# # Author:: Bryan W. Berry () # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2016, Bryan W. Berry # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2016, Daniel DeLeo # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "chef" require "chef/application" require "chef/client" require "chef/config" require "chef/log" require "fileutils" require "tempfile" require "chef/providers" require "chef/resources" class Chef::Application::Apply < Chef::Application banner "Usage: chef-apply [RECIPE_FILE | -e RECIPE_TEXT | -s] [OPTIONS]" option :execute, :short => "-e RECIPE_TEXT", :long => "--execute RECIPE_TEXT", :description => "Execute resources supplied in a string", :proc => nil option :stdin, :short => "-s", :long => "--stdin", :description => "Execute resources read from STDIN", :boolean => true option :json_attribs, :short => "-j JSON_ATTRIBS", :long => "--json-attributes JSON_ATTRIBS", :description => "Load attributes from a JSON file or URL", :proc => nil option :force_logger, :long => "--force-logger", :description => "Use logger output instead of formatter output", :boolean => true, :default => false option :force_formatter, :long => "--force-formatter", :description => "Use formatter output instead of logger output", :boolean => true, :default => false option :formatter, :short => "-F FORMATTER", :long => "--format FORMATTER", :description => "output format to use", :proc => lambda { |format| Chef::Config.add_formatter(format) } option :log_level, :short => "-l LEVEL", :long => "--log_level LEVEL", :description => "Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)", :proc => lambda { |l| l.to_sym } option :help, :short => "-h", :long => "--help", :description => "Show this message", :on => :tail, :boolean => true, :show_options => true, :exit => 0 option :version, :short => "-v", :long => "--version", :description => "Show chef version", :boolean => true, :proc => lambda {|v| puts "Chef: #{::Chef::VERSION}"}, :exit => 0 option :why_run, :short => "-W", :long => "--why-run", :description => "Enable whyrun mode", :boolean => true option :profile_ruby, :long => "--[no-]profile-ruby", :description => "Dump complete Ruby call graph stack of entire Chef run (expert only)", :boolean => true, :default => false option :color, :long => "--[no-]color", :boolean => true, :default => true, :description => "Use colored output, defaults to enabled" option :minimal_ohai, :long => "--minimal-ohai", :description => "Only run the bare minimum ohai plugins chef needs to function", :boolean => true attr_reader :json_attribs def initialize super end def reconfigure parse_options Chef::Config.merge!(config) configure_logging Chef::Config.export_proxies Chef::Config.init_openssl parse_json end def parse_json if Chef::Config[:json_attribs] config_fetcher = Chef::ConfigFetcher.new(Chef::Config[:json_attribs]) @json_attribs = config_fetcher.fetch_json end end def read_recipe_file(file_name) if file_name.nil? Chef::Application.fatal!("No recipe file was provided", 1) else recipe_path = File.expand_path(file_name) unless File.exist?(recipe_path) Chef::Application.fatal!("No file exists at #{recipe_path}", 1) end recipe_fh = open(recipe_path) recipe_text = recipe_fh.read [recipe_text, recipe_fh] end end def get_recipe_and_run_context Chef::Config[:solo] = true @chef_client = Chef::Client.new(@json_attribs) @chef_client.run_ohai @chef_client.load_node @chef_client.build_node run_context = if @chef_client.events.nil? Chef::RunContext.new(@chef_client.node, {}) else Chef::RunContext.new(@chef_client.node, {}, @chef_client.events) end recipe = Chef::Recipe.new("(chef-apply cookbook)", "(chef-apply recipe)", run_context) [recipe, run_context] end # write recipe to temp file, so in case of error, # user gets error w/ context def temp_recipe_file @recipe_fh = Tempfile.open("recipe-temporary-file") @recipe_fh.write(@recipe_text) @recipe_fh.rewind @recipe_filename = @recipe_fh.path end def run_chef_recipe if config[:execute] @recipe_text = config[:execute] temp_recipe_file elsif config[:stdin] @recipe_text = STDIN.read temp_recipe_file else if !ARGV[0] puts opt_parser Chef::Application.exit! "No recipe file provided", 1 end @recipe_filename = ARGV[0] @recipe_text,@recipe_fh = read_recipe_file @recipe_filename end recipe,run_context = get_recipe_and_run_context recipe.instance_eval(@recipe_text, @recipe_filename, 1) runner = Chef::Runner.new(run_context) begin runner.converge ensure @recipe_fh.close end Chef::Platform::Rebooter.reboot_if_needed!(runner) end def run_application begin parse_options run_chef_recipe Chef::Application.exit! "Exiting", 0 rescue SystemExit => e raise rescue Exception => e Chef::Application.debug_stacktrace(e) Chef::Application.fatal!("#{e.class}: #{e.message}", 1) end end # Get this party started def run reconfigure run_application end end