# About this Dockerfile: # When run without any arguments passed, this Docker file will build the latest "stable" release of Chef. The version # of that release is specified in the VERSION arg in this file, and is automatically updated as described below. # # Several processes occur using this file which are kicked off by our Expeditor pipeline tooling: # # When a build makes it through our internal CI system and is promoted to our "unstable" channel Expeditor will # trigger a Docker image build of that version and push it to Docker Hub. # # When tests of an unstable build pass within our CI system it will be promoted to the "current" channel and # Expeditor will tag that image as "current" on Docker Hub. # # When a build is promoted to our "stable" channel .expeditor/update_dockerfile.sh is run to update the version # in this file and also tag that image as "latest" on Docker Hub. Additionally major and minor tags will be # applied so 15.0.260 would be tagged as "latest", "stable", "15" and "15.0", as well as "15.0.260". FROM busybox LABEL maintainer="Chef Software, Inc. " ARG CHANNEL=stable ARG VERSION=17.6.18 ARG ARCH=x86_64 ARG PKG_VERSION=6 RUN wget "http://packages.chef.io/files/${CHANNEL}/chef/${VERSION}/el/${PKG_VERSION}/chef-${VERSION}-1.el${PKG_VERSION}.${ARCH}.rpm" -O /tmp/chef-client.rpm && \ rpm2cpio /tmp/chef-client.rpm | cpio -idmv && \ rm -rf /tmp/chef-client.rpm VOLUME [ "/opt/chef" ]