$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib") vs_path = File.expand_path("chef-utils/lib/chef-utils/version_string.rb", __dir__) if File.exist?(vs_path) # this is the moral equivalent of a require_relative since bundler makes require_relative here fail hard eval(IO.read(vs_path)) else # if the path doesn't exist then we're just in the wild gem and not in the git repo require "chef-utils/version_string" end require "chef/version" Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "chef" s.version = Chef::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README.md", "LICENSE" ] s.summary = "A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure." s.description = s.summary s.license = "Apache-2.0" s.author = "Adam Jacob" s.email = "adam@chef.io" s.homepage = "https://www.chef.io" s.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.6.0" s.add_dependency "chef-config", "= #{Chef::VERSION}" s.add_dependency "chef-utils", "= #{Chef::VERSION}" s.add_dependency "train-core", "~> 3.2", ">= 3.2.28" # 3.2.28 fixes sudo prompts. See https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/9635 s.add_dependency "train-winrm", ">= 0.2.5" s.add_dependency "train-rest", ">= 0.4.1" # target mode with rest APIs s.add_dependency "license-acceptance", ">= 1.0.5", "< 3" s.add_dependency "mixlib-cli", ">= 2.1.1", "< 3.0" s.add_dependency "mixlib-log", ">= 2.0.3", "< 4.0" s.add_dependency "mixlib-authentication", ">= 2.1", "< 4" s.add_dependency "mixlib-shellout", ">= 3.1.1", "< 4.0" s.add_dependency "mixlib-archive", ">= 0.4", "< 2.0" s.add_dependency "ohai", "~> 18.0" s.add_dependency "inspec-core", "~> 4.23" s.add_dependency "ffi", ">= 1.5.0" s.add_dependency "ffi-yajl", "~> 2.2" s.add_dependency "net-sftp", ">= 2.1.2", "< 4.0" # remote_file resource s.add_dependency "net-ftp" # remote_file resource s.add_dependency "erubis", "~> 2.7" # template resource / cookbook syntax check s.add_dependency "diff-lcs", ">= 1.2.4", "!= 1.4.0", "< 1.6.0" # 1.4 breaks output. Used in lib/chef/util/diff s.add_dependency "ffi-libarchive", "~> 1.0", ">= 1.0.3" # archive_file resource s.add_dependency "chef-zero", ">= 14.0.11" s.add_dependency "chef-vault" # chef-vault resources and helpers s.add_dependency "plist", "~> 3.2" # launchd, dscl/mac user, macos_userdefaults, osx_profile and plist resources s.add_dependency "iniparse", "~> 1.4" # systemd_unit resource s.add_dependency "addressable" s.add_dependency "syslog-logger", "~> 1.6" s.add_dependency "uuidtools", ">= 2.1.5", "< 3.0" # osx_profile resource s.add_dependency "unf_ext", "<" # temporary until it loads properly on Windows s.add_dependency "corefoundation", "~> 0.3.4" # macos_userdefaults resource s.add_dependency "proxifier", "~> 1.0" s.add_dependency "aws-sdk-s3", "~> 1.91" # s3 recipe-url support s.add_dependency "aws-sdk-secretsmanager", "~> 1.46" s.add_dependency "vault", "~> 0.16" # hashi vault official client gem s.bindir = "bin" s.executables = %w{ } s.require_paths = %w{ lib } s.files = %w{Gemfile Rakefile LICENSE README.md} + Dir.glob("{lib,spec}/**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH).reject { |f| File.directory?(f) } + Dir.glob("*.gemspec") + Dir.glob("tasks/rspec.rb") s.metadata = { "bug_tracker_uri" => "https://github.com/chef/chef/issues", "changelog_uri" => "https://github.com/chef/chef/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md", "documentation_uri" => "https://docs.chef.io/", "homepage_uri" => "https://www.chef.io", "mailing_list_uri" => "https://discourse.chef.io/", "source_code_uri" => "https://github.com/chef/chef/", } end