# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/chef/version' require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' require 'rdoc/task' require './tasks/rspec.rb' GEM_NAME = "chef" # This has to be here or else the docs get generated *after* the gem is created task :gem => 'docs:all' Dir[File.expand_path("../*gemspec", __FILE__)].reverse.each do |gemspec_path| gemspec = eval(IO.read(gemspec_path)) Gem::PackageTask.new(gemspec).define end begin require 'sdoc' Rake::RDocTask.new do |rdoc| rdoc.title = "Chef Ruby API Documentation" rdoc.main = "README.rdoc" rdoc.options << '--fmt' << 'shtml' # explictly set shtml generator rdoc.template = 'direct' # lighter template rdoc.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc", "LICENSE", "spec/tiny_server.rb", "lib/**/*.rb") rdoc.rdoc_dir = "rdoc" end rescue LoadError puts "sdoc is not available. (sudo) gem install sdoc to generate rdoc documentation." rescue TypeError puts "sdoc is not working on ruby-2.0.0 and throwing an odd TypeError, rdoc generation will be disabled on ruby 2.0 until that gets fixed." end task :install => :package do sh %{gem install pkg/#{GEM_NAME}-#{Chef::VERSION}.gem --no-rdoc --no-ri} end task :uninstall do sh %{gem uninstall #{GEM_NAME} -x -v #{Chef::VERSION} } end desc "Build it, tag it and ship it" task :ship => :gem do sh("git tag #{Chef::VERSION}") sh("git push opscode --tags") Dir[File.expand_path("../pkg/*.gem", __FILE__)].reverse.each do |built_gem| sh("gem push #{built_gem}") end end RONN_OPTS = "--manual='Chef Manual' --organization='Chef #{Chef::VERSION}' --date='#{Time.new.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'" namespace :docs do desc "Regenerate manpages from markdown" task :man desc "Regenerate HTML manual from markdown" task :html desc "Regenerate help topics from man pages" task :list => :man do topics = Array.new Dir['distro/common/man/man1/*.1'].each do |man| topics << File.basename(man, '.1') end File.open('lib/chef/knife/help_topics.rb', 'w') do |f| f.puts "# Do not edit this file by hand" f.puts "# This file is autogenerated by the docs:list rake task from the available manpages\n\n" f.puts "HELP_TOPICS = #{topics.inspect}" end end # we can have ronn in the path, but not in the bundle, require both ronn_in_bundle = true begin require 'ronn' rescue LoadError ronn_in_bundle = false end if ronn_in_bundle && system('which ronn > /dev/null') ['distro/common/markdown/man1/*.mkd', 'distro/common/markdown/man8/*.mkd'].each do |dir| Dir[dir].each do |mkd| basename = File.basename(mkd, '.mkd') if dir =~ /man1/ manfile = "distro/common/man/man1/#{basename}.1" htmlfile = "distro/common/html/#{basename}.1.html" elsif dir =~ /man8/ manfile = "distro/common/man/man8/#{basename}.8" htmlfile = "distro/common/html/#{basename}.8.html" end file(manfile => [mkd, 'lib/chef/version.rb']) do sh "ronn -r #{RONN_OPTS} #{mkd} --pipe > #{manfile}" end task :man => manfile file(htmlfile => [mkd, 'lib/chef/version.rb']) do sh "ronn -5 #{RONN_OPTS} --style=toc #{mkd} --pipe > #{htmlfile}" end task :html => htmlfile end end else puts "get with the program and install ronn" end task :all => [:man, :html] end task :docs => "docs:all" begin require 'yard' DOC_FILES = [ "README.rdoc", "LICENSE", "spec/tiny_server.rb", "lib/**/*.rb" ] namespace :yard do desc "Create YARD documentation" YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new(:html) do |t| t.files = DOC_FILES t.options = ['--format', 'html'] end end rescue LoadError puts "yard is not available. (sudo) gem install yard to generate yard documentation." end