*This file holds "in progress" release notes for the current release under development and is intended for consumption by the Chef Documentation team. Please see `https://docs.chef.io/release/-/release_notes.html` for the official Chef release notes.* # Chef Client Release Notes 12.13: Highlights for this release: - Ohai 8.18 includes a new plugin for gathering available user shells. Additionally for OS X users there is a new hardware plugin that gathers system information, and we’ve added detection of VMware and VirtualBox installations. ## Updated Dependencies - ruby - 2.1.9 (was 2.1.8) ### Updated Gems - chef-zero - 4.8.0 (was 4.7.0) - cheffish - 2.0.5 (was 2.0.4) - compat_resource - 12.10.7 (was 12.10.6) - ffi - 1.9.14 (was 1.9.10) - ffi-yajl - 2.3.0 (was 2.2.3) - fuzzyurl - 0.9.0 (was 0.8.0) - mixlib-cli - 1.7.0 (was 1.6.0) - mixlib-log - 1.7.0 (was 1.6.0) - ohai - 8.18.0 (was 8.17.1) - pry - 0.10.4 (was 0.10.3) - rspec - 3.5.0 (was 3.4.0) - rspec-core - 3.5.2 (was 3.4.4) - rspec-expectations - 3.5.0 (was 3.4.0) - rspec-mocks - 3.5.0 (was 3.4.1) - rspec-support - 3.5.0 (was 3.4.1) - simplecov - 0.12.0 (was 0.11.2) - specinfra - 2.60.3 (was 2.59.4) - mixlib-archive - 0.2.0 (added to package)