source "" gemspec :name => "chef" gem "activesupport", "< 4.0.0", :group => :compat_testing, :platform => "ruby" gem 'chef-config', path: "chef-config" if File.exists?(__FILE__ + '../chef-config') group(:docgen) do gem "yard" end group(:maintenance) do gem "tomlrb" # To sync maintainers with github gem "octokit" gem "netrc" end group(:ruby_prof) do # may need to disable this in insolation on fussy builds like AIX, RHEL4, etc gem "ruby-prof" end group(:development, :test) do gem "simplecov" gem 'rack', "~> 1.5.1" gem 'ruby-shadow', :platforms => :ruby unless RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.match(/(aix|cygwin)/) # For external tests # gem 'chef-zero', github: 'chef/chef-zero' # gem 'cheffish', github: 'chef/cheffish' # gem 'chef-provisioning'#, github: 'chef/chef-provisioning' # gem 'chef-provisioning-aws', github: 'chef/chef-provisioning-aws' # gem 'test-kitchen' # gem 'chefspec' # gem 'chef-sugar' # gem 'poise', github: 'poise/poise', branch: 'deeecb890a6a0bc2037dfb09ce0fd0a8931519aa' # gem 'halite', github: 'poise/halite' # gem 'foodcritic', github: 'acrmp/foodcritic', branch: 'v5.0.0' # gem 'chef-rewind' end instance_eval(ENV['GEMFILE_MOD']) if ENV['GEMFILE_MOD'] # If you want to load debugging tools into the bundle exec sandbox, # add these additional dependencies into chef/Gemfile.local eval( + '.local'), binding) if File.exists?(__FILE__ + '.local')