# Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "forwardable" unless defined?(Forwardable) require_relative "mixin/versioned_api" require_relative "util/path_helper" require_relative "cookbook/manifest_v0" require_relative "cookbook/manifest_v2" require_relative "log" class Chef # Handles the details of representing a cookbook in JSON form for uploading # to a Chef Server. class CookbookManifest extend Forwardable attr_reader :cookbook_version def_delegator :@cookbook_version, :root_paths def_delegator :@cookbook_version, :name def_delegator :@cookbook_version, :identifier def_delegator :@cookbook_version, :metadata def_delegator :@cookbook_version, :full_name def_delegator :@cookbook_version, :version def_delegator :@cookbook_version, :frozen_version? # Create a new CookbookManifest object for the given `cookbook_version`. # You can subsequently call #to_h to get a Hash representation of the # cookbook_version in the "manifest" format, or #to_json to get a JSON # representation of the cookbook_version. # # The interface for this behavior is expected to change as we implement new # manifest formats. The entire class should be considered a private API for # now. # # @api private # @param policy_mode [Boolean] whether to convert cookbooks to Hash/JSON in # the format used by the `cookbook_artifacts` endpoint (for policyfiles). # Setting this option also changes the behavior of #save_url and # #force_save_url such that CookbookVersions will be uploaded to the new # `cookbook_artifacts` API. def initialize(cookbook_version, policy_mode: false) @cookbook_version = cookbook_version @policy_mode = !!policy_mode reset! end # Resets all lazily computed values. def reset! @manifest = nil @checksums = nil @manifest_records_by_path = nil true end # Returns a 'manifest' data structure that can be uploaded to a Chef # Server. # # The format is as follows: # # { # :cookbook_name => name, # String # :metadata => metadata, # Chef::Cookbook::Metadata # :version => version, # Chef::Version # :name => full_name, # String of "#{name}-#{version}" # # :recipes => Array, # :definitions => Array, # :libraries => Array, # :attributes => Array, # :files => Array, # :templates => Array, # :resources => Array, # :providers => Array, # :root_files => Array # } # # Where a `FileSpec` is a Hash of the form: # # { # :name => file_name, # :path => path, # :checksum => csum, # :specificity => specificity # } # def manifest @manifest || generate_manifest @manifest end def checksums @manifest || generate_manifest @checksums end def manifest_records_by_path @manifest || generate_manifest @manifest_records_by_path end def policy_mode? @policy_mode end def to_h CookbookManifestVersions.to_h(self) end alias_method :to_hash, :to_h def to_json(*a) result = to_h result["json_class"] = "Chef::CookbookVersion" Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(result, *a) end # Return the URL to save (PUT) this object to the server via the # REST api. If there is an existing document on the server and it # is marked frozen, a PUT will result in a 409 Conflict. def save_url if policy_mode? "#{named_cookbook_url}/#{identifier}" else "#{named_cookbook_url}/#{version}" end end def named_cookbook_url "#{cookbook_url_path}/#{name}" end # Adds the `force=true` parameter to the upload URL. This allows # the user to overwrite a frozen cookbook (a PUT against the # normal #save_url raises a 409 Conflict in this case). def force_save_url "#{save_url}?force=true" end # Update this CookbookManifest from the contents of another manifest, and # make the corresponding changes to the cookbook_version object. Required # to provide backward compatibility with CookbookVersion#manifest= method. def update_from(new_manifest) @manifest = Chef::CookbookManifestVersions.from_hash(new_manifest) @checksums = extract_checksums_from_manifest(@manifest) @manifest_records_by_path = extract_manifest_records_by_path(@manifest) end # @api private # takes a list of hashes def add_files_to_manifest(files) manifest[:all_files].concat(Array(files)) @checksums = extract_checksums_from_manifest(@manifest) @manifest_records_by_path = extract_manifest_records_by_path(@manifest) end def files_for(part) return root_files if part.to_s == "root_files" manifest[:all_files].select do |file| seg = file[:name].split("/")[0] part.to_s == seg end end def each_file(excluded_parts: [], &block) excluded_parts = Array(excluded_parts).map(&:to_s) manifest[:all_files].each do |file| seg = file[:name].split("/")[0] next if excluded_parts.include?(seg) yield file if block_given? end end def by_parent_directory @by_parent_directory ||= manifest[:all_files].inject({}) do |memo, file| parts = file[:name].split("/") parent = if parts.length == 1 "root_files" else parts[0] end memo[parent] ||= [] memo[parent] << file memo end end def root_files manifest[:all_files].select do |file| segment, name = file[:name].split("/") name.nil? || segment == "root_files" end end private def cookbook_url_path policy_mode? ? "cookbook_artifacts" : "cookbooks" end # See #manifest for a description of the manifest return value. # See #preferred_manifest_record for a description an individual manifest record. def generate_manifest manifest = Mash.new({ all_files: [], }) @checksums = {} if !root_paths || root_paths.size == 0 Chef::Log.error("Cookbook #{name} does not have root_paths! Cannot generate manifest.") raise "Cookbook #{name} does not have root_paths! Cannot generate manifest." end @cookbook_version.all_files.each do |file| next if File.directory?(file) name, path, specificity = parse_file_from_root_paths(file) csum = checksum_cookbook_file(file) @checksums[csum] = file rs = Mash.new({ name: name, path: path, checksum: csum, specificity: specificity, # full_path is not a part of the normal manifest, but is very useful to keep around. # uploaders should strip this out. full_path: file, }) manifest[:all_files] << rs end manifest[:metadata] = metadata manifest[:version] = metadata.version if policy_mode? manifest[:name] = name.to_s manifest[:identifier] = identifier else manifest[:name] = full_name manifest[:cookbook_name] = name.to_s end @manifest_records_by_path = extract_manifest_records_by_path(manifest) @manifest = manifest end def parse_file_from_root_paths(file) root_paths.each do |root_path| pathname = Chef::Util::PathHelper.relative_path_from(root_path, file) parts = pathname.each_filename.take(2) # Check if path is actually under root_path next if parts[0] == ".." # if we have a root_file, such as metadata.rb, the first part will be "." return [ "root_files/#{pathname}", pathname.to_s, "default" ] if parts.length == 1 segment = parts[0] name = File.join(segment, pathname.basename.to_s) if %w{templates files}.include?(segment) # Check if pathname looks like files/foo or templates/foo (unscoped) if pathname.each_filename.to_a.length == 2 # Use root_default in case the same path exists at root_default and default return [ name, pathname.to_s, "root_default" ] else return [ name, pathname.to_s, parts[1] ] end else return [ name, pathname.to_s, "default" ] end end Chef::Log.error("Cookbook file #{file} not under cookbook root paths #{root_paths.inspect}.") raise "Cookbook file #{file} not under cookbook root paths #{root_paths.inspect}." end def extract_checksums_from_manifest(manifest) manifest[:all_files].inject({}) do |memo, manifest_record| memo[manifest_record[:checksum]] = nil memo end end def checksum_cookbook_file(filepath) CookbookVersion.checksum_cookbook_file(filepath) end def extract_manifest_records_by_path(manifest) manifest[:all_files].inject({}) do |memo, manifest_record| memo[manifest_record[:path]] = manifest_record memo end end end class CookbookManifestVersions extend Chef::Mixin::VersionedAPIFactory add_versioned_api_class Chef::Cookbook::ManifestV0 add_versioned_api_class Chef::Cookbook::ManifestV2 def_versioned_delegator :from_hash def_versioned_delegator :to_hash def_versioned_delegator :to_h end end