# # Author:: Adam Leff () # Author:: Ryan Cragun () # # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2017, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "uri" require "chef/server_api" require "chef/http/simple_json" require "chef/event_dispatch/base" require "chef/data_collector/messages" require "chef/data_collector/resource_report" require "ostruct" require "set" class Chef # == Chef::DataCollector # Provides methods for determinine whether a reporter should be registered. class DataCollector # Whether or not to enable data collection: # * always disabled for why run mode # * disabled when the user sets `Chef::Config[:data_collector][:mode]` to a # value that excludes the mode (client or solo) that we are running as # * disabled in solo mode if the user did not configure the auth token # * disabled if `Chef::Config[:data_collector][:server_url]` is set to a # falsey value def self.register_reporter? if why_run? Chef::Log.trace("data collector is disabled for why run mode") return false end unless reporter_enabled_for_current_mode? Chef::Log.trace("data collector is configured to only run in " \ "#{Chef::Config[:data_collector][:mode].inspect} modes, disabling it") return false end unless data_collector_url_configured? || data_collector_output_locations_configured? Chef::Log.trace("Neither data collector URL or output locations have been configured, disabling data collector") return false end if solo? && !token_auth_configured? Chef::Log.trace("Data collector token must be configured to use Chef Automate data collector with Chef Solo") end if !solo? && token_auth_configured? Chef::Log.warn("Data collector token authentication is not recommended for client-server mode" \ "Please upgrade Chef Server to 12.11.0 and remove the token from your config file " \ "to use key based authentication instead") end true end def self.data_collector_url_configured? !!Chef::Config[:data_collector][:server_url] end def self.data_collector_output_locations_configured? !!Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations] end def self.why_run? !!Chef::Config[:why_run] end def self.token_auth_configured? !!Chef::Config[:data_collector][:token] end def self.solo? !!Chef::Config[:solo] || !!Chef::Config[:local_mode] end def self.reporter_enabled_for_current_mode? if Chef::Config[:solo] || Chef::Config[:local_mode] acceptable_modes = [:solo, :both] else acceptable_modes = [:client, :both] end acceptable_modes.include?(Chef::Config[:data_collector][:mode]) end # == Chef::DataCollector::Reporter # Provides an event handler that can be registered to report on Chef # run data. Unlike the existing Chef::ResourceReporter event handler, # the DataCollector handler is not tied to a Chef Server / Chef Reporting # and exports its data through a webhook-like mechanism to a configured # endpoint. class Reporter < EventDispatch::Base attr_reader :all_resource_reports, :status, :exception, :error_descriptions, :expanded_run_list, :run_context, :run_status, :http, :current_resource_report, :enabled, :deprecations def initialize validate_data_collector_server_url! validate_data_collector_output_locations! if data_collector_output_locations @all_resource_reports = [] @current_resource_loaded = nil @error_descriptions = {} @expanded_run_list = {} @deprecations = Set.new @enabled = true @http = setup_http_client(data_collector_server_url) if data_collector_output_locations @http_output_locations = setup_http_output_locations if data_collector_output_locations[:urls] end end # see EventDispatch::Base#run_started # Upon receipt, we will send our run start message to the # configured DataCollector endpoint. Depending on whether # the user has configured raise_on_failure, if we cannot # send the message, we will either disable the DataCollector # Reporter for the duration of this run, or we'll raise an # exception. def run_started(current_run_status) update_run_status(current_run_status) message = Chef::DataCollector::Messages.run_start_message(current_run_status) disable_reporter_on_error do send_to_data_collector(message) end send_to_output_locations(message) if data_collector_output_locations end # see EventDispatch::Base#run_completed # Upon receipt, we will send our run completion message to the # configured DataCollector endpoint. def run_completed(node) send_run_completion(status: "success") end # see EventDispatch::Base#run_failed def run_failed(exception) send_run_completion(status: "failure") end # see EventDispatch::Base#converge_start # Upon receipt, we stash the run_context for use at the # end of the run in order to determine what resource+action # combinations have not yet fired so we can report on # unprocessed resources. def converge_start(run_context) @run_context = run_context end # see EventDispatch::Base#converge_complete # At the end of the converge, we add any unprocessed resources # to our report list. def converge_complete detect_unprocessed_resources end # see EventDispatch::Base#converge_failed # At the end of the converge, we add any unprocessed resources # to our report list def converge_failed(exception) detect_unprocessed_resources end # see EventDispatch::Base#resource_current_state_loaded # Create a new ResourceReport instance that we'll use to track # the state of this resource during the run. Nested resources are # ignored as they are assumed to be an inline resource of a custom # resource, and we only care about tracking top-level resources. def resource_current_state_loaded(new_resource, action, current_resource) return if nested_resource?(new_resource) initialize_resource_report_if_needed(new_resource, action, current_resource) end # see EventDispatch::Base#resource_up_to_date # Mark our ResourceReport status accordingly def resource_up_to_date(new_resource, action) initialize_resource_report_if_needed(new_resource, action) current_resource_report.up_to_date unless nested_resource?(new_resource) end # see EventDispatch::Base#resource_skipped # If this is a top-level resource, we create a ResourceReport # instance (because a skipped resource does not trigger the # resource_current_state_loaded event), and flag it as skipped. def resource_skipped(new_resource, action, conditional) return if nested_resource?(new_resource) initialize_resource_report_if_needed(new_resource, action) current_resource_report.skipped(conditional) end # see EventDispatch::Base#resource_updated # Flag the current ResourceReport instance as updated (as long as it's # a top-level resource). def resource_updated(new_resource, action) initialize_resource_report_if_needed(new_resource, action) current_resource_report.updated unless nested_resource?(new_resource) end # see EventDispatch::Base#resource_failed # Flag the current ResourceReport as failed and supply the exception as # long as it's a top-level resource, and update the run error text # with the proper Formatter. def resource_failed(new_resource, action, exception) initialize_resource_report_if_needed(new_resource, action) current_resource_report.failed(exception) unless nested_resource?(new_resource) update_error_description( Formatters::ErrorMapper.resource_failed( new_resource, action, exception ).for_json ) end # see EventDispatch::Base#resource_completed # Mark the ResourceReport instance as finished (for timing details). # This marks the end of this resource during this run. def resource_completed(new_resource) if current_resource_report && !nested_resource?(new_resource) current_resource_report.finish add_resource_report(current_resource_report) clear_current_resource_report end end # see EventDispatch::Base#run_list_expanded # The expanded run list is stored for later use by the run_completed # event and message. def run_list_expanded(run_list_expansion) @expanded_run_list = run_list_expansion end # see EventDispatch::Base#run_list_expand_failed # The run error text is updated with the output of the appropriate # formatter. def run_list_expand_failed(node, exception) update_error_description( Formatters::ErrorMapper.run_list_expand_failed( node, exception ).for_json ) end # see EventDispatch::Base#cookbook_resolution_failed # The run error text is updated with the output of the appropriate # formatter. def cookbook_resolution_failed(expanded_run_list, exception) update_error_description( Formatters::ErrorMapper.cookbook_resolution_failed( expanded_run_list, exception ).for_json ) end # see EventDispatch::Base#cookbook_sync_failed # The run error text is updated with the output of the appropriate # formatter. def cookbook_sync_failed(cookbooks, exception) update_error_description( Formatters::ErrorMapper.cookbook_sync_failed( cookbooks, exception ).for_json ) end # see EventDispatch::Base#deprecation # Append a received deprecation to the list of deprecations def deprecation(message, location = caller(2..2)[0]) add_deprecation(message.message, message.url, location) end private # Selects the type of HTTP client to use based on whether we are using # token-based or signed header authentication. Token authentication is # intended to be used primarily for Chef Solo in which case no signing # key will be available (in which case `Chef::ServerAPI.new()` would # raise an exception. def setup_http_client(url) if data_collector_token.nil? Chef::ServerAPI.new(url, validate_utf8: false) else Chef::HTTP::SimpleJSON.new(url, validate_utf8: false) end end def setup_http_output_locations Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations][:urls].each_with_object({}) do |location_url, http_output_locations| http_output_locations[location_url] = setup_http_client(location_url) end end # # Yields to the passed-in block (which is expected to be some interaction # with the DataCollector endpoint). If some communication failure occurs, # either disable any future communications to the DataCollector endpoint, or # raise an exception (if the user has set # Chef::Config.data_collector.raise_on_failure to true.) # # @param block [Proc] A ruby block to run. Ignored if a command is given. # def disable_reporter_on_error yield rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Errno::EHOSTDOWN => e # Do not disable data collector reporter if additional output_locations have been specified disable_data_collector_reporter unless data_collector_output_locations code = if e.respond_to?(:response) && e.response.code e.response.code.to_s else "Exception Code Empty" end msg = "Error while reporting run start to Data Collector. " \ "URL: #{data_collector_server_url} " \ "Exception: #{code} -- #{e.message} " if Chef::Config[:data_collector][:raise_on_failure] Chef::Log.error(msg) raise else # Make the message non-scary for folks who don't have automate: msg << " (This is normal if you do not have Chef Automate)" Chef::Log.info(msg) end end def send_to_data_collector(message) return unless data_collector_accessible? http.post(nil, message, headers) if data_collector_server_url end def send_to_output_locations(message) data_collector_output_locations.each do |type, location_list| location_list.each do |l| handle_output_location(type, l, message) end end end def handle_output_location(type, loc, message) type == :urls ? send_to_http_location(loc, message) : send_to_file_location(loc, message) end def send_to_file_location(file_name, message) open(file_name, "a") { |f| f.puts message } end def send_to_http_location(http_url, message) @http_output_locations[http_url].post(nil, message, headers) if @http_output_locations[http_url] rescue Chef::Log.trace("Data collector failed to send to URL location #{http_url}. Please check your configured data_collector.output_locations") end # # Send any messages to the DataCollector endpoint that are necessary to # indicate the run has completed. Currently, two messages are sent: # # - An "action" message with the node object indicating it's been updated # - An "run_converge" (i.e. RunEnd) message with details about the run, # what resources were modified/up-to-date/skipped, etc. # # @param opts [Hash] Additional details about the run, such as its success/failure. # def send_run_completion(opts) # If run_status is nil we probably failed before the client triggered # the run_started callback. In this case we'll skip updating because # we have nothing to report. return unless run_status message = Chef::DataCollector::Messages.run_end_message( run_status: run_status, expanded_run_list: expanded_run_list, resources: all_resource_reports, status: opts[:status], error_descriptions: error_descriptions, deprecations: deprecations.to_a ) disable_reporter_on_error do send_to_data_collector(message) end send_to_output_locations(message) if data_collector_output_locations end def headers headers = { "Content-Type" => "application/json" } unless data_collector_token.nil? headers["x-data-collector-token"] = data_collector_token headers["x-data-collector-auth"] = "version=1.0" end headers end def data_collector_server_url Chef::Config[:data_collector][:server_url] end def data_collector_output_locations Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations] end def data_collector_token Chef::Config[:data_collector][:token] end def add_resource_report(resource_report) @all_resource_reports << OpenStruct.new( resource: resource_report.new_resource, action: resource_report.action, report_data: resource_report.to_hash ) end def disable_data_collector_reporter @enabled = false end def data_collector_accessible? @enabled end def update_run_status(run_status) @run_status = run_status end def update_error_description(discription_hash) @error_descriptions = discription_hash end def add_deprecation(message, url, location) @deprecations << { message: message, url: url, location: location } end def initialize_resource_report_if_needed(new_resource, action, current_resource = nil) return unless current_resource_report.nil? @current_resource_report = create_resource_report(new_resource, action, current_resource) end def create_resource_report(new_resource, action, current_resource = nil) Chef::DataCollector::ResourceReport.new( new_resource, action, current_resource ) end def clear_current_resource_report @current_resource_report = nil end def detect_unprocessed_resources # create a Hash (for performance reasons, rather than an Array) containing all # resource+action combinations from the Resource Collection # # We use the object ID instead of the resource itself in the Hash key because # we currently allow users to create a property called "hash" which creates # a #hash instance method on the resource. Ruby expects that to be a Fixnum, # so bad things happen when adding an object to an Array or a Hash if it's not. collection_resources = {} run_context.resource_collection.all_resources.each do |resource| Array(resource.action).each do |action| collection_resources[[resource.__id__, action]] = resource end end # Delete from the Hash any resource+action combination we have # already processed. all_resource_reports.each do |report| collection_resources.delete([report.resource.__id__, report.action]) end # The items remaining in the Hash are unprocessed resource+actions, # so we'll create new resource reports for them which default to # a state of "unprocessed". collection_resources.each do |key, resource| # The Hash key is an array of the Resource's object ID and the action. # We need to pluck out the action. add_resource_report(create_resource_report(resource, key[1])) end end # If we are getting messages about a resource while we are in the middle of # another resource's update, we assume that the nested resource is just the # implementation of a provider, and we want to hide it from the reporting # output. def nested_resource?(new_resource) @current_resource_report && @current_resource_report.new_resource != new_resource end def validate_and_return_uri(uri) URI(uri) rescue URI::InvalidURIError nil end def validate_and_create_file(file) send_to_file_location(file, "") true # Rescue exceptions raised by the file path being non-existent or not writeable and re-raise them to the user # with clearer explanatory text. rescue Errno::ENOENT raise Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError, "Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations][:files] contains the location #{file}, which is a non existent file path." rescue Errno::EACCES raise Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError, "Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations][:files] contains the location #{file}, which cannnot be written to by Chef." end def validate_data_collector_server_url! unless !data_collector_server_url && data_collector_output_locations uri = validate_and_return_uri(data_collector_server_url) unless uri raise Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError, "Chef::Config[:data_collector][:server_url] (#{data_collector_server_url}) is not a valid URI." end if uri.host.nil? raise Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError, "Chef::Config[:data_collector][:server_url] (#{data_collector_server_url}) is a URI with no host. Please supply a valid URL." end end end def handle_type(type, loc) type == :urls ? validate_and_return_uri(loc) : validate_and_create_file(loc) end def validate_data_collector_output_locations! if data_collector_output_locations.empty? raise Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError, "Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations] is empty. Please supply an hash of valid URLs and / or local file paths." end data_collector_output_locations.each do |type, locations| locations.each do |l| unless handle_type(type, l) raise Chef::Exceptions::ConfigurationError, "Chef::Config[:data_collector][:output_locations] contains the location #{l} which is not valid." end end end end end end end