*This file holds "in progress" release notes for the current release under development and is intended for consumption by the Chef Documentation team. Please see [https://docs.chef.io/release_notes.html](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes.html) for the official Chef release notes.* # Chef Client Release Notes 12.16: ## Highlighted enhancements for this release: ### `attribute_changed` event hook In a cookbook library file, you can add this in order to print out all attribute changes in cookbooks: ```ruby Chef.event_handler do on :attribute_changed do |precedence, key, value| puts "setting attribute #{precedence}#{key.map {|n| "[\"#{n}\"]" }.join} = #{value}" end end ``` If you want to setup a policy that override attributes should never be used: ```ruby Chef.event_handler do on :attribute_changed do |precedence, key, value| raise "override policy violation" if precedence == :override end end ``` There will likely be some missed attribute changes and some bugs that need fixing (hint: PRs accepted), there could be added command line options to print out all attribute changes or filter them (hint: PRs accepted), or to add source file and line numbers to the event (hint: PRs accepted). ### Automatic connection to Chef Automate's Data Collector with supported Chef Server Chef Client will automatically attempt to connect to the Chef Server authenticated data collector proxy. If you have a supported version of Chef Server and have enabled this feature on the Chef Server, Chef Client run data will automatically be forwarded to Automate without additional Chef Client configuration. If you do not have Automate or the feature is disabled on the Chef Server, Chef Client will detect this and disable data collection. Note that Chef Server 12.11.0+ (not yet released as of the time this was written) is required for this feature. ### RFC018 Partially Implemented: Specify `--field-separator` for attribute filtering If you have periods (`.`) in your Chef Node attribute keys, you can now pass the `--field-separator` (or `-S`) flag along with your `--attribute` (or `-a`) flag to specify a custom nesting character other than `.`. In a situation where the *webapp* node has the following node data: ```json { "foo.bar": "baz", "alpha": { "beta": "omega" } } ``` Running `knife node show` with the default field separator (`.`) won't show us the data we're expecting for some attributes: ```shell $ knife node show webapp -a foo.bar webapp: foo.bar: $ knife node show webapp -a alpha.beta webapp: alpha.beta: omega ``` However, by specifying a field separator other than `.` we're now able to show the data. ```shell $ knife node show webapp -S: -a foo.bar webapp: foo.bar: baz $ knife node show webapp -S: -a alpha:beta webapp: alpha:beta: omega ``` ### Package locking for Apt, Yum, and Zypper To allow for more fine grained control of package installation the `apt_package`, `yum_package`, and `zypper_package` resources now support the `:lock` and `:unlock` actions. ```ruby package "httpd" do action :lock end package "httpd" do action :unlock end ``` ## Highlighted bug fixes for this release: