### Metadata `name` Attribute is Required. Current documentation states: > The name of the cookbook. This field is inferred unless specified. This is no longer correct as of 12.0. The `name` field is required; if it is not specified, an error will be raised if it is not specified. ### chef-zero port ranges - to avoid crashes, by default, Chef will now scan a port range and take the first available port from 8889-9999. - to change this behavior, you can pass --chef-zero-port=PORT_RANGE (for example, 10,20,30 or 10000-20000) or modify Chef::Config.chef_zero.port to be a po rt string, an enumerable of ports, or a single port number. ### Encrypted Data Bags Version 3 Encrypted Data Bag version 3 uses [GCM](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois/Counter_Mode) internally. Ruby 2 and OpenSSL version 1.0.1 or higher are required to use it. ### New windows_service resource The windows_service resource inherits from the service resource and has all the same options but adds an action and attribute. action :configure_startup - sets the startup type on the resource to the value of the `startup_type` attribute attribute startup_type - the value as a symbol that the startup type should be set to on the service, valid options :automatic, :manual, :disabled Note that the service resource will also continue to set the startup type to automatic or disabled, respectively, when the enabled or disabled actions are used.