# # Author:: Claire McQuin () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/audit/logger" class Chef class Audit class Runner attr_reader :run_context private :run_context def initialize(run_context) @run_context = run_context end def run setup register_control_groups do_run end def failed? RSpec.world.reporter.failed_examples.size > 0 end def num_failed RSpec.world.reporter.failed_examples.size end def num_total RSpec.world.reporter.examples.size end def exclusion_pattern Regexp.new(".+[\\\/]lib[\\\/]chef[\\\/]") end private # Prepare to run audits: # - Require files # - Configure RSpec # - Configure Specinfra/Serverspec def setup require_deps configure_rspec configure_specinfra end # RSpec uses a global configuration object, RSpec.configuration. We found # there was interference between the configuration for audit-mode and # the configuration for our own spec tests in these cases: # 1. Specinfra and Serverspec modify RSpec.configuration when loading. # 2. Setting output/error streams. # 3. Adding formatters. # 4. Defining example group aliases. # # Moreover, Serverspec loads its DSL methods into the global namespace, # which causes conflicts with the Chef namespace for resources and packages. # # We wait until we're in the audit-phase of the chef-client run to load # these files. This helps with the namespacing problems we saw, and # prevents Specinfra and Serverspec from modifying the RSpec configuration # used by our spec tests. def require_deps require "rspec" require "rspec/its" require "specinfra" require "specinfra/helper" require "specinfra/helper/set" require "serverspec/helper" require "serverspec/matcher" require "serverspec/subject" require "chef/audit/audit_event_proxy" require "chef/audit/rspec_formatter" Specinfra::Backend::Cmd.send(:include, Specinfra::Helper::Set) end # Configure RSpec just the way we like it: # - Set location of error and output streams # - Add custom audit-mode formatters # - Explicitly disable :should syntax # - Set :color option according to chef config # - Disable exposure of global DSL def configure_rspec set_streams add_formatters disable_should_syntax RSpec.configure do |c| c.color = Chef::Config[:color] c.expose_dsl_globally = false c.project_source_dirs = Array(Chef::Config[:cookbook_path]) c.backtrace_exclusion_patterns << exclusion_pattern end end # Set the error and output streams which audit-mode will use to report # human-readable audit information. # # This should always be called before #add_formatters. RSpec won't allow # the output stream to be changed for a formatter once the formatter has # been added. def set_streams RSpec.configuration.output_stream = Chef::Audit::Logger RSpec.configuration.error_stream = Chef::Audit::Logger end # Add formatters which we use to # 1. Output human-readable data to the output stream, # 2. Collect JSON data to send back to the analytics server. def add_formatters RSpec.configuration.add_formatter(Chef::Audit::AuditEventProxy) RSpec.configuration.add_formatter(Chef::Audit::RspecFormatter) Chef::Audit::AuditEventProxy.events = run_context.events end # Audit-mode uses RSpec 3. :should syntax is deprecated by default in # RSpec 3, so we explicitly disable it here. # # This can be removed once :should is removed from RSpec. def disable_should_syntax RSpec.configure do |config| config.expect_with :rspec do |c| c.syntax = :expect end end end # Set up the backend for Specinfra/Serverspec. :exec is the local system; on Windows, it is :cmd def configure_specinfra if Chef::Platform.windows? Specinfra.configuration.backend = :cmd Specinfra.configuration.os = { :family => "windows" } else Specinfra.configuration.backend = :exec end end # Iterates through the control groups registered to this run_context, builds an # example group (RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup) object per control group, and # registers the group with the RSpec.world. # # We could just store an array of example groups and not use RSpec.world, # but it may be useful later if we decide to apply our own ordering scheme # or use example group filters. def register_control_groups add_example_group_methods run_context.audits.each do |name, group| ctl_grp = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.__control_group__(*group.args, &group.block) RSpec.world.register(ctl_grp) end end # Add example group method aliases to RSpec. # # __control_group__: Used internally to create example groups from the control # groups saved in the run_context. # control: Used within the context of a control group block, like RSpec's # describe or context. def add_example_group_methods RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.define_example_group_method :__control_group__ RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.define_example_group_method :control end # Run the audits! def do_run # RSpec::Core::Runner wants to be initialized with an # RSpec::Core::ConfigurationOptions object, which is used to process # command line configuration arguments. We directly fiddle with the # internal RSpec configuration object, so we give nil here and let # RSpec pick up its own configuration and world. runner = RSpec::Core::Runner.new(nil) runner.run_specs(RSpec.world.ordered_example_groups) end end end end