--- banner: knife ssh QUERY COMMAND (options) concurrency: short: "-C NUM" long: "--concurrency NUM" description: The number of concurrent connections. default: proc: !ruby/object:Proc {} duplicated_fqdns: long: "--duplicated-fqdns" description: Behavior if FQDNs are duplicated, ignored by default. proc: !ruby/object:Proc {} default: :ignore forward_agent: short: "-A" long: "--forward-agent" description: Enable SSH agent forwarding. boolean: true host_key_verify: long: "--[no-]host-key-verify" description: Verify host key, enabled by default. boolean: true default: true manual: short: "-m" long: "--manual-list" boolean: true description: QUERY is a space separated list of servers. default: false on_error: short: "-e" long: "--exit-on-error" description: Immediately exit if an error is encountered. boolean: true default: false prefix_attribute: long: "--prefix-attribute ATTR" description: The attribute to use for prefixing the output - default depends on the context. pty: long: "--[no-]pty" description: Request a PTY, enabled by default. boolean: true default: true require_pty: long: "--[no-]require-pty" description: Raise exception if a PTY cannot be acquired, disabled by default. boolean: true default: false ssh_attribute: short: "-a ATTR" long: "--attribute ATTR" description: The attribute to use for opening the connection - default depends on the context. ssh_gateway: short: "-G GATEWAY" long: "--ssh-gateway GATEWAY" description: The ssh gateway. proc: !ruby/object:Proc {} ssh_gateway_identity: long: "--ssh-gateway-identity SSH_GATEWAY_IDENTITY" description: The SSH identity file used for gateway authentication. ssh_identity_file: short: "-i IDENTITY_FILE" long: "--ssh-identity-file IDENTITY_FILE" description: The SSH identity file used for authentication. ssh_password: short: "-P [PASSWORD]" long: "--ssh-password [PASSWORD]" description: The ssh password - will prompt if flag is specified but no password is given. default: false ssh_port: short: "-p PORT" long: "--ssh-port PORT" description: The ssh port. proc: !ruby/object:Proc {} ssh_timeout: short: "-t SECONDS" long: "--ssh-timeout SECONDS" description: The ssh connection timeout. proc: !ruby/object:Proc {} default: 120 ssh_user: short: "-x USERNAME" long: "--ssh-user USERNAME" description: The ssh username. tmux_split: long: "--tmux-split" description: Split tmux window. boolean: true default: false