# Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright 2010-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "pathname" require "stringio" require "erubis" require_relative "../mixin/shell_out" require_relative "../mixin/checksum" require_relative "../util/path_helper" class Chef class Cookbook # == Chef::Cookbook::SyntaxCheck # Encapsulates the process of validating the ruby syntax of files in Chef # cookbooks. class SyntaxCheck # == Chef::Cookbook::SyntaxCheck::PersistentSet # Implements set behavior with disk-based persistence. Objects in the set # are expected to be strings containing only characters that are valid in # filenames. # # This class is used to track which files have been syntax checked so # that known good files are not rechecked. class PersistentSet attr_reader :cache_path # Create a new PersistentSet. Values in the set are persisted by # creating a file in the +cache_path+ directory. def initialize(cache_path = Chef::Config[:syntax_check_cache_path]) @cache_path = cache_path @cache_path_created = false end # Adds +value+ to the set's collection. def add(value) ensure_cache_path_created FileUtils.touch(File.join(cache_path, value)) end # Returns true if the set includes +value+ def include?(value) File.exist?(File.join(cache_path, value)) end private def ensure_cache_path_created return true if @cache_path_created FileUtils.mkdir_p(cache_path) @cache_path_created = true end end include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut include Chef::Mixin::Checksum attr_reader :cookbook_path # A PersistentSet object that tracks which files have already been # validated. attr_reader :validated_files attr_reader :chefignore # Creates a new SyntaxCheck given the +cookbook_name+ and a +cookbook_path+. # If no +cookbook_path+ is given, +Chef::Config.cookbook_path+ is used. def self.for_cookbook(cookbook_name, cookbook_path = nil) cookbook_path ||= Chef::Config.cookbook_path unless cookbook_path raise ArgumentError, "Cannot find cookbook #{cookbook_name} unless Chef::Config.cookbook_path is set or an explicit cookbook path is given" end new(File.join(cookbook_path, cookbook_name.to_s)) end # Create a new SyntaxCheck object # === Arguments # cookbook_path::: the (on disk) path to the cookbook def initialize(cookbook_path) @cookbook_path = cookbook_path @chefignore ||= Chefignore.new(cookbook_path) @validated_files = PersistentSet.new end def remove_ignored_files(file_list) return file_list if chefignore.ignores.empty? file_list.reject do |full_path| relative_pn = Chef::Util::PathHelper.relative_path_from(cookbook_path, full_path) chefignore.ignored?(relative_pn.to_s) end end def remove_uninteresting_ruby_files(file_list) file_list.reject { |f| f =~ %r{#{Regexp.quote(cookbook_path)}/(files|templates)/} } end def ruby_files path = Chef::Util::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(cookbook_path) files = Dir[File.join(path, "**", "*.rb")] files = remove_ignored_files(files) files = remove_uninteresting_ruby_files(files) files end def untested_ruby_files ruby_files.reject do |file| if validated?(file) Chef::Log.trace("Ruby file #{file} is unchanged, skipping syntax check") true else false end end end def template_files remove_ignored_files Dir[File.join(Chef::Util::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(cookbook_path), "**/templates/**", "*.erb")] end def untested_template_files template_files.reject do |file| if validated?(file) Chef::Log.trace("Template #{file} is unchanged, skipping syntax check") true else false end end end def validated?(file) validated_files.include?(checksum(file)) end def validated(file) validated_files.add(checksum(file)) end def validate_ruby_files untested_ruby_files.each do |ruby_file| return false unless validate_ruby_file(ruby_file) validated(ruby_file) end end def validate_templates untested_template_files.each do |template| return false unless validate_template(template) validated(template) end end def validate_template(erb_file) Chef::Log.trace("Testing template #{erb_file} for syntax errors...") validate_erb_file_inline(erb_file) end def validate_ruby_file(ruby_file) Chef::Log.trace("Testing #{ruby_file} for syntax errors...") validate_ruby_file_inline(ruby_file) end # Validate the ruby code in an erb template. Uses RubyVM to do syntax # checking. def validate_erb_file_inline(erb_file) old_stderr = $stderr engine = Erubis::Eruby.new engine.convert!(IO.read(erb_file)) ruby_code = engine.src # Even when we're compiling the code w/ RubyVM, syntax errors just # print to $stderr. We want to capture this and handle the printing # ourselves, so we must temporarily swap $stderr to capture the output. tmp_stderr = $stderr = StringIO.new abs_path = File.expand_path(erb_file) RubyVM::InstructionSequence.new(ruby_code, erb_file, abs_path, 0) true rescue SyntaxError $stderr = old_stderr invalid_erb_file(erb_file, tmp_stderr.string) false ensure # be paranoid about setting stderr back to the old value. $stderr = old_stderr if defined?(old_stderr) && old_stderr end # Debug a syntax error in a template. def invalid_erb_file(erb_file, error_message) file_relative_path = erb_file[/^#{Regexp.escape(cookbook_path + File::Separator)}(.*)/, 1] Chef::Log.fatal("Erb template #{file_relative_path} has a syntax error:") error_message.each_line { |l| Chef::Log.fatal(l.chomp) } nil end # Validate the syntax of a ruby file. Uses (Ruby 1.9+ only) RubyVM to # compile the code without evaluating it or spawning a new process. def validate_ruby_file_inline(ruby_file) # Even when we're compiling the code w/ RubyVM, syntax errors just # print to $stderr. We want to capture this and handle the printing # ourselves, so we must temporarily swap $stderr to capture the output. old_stderr = $stderr tmp_stderr = $stderr = StringIO.new abs_path = File.expand_path(ruby_file) file_content = IO.read(abs_path) # We have to wrap this in a block so the user code evaluates in a # similar context as what Chef does normally. Otherwise RubyVM # will reject some common idioms, like using `return` to end evaluation # of a recipe. See also CHEF-5199 wrapped_content = "Object.new.instance_eval do\n#{file_content}\nend\n" RubyVM::InstructionSequence.new(wrapped_content, ruby_file, abs_path, 0) true rescue SyntaxError $stderr = old_stderr invalid_ruby_file(ruby_file, tmp_stderr.string) false ensure # be paranoid about setting stderr back to the old value. $stderr = old_stderr if defined?(old_stderr) && old_stderr end # Debugs ruby syntax errors by printing the path to the file and any # diagnostic info given in +error_message+ def invalid_ruby_file(ruby_file, error_message) file_relative_path = ruby_file[/^#{Regexp.escape(cookbook_path + File::Separator)}(.*)/, 1] Chef::Log.fatal("Cookbook file #{file_relative_path} has a ruby syntax error:") error_message.each_line { |l| Chef::Log.fatal(l.chomp) } false end # Returns the full path to the running ruby. def ruby Gem.ruby end end end end