# WARNING: Archives are created during the build process, please use 'rake gem' # or 'rake package' to build this gem rather than 'gem build'. require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/chef/solr/version' Gem::Specification.new do |gem| gem.name = "chef-solr" gem.version = Chef::Solr::VERSION gem.summary = %Q{Search indexing for Chef} gem.description=<<-DESC Vendored Apache Solr for use with Chef Server DESC gem.email = "adam@opscode.com" gem.homepage = "http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef" gem.authors = ["Adam Jacob"] gem.add_dependency "chef", Chef::Solr::VERSION # gem is a Gem::Specification... see http://www.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20 for additional settings gem.executables = [ 'chef-solr', 'chef-solr-installer' ] gem.files = %w{ README.rdoc Rakefile LICENSE} + Dir.glob("{bin,lib,spec}/**/*") + ["solr/solr-home.tar.gz", "solr/solr-jetty.tar.gz"] end