# # Cookbook:: end_to_end # Recipe:: linux # # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # hostname "chef-bk-ci.chef.io" apt_update chef_sleep "2" execute "sleep 1" execute "sleep 1 second" do command "sleep 1" live_stream true end execute "sensitive sleep" do command "sleep 1" sensitive true end timezone "America/Los_Angeles" include_recipe "::_yum" if platform_family?("rhel") if platform_family?("rhel", "fedora", "amazon") include_recipe "selinux::disabled" end build_essential do raise_if_unsupported true end include_recipe "::_packages" include_recipe "ntp" include_recipe "resolver" users_manage "sysadmin" do group_id 2300 action [:create] end ssh_known_hosts_entry "github.com" include_recipe "chef-client::delete_validation" include_recipe "chef-client::config" include_recipe "::_chef_client_trusted_certificate" include_recipe "openssh" include_recipe "nscd" include_recipe "logrotate" include_recipe "git" # test various archive formats in the archive_file resource %w{tourism.tar.gz tourism.tar.xz tourism.zip}.each do |archive| cookbook_file File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], archive) do source archive end archive_file archive do path File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], archive) extract_to File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], archive.tr(".", "_")) end end user_ulimit "tomcat" do filehandle_soft_limit 8192 filehandle_hard_limit 8192 process_soft_limit 61504 process_hard_limit 61504 memory_limit 1024 core_limit 2048 core_soft_limit 1024 core_hard_limit "unlimited" stack_soft_limit 2048 stack_hard_limit 2048 rtprio_soft_limit 60 rtprio_hard_limit 60 end chef_client_cron "Run chef-client as a cron job" chef_client_cron "Run chef-client with base recipe" do minute 0 hour "0,12" job_name "chef-client-base" log_directory "/var/log/custom_chef_client_dir/" log_file_name "chef-client-base.log" daemon_options ["--override-runlist mycorp_base::default"] end chef_client_systemd_timer "Run chef-client as a systemd timer" do interval "1hr" only_if { systemd? } end chef_client_systemd_timer "a timer that does not exist" do action :remove end locale "set system locale" do lang "en_US.UTF-8" only_if { debian? } end include_recipe "::_apt" if platform_family?("debian") include_recipe "::_zypper" if suse? include_recipe "::_chef-vault" unless includes_recipe?("end_to_end::chef-vault") include_recipe "::_sudo" include_recipe "::_sysctl" include_recipe "::_alternatives" include_recipe "::_cron" include_recipe "::_ohai_hint" include_recipe "::_openssl" include_recipe "::_tests" include_recipe "::_mount" # at the moment these do not run properly in docker # we need to investigate if this is a snap on docker issue or a chef issue # include_recipe "::_snap" if platform?("ubuntu")