# Chef Client Release Notes 12.5.0: * OSX 10.11 support (support for SIP and service changes) * Windows cookbook <= 1.38.1 contains a library file which does not compile with chef-client 12.5.0. This is resolved in version 1.38.2 of the Windows cookbook. Cookbooks depending on the Windows cookbook should update the dependency version to at least 1.38.2 to be compatible with chef-client 12.5.0. ## PSCredential support for the `dsc_script` resource The `dsc_script` resource now supports the use of the `ps_credential` helper method. This method generates a Ruby object which can be described as a Powershell PSCredential object. For example, if you wanted to created a user using DSC, previously you would have had to do something like: ```ruby dsc_script 'create-foo-user' do code <<-EOH $username = "placeholder" $password = "#{FooBarBaz1!}" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username, $password) User FooUser00 { Ensure = "Present" UserName = 'FooUser00' Password = $cred } EOH configuration_data_script "path/to/config/data.psd1" end ``` This can now be replaced with ```ruby dsc_script 'create-foo-user' do code <<-EOH User FooUser00 { Ensure = "Present" UserName = 'FooUser00' Password = #{ps_credential("FooBarBaz1!")} } EOH configuration_data_script "path/to/config/data.psd1" end ``` ## New `knife rehash` for faster command loading The new `knife rehash` command speeds up day-to-day knife usage by caching information about installed plugins and available commands. Initial testing has shown substantial improvements in `knife` startup times for users with a large number of Gems installed and Windows users. To use this feature, simply run `knife rehash` and continue using `knife`. When you install or remove gems that provide knife plugins, run `knife rehash` again to keep the cache up to date. ## Support for `/usr/bin/yum-deprecated` in the yum provider In Fedora 22 yum has been deprecated in favor of DNF. Unfortunately, while DNF tries to be backwards compatible with yum, the yum provider in Chef is not compatible with DNF. Until a proper `dnf_package` resource and associated provider is written and merged into core, 12.5.0 has been patched so that the `yum_package` resource takes a property named `yum_binary` which can be set to point at the yum binary to run for all its commands. The `yum_binary` will also default to `yum-deprecated` if the `/usr/bin/yum-deprecated` command is found on the system. This means that Fedora 22 users can run something like this early in their chef-client run: ```ruby if File.exist?("/usr/bin/dnf") execute "dnf install -y yum" do not_if { File.exist?("/usr/bin/yum-deprecated") } end end ``` After which the yum-deprecated binary will exist, and the yum provider will find it and should operate normally and successfully.