1b50Ll9CqvTM8X2ZIq6hIWraanwoYRQu/8uGL29yH4lBi7DhpTkFwBMLulhQ= hipchat: rooms: # Build Statuses - secure: G8MNo94L8bmWWwkH2/ViB2QaZnZHZscYM/mEjDbOGd15sqrruwckeARyBoUcRI7P1C6AFmS4IKCNVXa6KzX4Pbh51gQWM92zRpRTZpplwtXz53/1l8ajLFLLMLvEMTlBFAANUKEUFAQPY4dMa14V3Qc5oijfIncN61k4nZNTKpY= # Open Source - secure: hmcex4PpG5dn8WvjndONO4xCUKOC5kPU/bUEGRrfVbe2YKJE7t0XXbNDC96W/xBgzgnJzvf1Er0zJKDrNf4qEDEWFoozdN00WLcqREgaLLS3Seto2FjR/BpBk5q+sCV0rwwEMms2P4Qk+VSnDCnm9EaeM55hOabqNuOrRzoZLBQ=