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knife bootstrap

A bootstrap is a process that installs the chef-client on a target system so that it can run as a chef-client and communicate with a server.

The knife bootstrap subcommand is used to run a bootstrap operation that installs the chef-client on the target system. The bootstrap operation must specify the IP address or FQDN of the target system.


To bootstrap the chef-client on Microsoft Windows machines, the knife-windows plugins is required, which includes the necessary bootstrap scripts that are used to do the actual installation.


This argument has the following syntax:

$ knife bootstrap FQDN_or_IP_ADDRESS (options)



Review the list of common options available to this (and all) Knife subcommands and plugins.

This subcommand has the following options:

-A, --forward-agent
Indicates that SSH agent forwarding is enabled.
--bootstrap-no-proxy NO_PROXY_URL_or_IP
A URL or IP address that specifies a location that should not be proxied. Note: This option is used internally by Chef to help verify bootstrap operations during testing and should never be used during an actual bootstrap operation.
--bootstrap-proxy PROXY_URL
The proxy server for the node that is the target of a bootstrap operation.
--bootstrap-version VERSION
The version of the chef-client to install.
-d DISTRO, --distro DISTRO


The default bootstrap operation uses the omnibus installer, which means the default template file (chef-full) should work on all supported platforms. It is recommended to use custom bootstrap templates only when the omnibus installer cannot be used.

The template file to be used during a bootstrap operation. The following distributions are supported: chef-full (the default bootstrap), centos5-gems, fedora13-gems, ubuntu10.04-gems, ubuntu10.04-apt, ubuntu12.04-gems, and the name of a custom bootstrap template file. When this option is used, Knife will search for the template file in the following order: the bootstrap/ folder in the current working directory, the bootstrap/ folder in the chef-repo, the bootstrap/ folder in the ~/.chef/ directory, or a default bootstrap file. Do not use the --template-file option when --distro is specified.

-G GATEWAY, --ssh-gateway GATEWAY
The SSH tunnel or gateway that is used to run a bootstrap action on a machine that is not accessible from the workstation.
An Ohai hint to be set on the target of the bootstrap. The hint is contained in a file and is formatted as JSON: {"attribute":"value","attribute":"value"...}. HINT_NAME is the name of the hint and HINT_FILE is the name of the hint file located at /etc/chef/ohai/hints/HINT_FILE.json. Use multiple --hint options in the command to specify multiple hints.
The SSH identity file used for authentication. Key-based authentication is recommended.
-j JSON_ATTRIBS, --json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS
A JSON string that is added to the first run of a chef-client.
-N NAME, --node-name NAME
The name of the node.
Use --no-host-key-verify to disable host key verification. Default setting: --host-key-verify.
-p PORT, --ssh-port PORT
The SSH port.
-P PASSWORD, --ssh-password PASSWORD
The SSH password. This can be used to pass the password directly on the command line. If this option is not specified (and a password is required) Knife will prompt for the password.
Indicates that pre-release gems should be installed.
-r RUN_LIST, --run-list RUN_LIST
A comma-separated list of roles and/or recipes to be applied.
--secret SECRET
The encryption key that is used for values contained within a data bag item.
--secret-file FILE
The path to the file that contains the encryption key.
Indicates that a bootstrap operation should be executed using sudo.
--template-file TEMPLATE
The path to a template file that will be used during a bootstrap operation. Do not use the --distro option when --template-file is specified.
Indicates that a bootstrap operation is done using sudo, with the password specified by the -P (or --ssh-password) option.
-x USERNAME, --ssh-user USERNAME
The SSH user name.

knife.rb Settings


See knife.rb for more information about how to add optional settings to the knife.rb file.

The following knife bootstrap settings can be added to the knife.rb file:

Use to add the --bootstrap-proxy option.
Use to add the --bootstrap-version option.
Use to add the --distro option.
Use to add the --run-list option.
Use to add the --template-file option.
Use to add the --sudo option.


The knife bootstrap subcommand relies on a number of SSH-related settings that are handled by the knife ssh subcommand.

Custom Templates

The chef-full distribution uses the omnibus installer. For most bootstrap operations, regardless of the platform on which the target node is running, using the chef-full distribution is the best approach for installing the chef-client on a target node. In some situations, using another supported distribution is necessary. And in some situations, a custom template may be required. For example, the default bootstrap operation relies on an Internet connection to get the distribution to the target node. If a target node cannot access the Internet, then a custom template can be used to define a specific location for the distribution so that the target node may access it during the bootstrap operation.

A custom bootstrap template file (template_filename.erb) must be located in a bootstrap/ directory. Use the --distro option with the knife bootstrap subcommand to specify the bootstrap template file. For example, a bootstrap template file named “british_sea_power.erb”:

$ knife bootstrap 123.456.7.8 -x username -P password --sudo --distro "british_sea_power.erb"

The following examples show how a bootstrap template file can be customized for various platforms.

Ubuntu 12.04

The following example shows how to modify the default script for Ubuntu 12.04. First, copy the bootstrap template from the default location. If the chef-client is installed from a RubyGems, the full path can be found in the gem contents:

% gem contents chef | grep ubuntu12.04-gems

Copy the template to the chef-repo in the .chef/bootstrap directory:

% cp /Users/jtimberman/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/chef-0.10.2/
   lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/ubuntu12.04-gems.erb ~/chef-repo/.chef/

Modify the template with any editor, then use it with the -d or --distro option in the knife bootstrap operation, or use any of the Knife plug-ins that support cloud computing.

$ knife bootstrap -r 'role[webserver]' -d ubuntu12.04-gems-mine

Alternatively, an example bootstrap template can be found in the git source for the chef-repo: Copy the template to ~/.chef-repo/.chef/bootstrap/ubuntu12.04-apt.erb and modify the template appropriately.

Debian and Apt

The following example shows how to use the knife bootstrap sub-command to create a client configuration file (/etc/chef/client.rb) that uses Hosted Chef as the server. The configuration file will look something like:

log_level        :info
log_location     STDOUT
chef_server_url  ''
validation_client_name 'ORGNAME-validator'

The knife bootstrap sub-command will look in three locations for the template that is used during the bootstrap operation. The locations are:

  1. A bootstrap directory in the installed Knife library; the actual location may vary, depending how the chef-client is installed
  2. A bootstrap directory in the $PWD/.chef, e.g. in ~/chef-repo/.chef
  3. A bootstrap directory in the users $HOME/.chef

If, in the example above, the second location was used, then create the .chef/bootstrap/ directory in the chef-repo, and then create the Embedded Ruby (ERB) template file by running commands similar to the following:

mkdir ~/.chef/bootstrap
vi ~/.chef/bootstrap/debian5.0-apt.erb

When finished creating the directory and the Embedded Ruby (ERB) template file, edit the template to run the SSH commands. Then set up the validation certificate and the client configuration file.

Finally, run the chef-client on the node using a knife bootstrap command that specifies a run-list (the -r option). The bootstrap template can be called using a command similar to the following:

$ knife bootstrap -r 'role[webserver]','role[production]' --distro debian5.0-apt

Microsoft Windows

The following example shows how to modify the default script for Microsoft Windows and Windows PowerShell:


<%= "SETX HTTP_PROXY \"#{knife_config[:bootstrap_proxy]}\"" if knife_config[:bootstrap_proxy] %>
@mkdir <%= bootstrap_directory %>

> <%= bootstrap_directory %>\wget.ps1 (
 <%= win_wget_ps %>

@rem Install Chef using chef-client MSI installer

<% url="" -%>
@set "REMOTE_SOURCE_MSI_URL=<%= url %>"
@set "LOCAL_DESTINATION_MSI_PATH=<%= local_download_path %>"

@powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoProfile -NonInteractive "& '<%= bootstrap_directory %>\wget.ps1' '%REMOTE_SOURCE_MSI_URL%' '%LOCAL_DESTINATION_MSI_PATH%'"

@REM Replace install_chef from knife-windows Gem with one that has extra flags to turn on Chef service feature -- only available in Chef >= 11.6.x
@REM <%= install_chef %>
@echo Installing Chef Client 11.6.0.rc1 with msiexec
@msiexec /q /i "%LOCAL_DESTINATION_MSI_PATH%" ADDLOCAL="ChefClientFeature,ChefServiceFeature"

@echo Writing validation key...

> <%= bootstrap_directory %>\validation.pem (
 <%= validation_key %>

@echo Validation key written.

<% if @config[:encrypted_data_bag_secret] -%>
> <%= bootstrap_directory %>\encrypted_data_bag_secret (
 <%= encrypted_data_bag_secret %>
<% end -%>

> <%= bootstrap_directory %>\client.rb (
 <%= config_content %>

> <%= bootstrap_directory %>\first-boot.json (
 <%= run_list %>

<%= start_chef %>


The following examples show how to use this Knife subcommand:

Use an SSH password

$ knife bootstrap -x username -P PASSWORD --sudo

Use a file that contains a private key

$ knife bootstrap -x username -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa --sudo