@ECHO OFF REM ; %PROJECT_NAME% is set by Jenkins, this allows us to use the same script to verify REM ; Chef and Angry Chef cd C:\opscode\%PROJECT_NAME%\bin REM ; We don't want to add the embedded bin dir to the main PATH as this REM ; could mask issues in our binstub shebangs. SET EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR=C:\opscode\%PROJECT_NAME%\embedded\bin ECHO. REM ; Set the temporary directory to a custom location, and wipe it before REM ; and after the tests run. SET TEMP=%TEMP%\cheftest SET TMP=%TMP%\cheftest RMDIR /S /Q %TEMP% MKDIR %TEMP% FOR %%b IN ( chef-client knife chef-solo ohai ) DO ( ECHO Checking for existence of binfile `%%b`... IF EXIST %%b ( ECHO ...FOUND IT! ) ELSE ( GOTO :error ) ECHO. ) call chef-client --version REM ; Exercise various packaged tools to validate binstub shebangs call %EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR%\ruby --version call %EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR%\gem --version call %EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR%\bundle --version call %EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR%\rspec --version SET PATH=C:\opscode\%PROJECT_NAME%\bin;C:\opscode\%PROJECT_NAME%\embedded\bin;%PATH% REM ; Test against the vendored chef gem cd C:\opscode\%PROJECT_NAME%\embedded\lib\ruby\gems\2*\gems\chef-*-mingw32 IF NOT EXIST "Gemfile.lock" ( ECHO "Chef gem does not contain a Gemfile.lock! This is needed to run any tests." GOTO :error ) IF "%PIPELINE_NAME%" == "chef-fips" ( set CHEF_FIPS=1 ) call bundle exec rspec -r rspec_junit_formatter -f RspecJunitFormatter -o %WORKSPACE%\test.xml -f documentation spec/functional