require 'chef/chef_fs/file_system/chef_server/rest_list_entry' require 'chef/chef_fs/data_handler/policy_data_handler' class Chef module ChefFS module FileSystem module ChefServer # /policies/NAME-REVISION.json # Represents the actual data at /organizations/ORG/policies/NAME/revisions/REVISION class PolicyRevisionEntry < RestListEntry # /policies/foo-1.0.0.json -> /policies/foo/revisions/1.0.0 def api_path(options={}) policy_name, revision_id = data_handler.name_and_revision(name) "#{parent.api_path}/#{policy_name}/revisions/#{revision_id}" end def write(file_contents) raise, self, nil, "cannot be updated: policy revisions are immutable once uploaded. If you want to change the policy, create a new revision with your changes") end end end end end end