source "" gem "chef", path: "." gem "ohai", git: "", branch: "master" gem "chef-utils", path: File.expand_path("chef-utils", __dir__) if File.exist?(File.expand_path("chef-utils", __dir__)) gem "chef-config", path: File.expand_path("chef-config", __dir__) if File.exist?(File.expand_path("chef-config", __dir__)) if File.exist?(File.expand_path("chef-bin", __dir__)) # bundling in a git checkout gem "chef-bin", path: File.expand_path("chef-bin", __dir__) else # bundling in omnibus gem "chef-bin" # rubocop:disable Bundler/DuplicatedGem end gem "cheffish", ">= 17" group(:omnibus_package) do gem "appbundler" gem "rb-readline" gem "inspec-core-bin", "~> 4.24" # need to provide the binaries for inspec gem "chef-vault" end group(:omnibus_package, :pry) do gem "pry" # byebug does not install on freebsd on ruby 3.0 # gem "pry-byebug" gem "pry-stack_explorer" end # Everything except AIX and Windows group(:ruby_shadow) do # if ruby-shadow does a release that supports ruby-3.0 this can be removed gem "ruby-shadow", git: "", branch: "lcg/ruby-3.0", platforms: :ruby end group(:development, :test) do gem "rake" gem "rspec" gem "webmock" gem "fauxhai-ng" # for chef-utils gem end group(:chefstyle) do # for testing new chefstyle rules gem "chefstyle", git: "", branch: "master" end instance_eval(ENV["GEMFILE_MOD"]) if ENV["GEMFILE_MOD"] # If you want to load debugging tools into the bundle exec sandbox, # add these additional dependencies into Gemfile.local eval_gemfile("./Gemfile.local") if File.exist?("./Gemfile.local") # These lines added for Windows development only. # For FFI to call into PowerShell we need the binaries and assemblies located # in the Ruby bindir. # The Powershell DLL source lives here: # Every merge into that repo triggers a Habitat build and promotion. Running # the rake :update_chef_exec_dll task in this (chef/chef) repo will pull down # the built packages and copy the binaries to distro/ruby_bin_folder. # # We copy (and overwrite) these files every time "bundle " is # executed, just in case they have changed. if RUBY_PLATFORM.match?(/mswin|mingw|windows/) instance_eval do ruby_exe_dir = RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"] assemblies = Dir.glob(File.expand_path("distro/ruby_bin_folder/#{ENV["PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"]}", __dir__) + "**/*") FileUtils.cp_r assemblies, ruby_exe_dir, verbose: false unless ENV["_BUNDLER_WINDOWS_DLLS_COPIED"] ENV["_BUNDLER_WINDOWS_DLLS_COPIED"] = "1" end end