# Time to process 10,000 messages # * messages are (16 bytes), generated by bin/traffic-creator * in all cases, the generator finishes well before the subscriber * in all cases, the rabbitmq generates a load of ~80% - 90% on single core * generator is run on the same physical machine, but see above caveat * consumer is ruby amqp/eventmachine, prints a simple status message for each message received. * generator is ruby/bunny ## 10 processes * 1,000 queues subscribed ## 10 consumer processes, each claiming 1/10th of 10,000 total queues. start : 1282693162 end : 1282694881 (incomplete, give up) elapsed : 1771s (less than 6/s) ## 10,000 queues subscribed ## start : 1282690712 end : 1282691371 (incomplete, gave up.) ## 5,000 queues subscribed ## start : 1282694987 end : 1282695411 total : 424s second run: start : 1282695613 end : 1282696041 total : 428s (~23/s) ## 1024 queues subscribed ## start : 1282697018 end : 1282697110 total : 92s (~110/s) ## 1000 queues subscribed ## start : 1282689470 end : 1282689560 total : 90s ## 100 queues subscribed ## start : 1282689603 end : 1282689698 total : 95s ## 10 queues subscribed ## start : 1282689758 end : 1282689850 total : 92s