*This file holds "in progress" release notes for the current release under development and is intended for consumption by the Chef Documentation team. Please see [https://docs.chef.io/release_notes.html](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes.html) for the official Chef release notes.* # Chef Client Release Notes 12.15: ## Highlighted enhancements for this release: * Omnibus packages are now available for Ubuntu 16.04. * Added cab_package resource and provider which supports the installation of CAB/cabinet packages on Windows. Example: ```ruby cab_package 'Install .NET 3.5 sp1 via KB958488' do source 'C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows6.1-KB958488-x64.cab' action :install end cab_package 'Remove .NET 3.5 sp1 via KB958488' do source 'C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Temp\Windows6.1-KB958488-x64.cab' action :remove end ``` **NOTE:** cab_package resource does not support URLs in `source`. * Added exit code 213 (Chef Upgrades) from [RFC062](https://github.com/chef/chef-rfc/blob/master/rfc062-exit-status.md) * This allows for easier testing of chef client upgrades in Test Kitchen. See [omnibus_updater](https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/omnibus_updater) * Set `yum_repository` gpgcheck default to true. * Allow deletion of `registry_key` without the need for users to pass data key in values hash. * `knife ssh` will pass the -P option on the command line, if it is given, as the sudo password and will bypass prompting. ## Highlighted bug fixes for this release: