require "thread" require_relative "parallelizer/parallel_enumerable" class Chef module ChefFS # Tries to balance several guarantees, in order of priority: # - don't get deadlocked # - provide results in desired order # - provide results as soon as they are available # - process input as soon as possible class Parallelizer @@parallelizer = nil @@threads = 0 def self.threads=(value) @@threads = value @@parallelizer.resize(value) if @@parallelizer end def self.parallelizer @@parallelizer ||= end def self.parallelize(enumerable, options = {}, &block) parallelizer.parallelize(enumerable, options, &block) end def self.parallel_do(enumerable, options = {}, &block) parallelizer.parallel_do(enumerable, options, &block) end def initialize(num_threads) @tasks = @threads = [] @stop_thread = {} resize(num_threads) end def num_threads @threads.size end def parallelize(enumerable, options = {}, &block), enumerable, options, &block) end def parallel_do(enumerable, options = {}, &block), enumerable, options.merge(ordered: false), &block).wait end def stop(wait = true, timeout = nil) resize(0, wait, timeout) end def resize(to_threads, wait = true, timeout = nil) if to_threads < num_threads threads_to_stop = @threads[to_threads..num_threads - 1] @threads = @threads.slice(0, to_threads) threads_to_stop.each do |thread| @stop_thread[thread] = true end if wait start_time = threads_to_stop.each do |thread| thread_timeout = timeout ? timeout - ( - start_time) : nil thread.join(thread_timeout) end end else num_threads.upto(to_threads - 1) do |i| @threads[i] = end end end def kill @threads.each do |thread| Thread.kill(thread) @stop_thread.delete(thread) end @threads = [] end private def worker_loop until @stop_thread[Thread.current] begin task = @tasks.pop rescue puts "ERROR #{$!}" puts $!.backtrace end end ensure @stop_thread.delete(Thread.current) end end end end