### knife ssh has --exit-on-error option `knife ssh` now has an --exit-on-error option that will cause it to fail immediately in the face of an SSH connection error. The default behavior is move on to the next node. ### DSC Resource The `dsc_resource` resource for Windows systems that allows cookbook authors to invoke [PowerShell Desired State Configuration](http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn249912.aspx) resources in Chef DSL. #### Prerequisites * **Windows Management Framework 5** February Preview * **Local Configuration Manager** must be set to have a `RefreshMode` of `Disabled` #### Syntax ```ruby dsc_resource "description" do resource "resource_name" property :property_name, property_value ... property :property_name, property_value end ``` #### Attributes - `resource`: The friendly name of the DSC resource - `property`: `:property_name`, `property_value` pair for each property that must be set for the DSC resource. `property_name` must be of the `Symbol`. The following types are supported for `property_value`, along with their conversion into Powershell: | Ruby Type | Powershell Type | |-------------------------------------|-----------------| | Fixnum | Integer | | Float | Double | | FalseClass | bool($false) | | TrueClass | bool($true) | | Chef::Util::Powershell:PSCredential | PSCredential | | Hash | Hashtable | | Array | Object[] | - `module_name` is the name of the module that the DSC resource comes from. If it is not provided, it will be inferred. #### Actions |Action|Description| |------|------------------------| |`:run`| Invoke the DSC resource| #### Example ```ruby dsc_resource "demogroupremove" do resource :group property :groupname, 'demo1' property :ensure, 'present' end dsc_resource "useradd" do resource :user property :username, "Foobar1" property :fullname, "Foobar1" property :password, ps_credential("P@assword!") property :ensure, 'present' end dsc_resource "AddFoobar1ToUsers" do resource :Group property :GroupName, "demo1" property :MembersToInclude, ["Foobar1"] end ```