--- banner: knife upload PATTERNS (options) chef_repo_path: long: "--chef-repo-path PATH" description: Overrides the location of Chef Infra Client repo. Default is specified by chef_repo_path in the config concurrency: long: "--concurrency THREADS" description: 'Maximum number of simultaneous requests to send (default: 10)' diff: long: "--[no-]diff" boolean: true default: true description: Turn off to avoid uploading existing files; only new (and possibly deleted) files with --no-diff. dry_run: long: "--dry-run" short: "-n" boolean: true default: false description: Don't take action, only print what would happen. force: long: "--[no-]force" boolean: true default: false description: Force upload of files even if they match (quicker for many files). Will overwrite frozen cookbooks. freeze: long: "--[no-]freeze" boolean: true default: false description: Freeze cookbooks that get uploaded. purge: long: "--[no-]purge" boolean: true default: false description: Delete matching local files and directories that do not exist remotely. recurse: long: "--[no-]recurse" boolean: true default: true description: List directories recursively. repo_mode: long: "--repo-mode MODE" description: 'Specifies the local repository layout. Values: static, everything, hosted_everything. Default: everything/hosted_everything'