# Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Nuo Yan () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Author:: Seth Falcon () # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2011 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'chef/log' require 'chef/cookbook/file_vendor' require 'chef/cookbook/metadata' require 'chef/version_class' require 'pathname' require 'chef/monkey_patches/pathname' require 'chef/digester' class Chef # == Chef::CookbookVersion # CookbookVersion is a model object encapsulating the data about a Chef # cookbook. Chef supports maintaining multiple versions of a cookbook on a # single server; each version is represented by a distinct instance of this # class. #-- # TODO: timh/cw: 5-24-2010: mutators for files (e.g., recipe_filenames=, # recipe_filenames.insert) should dirty the manifest so it gets regenerated. class CookbookVersion include Comparable COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS = [ :resources, :providers, :recipes, :definitions, :libraries, :attributes, :files, :templates, :root_files ] attr_accessor :root_paths attr_accessor :definition_filenames attr_accessor :template_filenames attr_accessor :file_filenames attr_accessor :library_filenames attr_accessor :resource_filenames attr_accessor :provider_filenames attr_accessor :root_filenames attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :metadata attr_accessor :metadata_filenames attr_accessor :status # attribute_filenames also has a setter that has non-default # functionality. attr_reader :attribute_filenames # recipe_filenames also has a setter that has non-default # functionality. attr_reader :recipe_filenames attr_reader :recipe_filenames_by_name attr_reader :attribute_filenames_by_short_filename # The first root path is the primary cookbook dir, from which metadata is loaded def root_dir root_paths[0] end # This is the one and only method that knows how cookbook files' # checksums are generated. def self.checksum_cookbook_file(filepath) Chef::Digester.generate_md5_checksum_for_file(filepath) rescue Errno::ENOENT Chef::Log.debug("File #{filepath} does not exist, so there is no checksum to generate") nil end def self.cache Chef::FileCache end # Creates a new Chef::CookbookVersion object. # # === Returns # object:: Duh. :) def initialize(name, *root_paths) @name = name @root_paths = root_paths @frozen = false @attribute_filenames = Array.new @definition_filenames = Array.new @template_filenames = Array.new @file_filenames = Array.new @recipe_filenames = Array.new @recipe_filenames_by_name = Hash.new @library_filenames = Array.new @resource_filenames = Array.new @provider_filenames = Array.new @metadata_filenames = Array.new @root_filenames = Array.new @status = :ready @manifest = nil @file_vendor = nil @metadata = Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.new end def version metadata.version end # Indicates if this version is frozen or not. Freezing a coobkook version # indicates that a new cookbook with the same name and version number # shoule def frozen_version? @frozen end def freeze_version @frozen = true end def version=(new_version) manifest["version"] = new_version metadata.version(new_version) end # A manifest is a Mash that maps segment names to arrays of manifest # records (see #preferred_manifest_record for format of manifest records), # as well as describing cookbook metadata. The manifest follows a form # like the following: # # { # :cookbook_name = "apache2", # :version = "1.0", # :name = "Apache 2" # :metadata = ???TODO: timh/cw: 5-24-2010: describe this format, # # :files => [ # { # :name => "afile.rb", # :path => "files/ubuntu-9.10/afile.rb", # :checksum => "2222", # :specificity => "ubuntu-9.10" # }, # ], # :templates => [ manifest_record1, ... ], # ... # } def manifest unless @manifest generate_manifest end @manifest end def manifest=(new_manifest) @manifest = Mash.new new_manifest @checksums = extract_checksums_from_manifest(@manifest) @manifest_records_by_path = extract_manifest_records_by_path(@manifest) COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.each do |segment| next unless @manifest.has_key?(segment) filenames = @manifest[segment].map{|manifest_record| manifest_record['name']} replace_segment_filenames(segment, filenames) end end # Returns a hash of checksums to either nil or the on disk path (which is # done by generate_manifest). def checksums unless @checksums generate_manifest end @checksums end def manifest_records_by_path @manifest_records_by_path || generate_manifest @manifest_records_by_path end def full_name "#{name}-#{version}" end def attribute_filenames=(*filenames) @attribute_filenames = filenames.flatten @attribute_filenames_by_short_filename = filenames_by_name(attribute_filenames) attribute_filenames end ## BACKCOMPAT/DEPRECATED - Remove these and fix breakage before release [DAN - 5/20/2010]## alias :attribute_files :attribute_filenames alias :attribute_files= :attribute_filenames= # Return recipe names in the form of cookbook_name::recipe_name def fully_qualified_recipe_names results = Array.new recipe_filenames_by_name.each_key do |rname| results << "#{name}::#{rname}" end results end def recipe_filenames=(*filenames) @recipe_filenames = filenames.flatten @recipe_filenames_by_name = filenames_by_name(recipe_filenames) recipe_filenames end ## BACKCOMPAT/DEPRECATED - Remove these and fix breakage before release [DAN - 5/20/2010]## alias :recipe_files :recipe_filenames alias :recipe_files= :recipe_filenames= # called from DSL def load_recipe(recipe_name, run_context) unless recipe_filenames_by_name.has_key?(recipe_name) raise Chef::Exceptions::RecipeNotFound, "could not find recipe #{recipe_name} for cookbook #{name}" end Chef::Log.debug("Found recipe #{recipe_name} in cookbook #{name}") recipe = Chef::Recipe.new(name, recipe_name, run_context) recipe_filename = recipe_filenames_by_name[recipe_name] unless recipe_filename raise Chef::Exceptions::RecipeNotFound, "could not find #{recipe_name} files for cookbook #{name}" end recipe.from_file(recipe_filename) recipe end def segment_filenames(segment) unless COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.include?(segment) raise ArgumentError, "invalid segment #{segment}: must be one of #{COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.join(', ')}" end case segment.to_sym when :resources @resource_filenames when :providers @provider_filenames when :recipes @recipe_filenames when :libraries @library_filenames when :definitions @definition_filenames when :attributes @attribute_filenames when :files @file_filenames when :templates @template_filenames when :root_files @root_filenames end end def replace_segment_filenames(segment, filenames) case segment.to_sym when :recipes self.recipe_filenames = filenames when :attributes self.attribute_filenames = filenames else segment_filenames(segment).replace(filenames) end end # Query whether a template file +template_filename+ is available. File # specificity for the given +node+ is obeyed in the lookup. def has_template_for_node?(node, template_filename) !!find_preferred_manifest_record(node, :templates, template_filename) end # Query whether a cookbook_file file +cookbook_filename+ is available. File # specificity for the given +node+ is obeyed in the lookup. def has_cookbook_file_for_node?(node, cookbook_filename) !!find_preferred_manifest_record(node, :files, cookbook_filename) end # Determine the most specific manifest record for the given # segment/filename, given information in the node. Throws # FileNotFound if there is no such segment and filename in the # manifest. # # A manifest record is a Mash that follows the following form: # { # :name => "example.rb", # :path => "files/default/example.rb", # :specificity => "default", # :checksum => "1234" # } def preferred_manifest_record(node, segment, filename) found_pref = find_preferred_manifest_record(node, segment, filename) if found_pref @manifest_records_by_path[found_pref] else if segment == :files || segment == :templates error_message = "Cookbook '#{name}' (#{version}) does not contain a file at any of these locations:\n" error_locations = [ " #{segment}/#{node[:platform]}-#{node[:platform_version]}/#{filename}", " #{segment}/#{node[:platform]}/#{filename}", " #{segment}/default/#{filename}", ] error_message << error_locations.join("\n") existing_files = segment_filenames(segment) # Show the files that the cookbook does have. If the user made a typo, # hopefully they'll see it here. unless existing_files.empty? error_message << "\n\nThis cookbook _does_ contain: ['#{existing_files.join("','")}']" end raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound, error_message else raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound, "cookbook #{name} does not contain file #{segment}/#{filename}" end end end def preferred_filename_on_disk_location(node, segment, filename, current_filepath=nil) manifest_record = preferred_manifest_record(node, segment, filename) if current_filepath && (manifest_record['checksum'] == self.class.checksum_cookbook_file(current_filepath)) nil else file_vendor.get_filename(manifest_record['path']) end end def relative_filenames_in_preferred_directory(node, segment, dirname) preferences = preferences_for_path(node, segment, dirname) filenames_by_pref = Hash.new preferences.each { |pref| filenames_by_pref[pref] = Array.new } manifest[segment].each do |manifest_record| manifest_record_path = manifest_record[:path] # find the NON SPECIFIC filenames, but prefer them by filespecificity. # For example, if we have a file: # 'files/default/somedir/somefile.conf' we only keep # 'somedir/somefile.conf'. If there is also # 'files/$hostspecific/somedir/otherfiles' that matches the requested # hostname specificity, that directory will win, as it is more specific. # # This is clearly ugly b/c the use case is for remote directory, where # we're just going to make cookbook_files out of these and make the # cookbook find them by filespecificity again. but it's the shortest # path to "success" for now. if manifest_record_path =~ /(#{Regexp.escape(segment.to_s)}\/[^\/]+\/#{Regexp.escape(dirname)})\/.+$/ specificity_dirname = $1 non_specific_path = manifest_record_path[/#{Regexp.escape(segment.to_s)}\/[^\/]+\/#{Regexp.escape(dirname)}\/(.+)$/, 1] # Record the specificity_dirname only if it's in the list of # valid preferences if filenames_by_pref[specificity_dirname] filenames_by_pref[specificity_dirname] << non_specific_path end end end best_pref = preferences.find { |pref| !filenames_by_pref[pref].empty? } raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound, "cookbook #{name} has no directory #{segment}/default/#{dirname}" unless best_pref filenames_by_pref[best_pref] end # Determine the manifest records from the most specific directory # for the given node. See #preferred_manifest_record for a # description of entries of the returned Array. def preferred_manifest_records_for_directory(node, segment, dirname) preferences = preferences_for_path(node, segment, dirname) records_by_pref = Hash.new preferences.each { |pref| records_by_pref[pref] = Array.new } manifest[segment].each do |manifest_record| manifest_record_path = manifest_record[:path] # extract the preference part from the path. if manifest_record_path =~ /(#{Regexp.escape(segment.to_s)}\/[^\/]+\/#{Regexp.escape(dirname)})\/.+$/ # Note the specificy_dirname includes the segment and # dirname argument as above, which is what # preferences_for_path returns. It could be # "files/ubuntu-9.10/dirname", for example. specificity_dirname = $1 # Record the specificity_dirname only if it's in the list of # valid preferences if records_by_pref[specificity_dirname] records_by_pref[specificity_dirname] << manifest_record end end end best_pref = preferences.find { |pref| !records_by_pref[pref].empty? } raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound, "cookbook #{name} (#{version}) has no directory #{segment}/default/#{dirname}" unless best_pref records_by_pref[best_pref] end # Given a node, segment and path (filename or directory name), # return the priority-ordered list of preference locations to # look. def preferences_for_path(node, segment, path) # only files and templates can be platform-specific if segment.to_sym == :files || segment.to_sym == :templates begin platform, version = Chef::Platform.find_platform_and_version(node) rescue ArgumentError => e # Skip platform/version if they were not found by find_platform_and_version if e.message =~ /Cannot find a (?:platform|version)/ platform = "/unknown_platform/" version = "/unknown_platform_version/" else raise end end fqdn = node[:fqdn] # Break version into components, eg: "5.7.1" => [ "5.7.1", "5.7", "5" ] search_versions = [] parts = version.to_s.split('.') parts.size.times do search_versions << parts.join('.') parts.pop end # Most specific to least specific places to find the path search_path = [ File.join(segment.to_s, "host-#{fqdn}", path) ] search_versions.each do |v| search_path << File.join(segment.to_s, "#{platform}-#{v}", path) end search_path << File.join(segment.to_s, platform.to_s, path) search_path << File.join(segment.to_s, "default", path) search_path else [File.join(segment, path)] end end private :preferences_for_path def to_hash result = manifest.dup result['frozen?'] = frozen_version? result['chef_type'] = 'cookbook_version' result.to_hash end def to_json(*a) result = to_hash result['json_class'] = self.class.name ::Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(result, *a) end def self.json_create(o) cookbook_version = new(o["cookbook_name"]) # We want the Chef::Cookbook::Metadata object to always be inflated cookbook_version.metadata = Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.from_hash(o["metadata"]) cookbook_version.manifest = o # We don't need the following step when we decide to stop supporting deprecated operators in the metadata (e.g. <<, >>) cookbook_version.manifest["metadata"] = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(cookbook_version.metadata.to_json) cookbook_version.freeze_version if o["frozen?"] cookbook_version end def generate_manifest_with_urls(&url_generator) rendered_manifest = manifest.dup COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.each do |segment| if rendered_manifest.has_key?(segment) rendered_manifest[segment].each do |manifest_record| url_options = { :cookbook_name => name.to_s, :cookbook_version => version, :checksum => manifest_record["checksum"] } manifest_record["url"] = url_generator.call(url_options) end end end rendered_manifest end def metadata_json_file File.join(root_paths[0], "metadata.json") end def metadata_rb_file File.join(root_paths[0], "metadata.rb") end def reload_metadata! if File.exists?(metadata_json_file) metadata.from_json(IO.read(metadata_json_file)) end end ## # REST API ## def self.chef_server_rest Chef::REST.new(Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]) end def chef_server_rest self.class.chef_server_rest end # Return the URL to save (PUT) this object to the server via the # REST api. If there is an existing document on the server and it # is marked frozen, a PUT will result in a 409 Conflict. def save_url "cookbooks/#{name}/#{version}" end # Adds the `force=true` parameter to the upload URL. This allows # the user to overwrite a frozen cookbook (a PUT against the # normal #save_url raises a 409 Conflict in this case). def force_save_url "cookbooks/#{name}/#{version}?force=true" end def destroy chef_server_rest.delete_rest("cookbooks/#{name}/#{version}") self end def self.load(name, version="_latest") version = "_latest" if version == "latest" chef_server_rest.get_rest("cookbooks/#{name}/#{version}") end # The API returns only a single version of each cookbook in the result from the cookbooks method def self.list chef_server_rest.get_rest('cookbooks') end def self.list_all_versions chef_server_rest.get_rest('cookbooks?num_versions=all') end ## # Given a +cookbook_name+, get a list of all versions that exist on the # server. # ===Returns # [String]:: Array of cookbook versions, which are strings like 'x.y.z' # nil:: if the cookbook doesn't exist. an error will also be logged. def self.available_versions(cookbook_name) chef_server_rest.get_rest("cookbooks/#{cookbook_name}")[cookbook_name]["versions"].map do |cb| cb["version"] end rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e if e.to_s =~ /^404/ Chef::Log.error("Cannot find a cookbook named #{cookbook_name}") nil else raise end end # Get the newest version of all cookbooks def self.latest_cookbooks chef_server_rest.get_rest('cookbooks/_latest') end def <=>(o) raise Chef::Exceptions::CookbookVersionNameMismatch if self.name != o.name # FIXME: can we change the interface to the Metadata class such # that metadata.version returns a Chef::Version instance instead # of a string? Chef::Version.new(self.version) <=> Chef::Version.new(o.version) end private def find_preferred_manifest_record(node, segment, filename) preferences = preferences_for_path(node, segment, filename) # ensure that we generate the manifest, which will also generate # @manifest_records_by_path manifest # in order of prefernce, look for the filename in the manifest preferences.find {|preferred_filename| @manifest_records_by_path[preferred_filename] } end # For each filename, produce a mapping of base filename (i.e. recipe name # or attribute file) to on disk location def filenames_by_name(filenames) filenames.select{|filename| filename =~ /\.rb$/}.inject({}){|memo, filename| memo[File.basename(filename, '.rb')] = filename ; memo } end # See #manifest for a description of the manifest return value. # See #preferred_manifest_record for a description an individual manifest record. def generate_manifest manifest = Mash.new({ :recipes => Array.new, :definitions => Array.new, :libraries => Array.new, :attributes => Array.new, :files => Array.new, :templates => Array.new, :resources => Array.new, :providers => Array.new, :root_files => Array.new }) checksums_to_on_disk_paths = {} if !root_paths || root_paths.size == 0 Chef::Log.error("Cookbook #{name} does not have root_paths! Cannot generate manifest.") raise "Cookbook #{name} does not have root_paths! Cannot generate manifest." end COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.each do |segment| segment_filenames(segment).each do |segment_file| next if File.directory?(segment_file) path, specificity = parse_segment_file_from_root_paths(segment, segment_file) file_name = File.basename(path) csum = self.class.checksum_cookbook_file(segment_file) checksums_to_on_disk_paths[csum] = segment_file rs = Mash.new({ :name => file_name, :path => path, :checksum => csum, :specificity => specificity }) manifest[segment] << rs end end manifest[:cookbook_name] = name.to_s manifest[:metadata] = metadata manifest[:version] = metadata.version manifest[:name] = full_name @checksums = checksums_to_on_disk_paths @manifest = manifest @manifest_records_by_path = extract_manifest_records_by_path(manifest) end def parse_segment_file_from_root_paths(segment, segment_file) root_paths.each do |root_path| pathname = Pathname.new(segment_file).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(root_path)) parts = pathname.each_filename.take(2) # Check if path is actually under root_path next if parts[0] == '..' if segment == :templates || segment == :files return [ pathname.to_s, parts[1] ] else return [ pathname.to_s, 'default' ] end end Chef::Log.error("Cookbook file #{segment_file} not under cookbook root paths #{root_paths.inspect}.") raise "Cookbook file #{segment_file} not under cookbook root paths #{root_paths.inspect}." end def file_vendor unless @file_vendor @file_vendor = Chef::Cookbook::FileVendor.create_from_manifest(manifest) end @file_vendor end def extract_checksums_from_manifest(manifest) checksums = {} COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.each do |segment| next unless manifest.has_key?(segment) manifest[segment].each do |manifest_record| checksums[manifest_record[:checksum]] = nil end end checksums end def extract_manifest_records_by_path(manifest) manifest_records_by_path = {} COOKBOOK_SEGMENTS.each do |segment| next unless manifest.has_key?(segment) manifest[segment].each do |manifest_record| manifest_records_by_path[manifest_record[:path]] = manifest_record end end manifest_records_by_path end end end