# # Author:: Christopher Maier () # Copyright:: Copyright 2011-2016, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef" require "chef/monologger" require "chef/application" require "chef/client" require "chef/config" require "chef/handler/error_report" require "chef/log" require "chef/http" require "mixlib/cli" require "socket" require "uri" require "win32/daemon" require "chef/mixin/shell_out" class Chef class Application class WindowsService < ::Win32::Daemon include Mixlib::CLI include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut option :config_file, :short => "-c CONFIG", :long => "--config CONFIG", :default => "#{ENV['SYSTEMDRIVE']}/chef/client.rb", :description => "" option :log_location, :short => "-L LOGLOCATION", :long => "--logfile LOGLOCATION", :description => "Set the log file location" option :splay, :short => "-s SECONDS", :long => "--splay SECONDS", :description => "The splay time for running at intervals, in seconds", :proc => lambda { |s| s.to_i } option :interval, :short => "-i SECONDS", :long => "--interval SECONDS", :description => "Set the number of seconds to wait between chef-client runs", :proc => lambda { |s| s.to_i } DEFAULT_LOG_LOCATION ||= "#{ENV['SYSTEMDRIVE']}/chef/client.log" def service_init @service_action_mutex = Mutex.new @service_signal = ConditionVariable.new reconfigure Chef::Log.info("Chef Client Service initialized") end def service_main(*startup_parameters) # Chef::Config is initialized during service_init # Set the initial timeout to splay sleep time timeout = rand Chef::Config[:splay] while running? # Grab the service_action_mutex to make a chef-client run @service_action_mutex.synchronize do begin Chef::Log.info("Next chef-client run will happen in #{timeout} seconds") @service_signal.wait(@service_action_mutex, timeout) # Continue only if service is RUNNING next if state != RUNNING # Reconfigure each time through to pick up any changes in the client file Chef::Log.info("Reconfiguring with startup parameters") reconfigure(startup_parameters) timeout = Chef::Config[:interval] # Honor splay sleep config timeout += rand Chef::Config[:splay] # run chef-client only if service is in RUNNING state next if state != RUNNING Chef::Log.info("Chef-Client service is starting a chef-client run...") run_chef_client rescue SystemExit => e # Do not raise any of the errors here in order to # prevent service crash Chef::Log.error("#{e.class}: #{e}") rescue Exception => e Chef::Log.error("#{e.class}: #{e}") end end end # Daemon class needs to have all the signal callbacks return # before service_main returns. Chef::Log.debug("Giving signal callbacks some time to exit...") sleep 1 Chef::Log.debug("Exiting service...") end ################################################################################ # Control Signal Callback Methods ################################################################################ def service_stop run_warning_displayed = false Chef::Log.info("STOP request from operating system.") loop do # See if a run is in flight if @service_action_mutex.try_lock # Run is not in flight. Wake up service_main to exit. @service_signal.signal @service_action_mutex.unlock break else unless run_warning_displayed Chef::Log.info("Currently a chef run is happening on this system.") Chef::Log.info("Service will stop when run is completed.") run_warning_displayed = true end Chef::Log.debug("Waiting for chef-client run...") sleep 1 end end Chef::Log.info("Service is stopping....") end def service_pause Chef::Log.info("PAUSE request from operating system.") # We don't need to wake up the service_main if it's waiting # since this is a PAUSE signal. if @service_action_mutex.locked? Chef::Log.info("Currently a chef-client run is happening.") Chef::Log.info("Service will pause once it's completed.") else Chef::Log.info("Service is pausing....") end end def service_resume # We don't need to wake up the service_main if it's waiting # since this is a RESUME signal. Chef::Log.info("RESUME signal received from the OS.") Chef::Log.info("Service is resuming....") end def service_shutdown Chef::Log.info("SHUTDOWN signal received from the OS.") # Treat shutdown similar to stop. service_stop end ################################################################################ # Internal Methods ################################################################################ private # Initializes Chef::Client instance and runs it def run_chef_client # The chef client will be started in a new process. We have used shell_out to start the chef-client. # The log_location and config_file of the parent process is passed to the new chef-client process. # We need to add the --no-fork, as by default it is set to fork=true. begin Chef::Log.info "Starting chef-client in a new process" # Pass config params to the new process config_params = " --no-fork" config_params += " -c #{Chef::Config[:config_file]}" unless Chef::Config[:config_file].nil? # log_location might be an event logger and if so we cannot pass as a command argument # but shed no tears! If the logger is an event logger, it must have been configured # as such in the config file and chef-client will use that when no arg is passed here config_params += " -L #{resolve_log_location}" if resolve_log_location.is_a?(String) # Starts a new process and waits till the process exits result = shell_out( "chef-client.bat #{config_params}", :timeout => Chef::Config[:windows_service][:watchdog_timeout], :logger => Chef::Log, ) Chef::Log.debug "#{result.stdout}" Chef::Log.debug "#{result.stderr}" rescue Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout => e Chef::Log.error "chef-client timed out\n(#{e})" Chef::Log.error(<<-EOF) Your chef-client run timed out. You can increase the time chef-client is given to complete by configuring windows_service.watchdog_timeout in your client.rb. EOF rescue Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed => e Chef::Log.warn "Not able to start chef-client in new process (#{e})" rescue => e Chef::Log.error e ensure # Once process exits, we log the current process' pid Chef::Log.info "Child process exited (pid: #{Process.pid})" end end def apply_config(config_file_path) Chef::Config.from_file(config_file_path) Chef::Config.merge!(config) end # Lifted from Chef::Application, with addition of optional startup parameters # for playing nicely with Windows Services def reconfigure(startup_parameters = []) configure_chef startup_parameters configure_logging Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] = config[:chef_server_url] if config.has_key? :chef_server_url unless Chef::Config[:exception_handlers].any? { |h| Chef::Handler::ErrorReport === h } Chef::Config[:exception_handlers] << Chef::Handler::ErrorReport.new end Chef::Config[:interval] ||= 1800 end # Lifted from application.rb # See application.rb for related comments. def configure_logging Chef::Log.init(MonoLogger.new(resolve_log_location)) if want_additional_logger? configure_stdout_logger end Chef::Log.level = resolve_log_level end def configure_stdout_logger stdout_logger = MonoLogger.new(STDOUT) stdout_logger.formatter = Chef::Log.logger.formatter Chef::Log.loggers << stdout_logger end # Based on config and whether or not STDOUT is a tty, should we setup a # secondary logger for stdout? def want_additional_logger? ( Chef::Config[:log_location] != STDOUT ) && STDOUT.tty? && (!Chef::Config[:daemonize]) && (Chef::Config[:force_logger]) end # Use of output formatters is assumed if `force_formatter` is set or if # `force_logger` is not set and STDOUT is to a console (tty) def using_output_formatter? Chef::Config[:force_formatter] || (!Chef::Config[:force_logger] && STDOUT.tty?) end def auto_log_level? Chef::Config[:log_level] == :auto end def resolve_log_location # STDOUT is the default log location, but makes no sense for a windows service Chef::Config[:log_location] == STDOUT ? DEFAULT_LOG_LOCATION : Chef::Config[:log_location] end # if log_level is `:auto`, convert it to :warn (when using output formatter) # or :info (no output formatter). See also +using_output_formatter?+ def resolve_log_level if auto_log_level? if using_output_formatter? :warn else :info end else Chef::Config[:log_level] end end def configure_chef(startup_parameters) # Bit of a hack ahead: # It is possible to specify a service's binary_path_name with arguments, like "foo.exe -x argX". # It is also possible to specify startup parameters separately, either via the Services manager # or by using the registry (I think). # In order to accommodate all possible sources of parameterization, we first parse any command line # arguments. We then parse any startup parameters. This works, because Mixlib::CLI reuses its internal # 'config' hash; thus, anything in startup parameters will override any command line parameters that # might be set via the service's binary_path_name # # All these parameters then get layered on top of those from Chef::Config parse_options # Operates on ARGV by default parse_options startup_parameters begin case config[:config_file] when /^(http|https):\/\// Chef::HTTP.new("").streaming_request(config[:config_file]) { |f| apply_config(f.path) } else ::File.open(config[:config_file]) { |f| apply_config(f.path) } end rescue Errno::ENOENT => error Chef::Log.warn("*****************************************") Chef::Log.warn("Did not find config file: #{config[:config_file]}, using command line options.") Chef::Log.warn("*****************************************") Chef::Config.merge!(config) rescue SocketError => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Error getting config file #{Chef::Config[:config_file]}", 2) rescue Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Error processing config file #{Chef::Config[:config_file]} with error #{error.message}", 2) rescue Exception => error Chef::Application.fatal!("Unknown error processing config file #{Chef::Config[:config_file]} with error #{error.message}", 2) end end end end end # To run this file as a service, it must be called as a script from within # the Windows Service framework. In that case, kick off the main loop! if __FILE__ == $0 Chef::Application::WindowsService.mainloop end