### Chef now handles URI Schemes in a case insensitive manner Previously, when a URI scheme contained all uppercase letters, Chef would reject the URI as invalid. In compliance with RFC3986, Chef now treats URI schemes in a case insensitive manner. This applies to all resources which accept URIs such as remote_file etc. ### Experimental Audit Mode Feature There is a new command_line flag provided for `chef-client`: `--audit-mode`. This accepts 1 of 3 arguments: * `disabled` (default) - Audits are disabled and the phase is skipped. This is the default while Audit mode is an experimental feature. * `enabled` - Audits are enabled and will be performed after the converge phase. * `audit-only` - Audits are enabled and convergence is disabled. Only audits will be performed. This can also be configured in your node's client.rb with the key `audit_mode` and a value of `:disabled`, `:enabled` or `:audit_only`. ### Chef Why Run Mode Ignores Audit Phase Because most users enable `why_run` mode to determine what resources convergence will update on their system, the audit phase is not executed. There is no way to get both `why_run` output and audit output in 1 single command. To get audit output without performing convergence use the `--audit-mode` flag. #### Editors note 1 The `--audit-mode` flag should be a link to the documentation for that flag #### Editors node 2 This probably only needs to be a bullet point added to http://docs.getchef.com/nodes.html#about-why-run-mode under the `certain assumptions` section ## Drop SSL Warnings Now that the default for SSL checking is on, no more warning is emitted when SSL checking is off.