require "chef/client" require "chef/util/threaded_job_queue" require "chef/server_api" require "singleton" class Chef # Keep track of the filenames that we use in both eager cookbook # downloading (during sync_cookbooks) and lazy (during the run # itself, through FileVendor). After the run is over, clean up the # cache. class CookbookCacheCleaner attr_accessor :skip_removal # Setup a notification to clear the valid_cache_entries when a Chef client # run starts Chef::Client.when_run_starts do |run_status| instance.reset! end # Register a notification to cleanup unused files from cookbooks Chef::Client.when_run_completes_successfully do |run_status| instance.cleanup_file_cache end include Singleton def initialize reset! end def reset! @valid_cache_entries = {} end def mark_file_as_valid(cache_path) @valid_cache_entries[cache_path] = true end def cache Chef::FileCache end def cleanup_file_cache unless Chef::Config[:solo] || skip_removal # Delete each file in the cache that we didn't encounter in the # manifest. cache.find(File.join(%w{cookbooks ** {*,.*}})).each do |cache_filename| unless @valid_cache_entries[cache_filename]"Removing #{cache_filename} from the cache; it is no longer needed by chef-client.") cache.delete(cache_filename) end end else"Skipping removal of unused files from the cache") end end end # Synchronizes the locally cached copies of cookbooks with the files on the # server. class CookbookSynchronizer CookbookFile =, :segment, :manifest_record) attr_accessor :remove_obsoleted_files def initialize(cookbooks_by_name, events) @eager_segments = Chef::CookbookVersion::COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.dup unless Chef::Config[:no_lazy_load] @eager_segments.delete(:files) @eager_segments.delete(:templates) end @eager_segments.freeze @cookbooks_by_name, @events = cookbooks_by_name, events @cookbook_full_file_paths = {} @remove_obsoleted_files = true end def cache Chef::FileCache end def cookbook_names @cookbooks_by_name.keys end def cookbooks @cookbooks_by_name.values end def cookbook_count @cookbooks_by_name.size end def have_cookbook?(cookbook_name) @cookbooks_by_name.key?(cookbook_name) end def cookbook_segment(cookbook_name, segment) @cookbooks_by_name[cookbook_name].manifest[segment] end def files @files ||= cookbooks.inject([]) do |memo, cookbook| @eager_segments.each do |segment| cookbook.manifest[segment].each do |manifest_record| memo <<, segment, manifest_record) end end memo end end def files_by_cookbook files.group_by { |file| file.cookbook } end def files_remaining_by_cookbook @files_remaining_by_cookbook ||= begin files_by_cookbook.inject({}) do |memo, (cookbook, files)| memo[cookbook] = files.size memo end end end def mark_file_synced(file) files_remaining_by_cookbook[file.cookbook] -= 1 if files_remaining_by_cookbook[file.cookbook] == 0 @events.synchronized_cookbook(, file.cookbook) end end # Synchronizes all the cookbooks from the chef-server. #) # === Returns # true:: Always returns true def sync_cookbooks"Loading cookbooks [#{ { |ckbk| + '@' + ckbk.version }.join(', ')}]") Chef::Log.debug("Cookbooks detail: #{cookbooks.inspect}") clear_obsoleted_cookbooks queue = files.each do |file| queue << lambda do |lock| full_file_path = sync_file(file) lock.synchronize { # Save the full_path of the downloaded file to be restored in the manifest later save_full_file_path(file, full_file_path) mark_file_synced(file) } end end @events.cookbook_sync_start(cookbook_count) queue.process(Chef::Config[:cookbook_sync_threads]) # Update the full file paths in the manifest update_cookbook_filenames() rescue Exception => e @events.cookbook_sync_failed(cookbooks, e) raise else @events.cookbook_sync_complete true end # Saves the full_path to the file of the cookbook to be updated # in the manifest later def save_full_file_path(file, full_path) @cookbook_full_file_paths[file.cookbook] ||= {} @cookbook_full_file_paths[file.cookbook][file.segment] ||= [ ] @cookbook_full_file_paths[file.cookbook][file.segment] << full_path end # remove cookbooks that are not referenced in the expanded run_list at all # (if we have an override run_list we may not want to do this) def remove_old_cookbooks cache.find(File.join(%w{cookbooks ** {*,.*}})).each do |cache_file| cache_file =~ /^cookbooks\/([^\/]+)\// unless have_cookbook?($1)"Removing #{cache_file} from the cache; its cookbook is no longer needed on this client.") cache.delete(cache_file) @events.removed_cookbook_file(cache_file) end end end # remove deleted files in cookbooks that are being used on the node def remove_deleted_files cache.find(File.join(%w{cookbooks ** {*,.*}})).each do |cache_file| md = cache_file.match(/^cookbooks\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)/) next unless md ( cookbook_name, segment, file ) = md[1..3] if have_cookbook?(cookbook_name) manifest_segment = cookbook_segment(cookbook_name, segment) if { |manifest_record| manifest_record["path"] == "#{segment}/#{file}" }.empty?"Removing #{cache_file} from the cache; its is no longer in the cookbook manifest.") cache.delete(cache_file) @events.removed_cookbook_file(cache_file) end end end end # Iterates over cached cookbooks' files, removing files belonging to # cookbooks that don't appear in +cookbook_hash+ def clear_obsoleted_cookbooks @events.cookbook_clean_start if remove_obsoleted_files remove_old_cookbooks else"Skipping removal of obsoleted cookbooks from the cache") CookbookCacheCleaner.instance.skip_removal = true end remove_deleted_files @events.cookbook_clean_complete end def update_cookbook_filenames @cookbook_full_file_paths.each do |cookbook, file_segments| file_segments.each do |segment, full_paths| cookbook.replace_segment_filenames(segment, full_paths) end end end # Sync an individual file if needed. If there is an up to date copy # locally, nothing is done. Updates +file+'s manifest with the full path to # the cached file. # # === Arguments # file # === Returns # Full path to the cached file as a String def sync_file(file) cache_filename = File.join("cookbooks",, file.manifest_record["path"]) mark_cached_file_valid(cache_filename) # If the checksums are different between on-disk (current) and on-server # (remote, per manifest), do the update. This will also execute if there # is no current checksum. if !cached_copy_up_to_date?(cache_filename, file.manifest_record["checksum"]) download_file(file.manifest_record["url"], cache_filename) @events.updated_cookbook_file(, cache_filename) else Chef::Log.debug("Not storing #{cache_filename}, as the cache is up to date.") end # Load the file in the cache and return the full file path to the loaded file cache.load(cache_filename, false) end def cached_copy_up_to_date?(local_path, expected_checksum) if Chef::Config[:skip_cookbook_sync] Chef::Log.warn "skipping cookbook synchronization! DO NOT LEAVE THIS ENABLED IN PRODUCTION!!!" return true end if cache.has_key?(local_path) current_checksum = CookbookVersion.checksum_cookbook_file(cache.load(local_path, false)) expected_checksum == current_checksum else false end end # Unconditionally download the file from the given URL. File will be # downloaded to the path +destination+ which is relative to the Chef file # cache root. def download_file(url, destination) raw_file = server_api.streaming_request(url)"Storing updated #{destination} in the cache.") cache.move_to(raw_file.path, destination) end # Marks the given file as valid (non-stale). def mark_cached_file_valid(cache_filename) CookbookCacheCleaner.instance.mark_file_as_valid(cache_filename) end def server_api[:chef_server_url]) end end end