### --run-lock-timeout for chef-client and chef-solo You can now add a timeout for the maximum time a client run waits on another client run to finish. The default is to wait indefinitely. Setting the run lock timeout to 0 causes the second client run to exit immediately. This can be configured in your config file: ``` run_lock_timeout SECONDS ``` Or via the command line: ``` chef-client --run-lock-timeout SECONDS ``` #### New knife command: knife node environment set You can now easily set the environment for an existing node without editing the node object: ``` knife node environment set NODE ENVIRONMENT ``` ### New configurable knife bootstrap options for chef-full template You can now modify the chef-full template with the following options in `knife bootstrap`: * `--bootstrap-install-sh URL` fetches and executes an installation bash script from the provided URL. * `--bootstrap-wget-options OPTIONS` and `--bootstrap-curl-options OPTIONS` allow arbitrary options to be added to wget and curl. * `--bootstrap-install-command COMMAND` can be used to execute a custom chef-client installation command sequence. Take note that this cannot be used in conjunction with the above options.