# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # gems = %w[chef chef-server-api chef-server-webui chef-solr chef-expander chef-server] require 'rubygems' desc "Build the chef gems" task :gem do gems.each do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) { sh "rake gem" } end end desc "Install the chef gems" task :install do gems.each do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) { sh "rake install" } end end desc "Uninstall the chef gems" task :uninstall do gems.reverse.each do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) { sh "rake uninstall" } end end desc "Run the rspec tests" task :spec do Dir.chdir("chef") { sh "rake spec" } Dir.chdir("chef-server-api") { sh "rake spec" } end task :default => :spec def start_couchdb(type="normal") @couchdb_server_pid = nil cid = fork if cid @couchdb_server_pid = cid else exec("couchdb") end end def start_rabbitmq(type="normal") @rabbitmq_server_pid = nil cid = fork if cid @rabbitmq_server_pid = cid else exec("rabbitmq-server") end end def configure_rabbitmq(type="normal") # hack. wait for rabbit to come up. sleep 2 puts `rabbitmqctl add_vhost /chef` # create 'chef' user, give it the password 'testing' puts `rabbitmqctl add_user chef testing` # the three regexes map to config, write, read permissions respectively puts `rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /chef chef ".*" ".*" ".*"` puts `rabbitmqctl list_users` puts `rabbitmqctl list_vhosts` puts `rabbitmqctl list_permissions -p /chef` end def start_chef_solr(type="normal") @chef_solr_pid = nil cid = fork if cid @chef_solr_pid = cid else case type when "normal" exec("./chef-solr/bin/chef-solr -l debug") when "features" p = fork { exec("./chef-solr/bin/chef-solr-installer -p /tmp/chef_solr_for_features --force") } Process.wait(p) exec("./chef-solr/bin/chef-solr -c #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "features", "data", "config", "server.rb")} -l debug") end end end def start_chef_expander(type="normal") @chef_solr_indexer = nil @chef_solr_indexer_pid = fork do case type when "normal" exec("./chef-expander/bin/chef-expander -n 1 -i 1 -l debug") when "features" exec("./chef-expander/bin/chef-expander -c #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "features", "data", "config", "server.rb")} -l debug -n 1 -i 1") end end end def start_chef_server(type="normal") puts "Starting #{type} chef development server" @chef_server_pid = nil mcid = fork if mcid # parent @chef_server_pid = mcid else # child case type when "normal" puts "Starting chef server for development with './chef-server-api/bin/chef-server -a thin -l debug -N'" exec("./chef-server-api/bin/chef-server -a thin -l debug -N") when "features" puts "Starting chef server for features with #{["./chef-server/bin/chef-server -a thin -C #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "features", "data", "config", "server.rb")} -l debug -N"].join(' ')}" exec("./chef-server-api/bin/chef-server -a thin -C #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "features", "data", "config", "server.rb")} -l debug -N") end end end def start_chef_webui(type="normal") puts "Starting #{type} chef development server webui" @chef_webui_pid = nil mcid = fork if mcid # parent @chef_webui_pid = mcid else # child case type when "normal" puts "Starting chef webui for development with './chef-server/bin/chef-server-webui -a thin -l debug -N'" exec("./chef-server-webui/bin/chef-server-webui -a thin -l debug -N") when "features" puts "Starting chef server webui for features with #{["./chef-server/bin/chef-server-webui -a thin -C #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "features", "data", "config", "server.rb")} -l debug -N"].join(' ')}" exec("./chef-server-webui/bin/chef-server-webui -a thin -C #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "features", "data", "config", "server.rb")} -l debug -N") end end end def start_dev_environment(type="normal") start_couchdb(type) start_rabbitmq(type) sleep 2 configure_rabbitmq(type) start_chef_solr(type) start_chef_expander(type) start_chef_server(type) start_chef_webui(type) puts "Running CouchDB at #{@couchdb_server_pid}" puts "Running RabbitMQ at #{@rabbitmq_server_pid}" puts "Running Chef Solr at #{@chef_solr_pid}" puts "Running Chef Solr Indexer at #{@chef_solr_indexer_pid}" puts "Running Chef at #{@chef_server_pid}" puts "Running Chef Web UI at #{@chef_webui_pid}" end def stop_dev_environment if @chef_webui_pid puts "Stopping Chef Web UI" Process.kill("KILL", @chef_webui_pid) end if @chef_server_pid puts "Stopping Chef" Process.kill("KILL", @chef_server_pid) end if @chef_solr_pid puts "Stopping Chef Solr" Process.kill("INT", @chef_solr_pid) end if @chef_solr_indexer_pid puts "Stopping Chef Solr Indexer" Process.kill("INT", @chef_solr_indexer_pid) end if @couchdb_server_pid puts "Stopping CouchDB" Process.kill("KILL", @couchdb_server_pid) end if @rabbitmq_server_pid puts "Stopping RabbitMQ" Process.kill("KILL", @rabbitmq_server_pid) end puts "Have a nice day!" end def wait_for_ctrlc puts "Hit CTRL-C to destroy development environment" trap("CHLD", "IGNORE") trap("INT") do stop_dev_environment exit 1 end while true sleep 10 end end desc "Run a development instance of Chef" task :dev do start_dev_environment wait_for_ctrlc end namespace :dev do desc "Run a test instance of Chef suitable for cucumber tests" task :features do start_dev_environment("features") wait_for_ctrlc end namespace :features do namespace :start do desc "Start CouchDB for testing" task :couchdb do start_couchdb("features") wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start RabbitMQ for testing" task :rabbitmq do start_rabbitmq("features") configure_rabbitmq("features") wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start Chef Solr for testing" task :chef_solr do start_chef_solr("features") wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start Chef Solr Indexer for testing" task :chef_expander do start_chef_expander("features") wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start Chef Server for testing" task :chef_server do start_chef_server("features") wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start Chef Web UI for testing" task :chef_webui do start_chef_webui("features") wait_for_ctrlc end end end namespace :start do desc "Start CouchDB" task :couchdb do start_couchdb wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start RabbitMQ" task :rabbitmq do start_rabbitmq configure_rabbitmq wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start Chef Solr" task :chef_solr do start_chef_solr wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start Chef Solr Indexer" task :chef_solr_indexer do start_chef_expander wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start Chef Server" task :chef_server do start_chef_server wait_for_ctrlc end desc "Start Chef Web UI" task :chef_webui do start_chef_webui wait_for_ctrlc end end end begin require 'cucumber/rake/task' Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:features) do |t| t.profile = "default" end namespace :features do desc "Run cucumber tests for the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:api) do |t| t.profile = "api" end namespace :api do [ :nodes, :roles, :clients, :environments ].each do |api| Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(api) do |apitask| apitask.profile = "api_#{api.to_s}" end namespace api do %w{create delete list show update}.each do |action| Cucumber::Rake::Task.new("#{action}") do |t| t.profile = "api_#{api.to_s}_#{action}" end end end end namespace :environments do Cucumber::Rake::Task.new("cookbooks") do |t| t.profile = "api_environments_cookbook_list" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new("nodes") do |t| t.profile = "api_environments_node_list" end end namespace :nodes do Cucumber::Rake::Task.new("sync") do |t| t.profile = "api_nodes_sync" end end desc "Run cucumber tests for the cookbooks portion of the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:cookbooks) do |t| t.profile = "api_cookbooks" end namespace :cookbooks do %w{list show upload download delete}.each do |action| Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(action) do |t| t.profile = "api_cookbooks_#{action}" end end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:cookbook_tarballs) do |t| t.profile = "api_cookbooks_tarballs" end end namespace :data do desc "Run cucumber tests for the data portion of the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:data) do |t| t.profile = "api_data" end desc "Run cucumber tests for deleting data via the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:delete) do |t| t.profile = "api_data_delete" end desc "Run cucumber tests for adding items via the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:item) do |t| t.profile = "api_data_item" end end namespace :search do desc "Run cucumber tests for searching via the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:search) do |t| t.profile = "api_search" end desc "Run cucumber tests for listing search endpoints via the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:list) do |t| t.profile = "api_search_list" end desc "Run cucumber tests for searching via the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:show) do |t| t.profile = "api_search_show" end desc "Run cucumber tests for searching via the REST API" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:reindex) do |t| t.profile = "api_search_reindex" end end end desc "Run cucumber tests for the chef client" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:client) do |t| t.profile = "client" end namespace :client do Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:roles) do |t| t.profile = "client_roles" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:run_interval) do |t| t.profile = "client_run_interval" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:cookbook_sync) do |t| t.profile = "client_cookbook_sync" end end desc "Run cucumber tests for the cookbooks" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:cookbooks) do |t| t.profile = "cookbooks" end namespace :cookbook do desc "Run cucumber tests for the cookbook metadata" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:metadata) do |t| t.profile = "cookbook_metadata" end end desc "Run cucumber tests for the recipe language" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:language) do |t| t.profile = "language" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:attribute_settings) do |t| t.profile = "attribute_settings" end desc "Run cucumber tests for searching in recipes" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:search) do |t| t.profile = "search" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:language) do |t| t.profile = "language" end namespace :language do Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:recipe_include) do |t| t.profile = "recipe_inclusion" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:attribute_include) do |t| t.profile = "attribute_inclusion" end end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:lwrp) do |t| t.profile = "lwrp" end desc "Run cucumber tests for providers" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:provider) do |t| t.profile = "provider" end namespace :provider do desc "Run cucumber tests for deploy resources" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:deploy) do |t| t.profile = "provider_deploy" end desc "Run cucumber tests for directory resources" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:directory) do |t| t.profile = "provider_directory" end desc "Run cucumber tests for execute resources" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:execute) do |t| t.profile = "provider_execute" end desc "Run cucumber tests for file resources" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:file) do |t| t.profile = "provider_file" end desc "Run cucumber tests for remote_file resources" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:remote_file) do |t| t.profile = "provider_remote_file" end desc "Run cucumber tests for template resources" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:template) do |t| t.profile = "provider_template" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:remote_directory) do |t| t.profile = "provider_remote_directory" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:git) do |t| t.profile = "provider_git" end namespace :package do desc "Run cucumber tests for macports packages" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:macports) do |t| t.profile = "provider_package_macports" end Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:gems) do |g| g.profile = "provider_package_rubygems" end end desc "Run cucumber tests for knife" Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:knife) do |t| t.profile = "knife" end end end rescue LoadError STDERR.puts "\n*** Cucumber is missing. (sudo) gem install cucumber to run integration tests. ***\n\n" end