*This file holds "in progress" release notes for the current release under development and is intended for consumption by the Chef Documentation team. Please see `https://docs.chef.io/release/-/release_notes.html` for the official Chef release notes.* # Chef Client Release Notes 12.14: ## Highlighted enhancements for this release: * Upgraded Ruby version from 2.1.9 to 2.3.1 which adds several performance and functionality enhancements. * Added a small patch to Ruby 2.3.1 and improvements to the Ohai Network plugin in order to support chef client runs on Windows Nano Server. * Added the ability to mark a property of a custom resource as "sensitive." This will suppress the property's value when it's used in other outputs, such as messages used by the [Data Collector](https://github.com/chef/chef-rfc/blob/master/rfc077-mode-agnostic-data-collection.md). To use, add `sensitive: true` when definine the property. Example: ```ruby property :db_password, String, sensitive: true ``` * Ported the yum_repository resource from the yum cookbook to core chef. With this change you can create and remove repositories without depending on the yum cookbook. Example: ```ruby yum_repository 'OurCo' do description 'OurCo yum repository' mirrorlist 'http://artifacts.ourco.org/mirrorlist?repo=ourco-6&arch=$basearch' gpgkey 'http://artifacts.ourco.org/pub/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-OURCO-6' action :create end yum 'Oldrepo' do action :delete end ``` * Support for Solaris releases before 10u11 has been removed * Upgraded Ohai to 8.20 with new / enhanced plugins. See the [ohai changelog](https://github.com/chef-cookbooks/ohai/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) ## Highlighted bug fixes for this release: Fixed `chef_gem` for local gems with remote dependencies. A recent chef release introduced a breaking change which added the `--local` argument to `gem installs` for local gems prohibiting remote dependencies from being installed. Users who want to ensure that gem installs remain completely local should add `--local` to the `options` property: ``` chef_gem 'my-gem' do source '/tmp/gems/my-gem.gem' options '--local' action :install end ```