#-- # Copyright:: Copyright 2016-2018, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "mixin/convert_to_class_name" # Structured deprecations have a unique URL associated with them, which must exist before the deprecation is merged. class Chef class Deprecated class << self include Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName def create(type, message, location) Chef::Deprecated.const_get(convert_to_class_name(type.to_s)).new(message, location) end end class Base BASE_URL = "https://docs.chef.io/deprecations_".freeze attr_reader :message, :location def initialize(msg = nil, location = nil) @message = msg @location = location end def link "Please see #{url} for further details and information on how to correct this problem." end # Render the URL for the deprecation documentation page. # # @return [String] def url "#{BASE_URL}#{self.class.doc_page}/" end # Render the user-visible message for this deprecation. # # @return [String] def to_s "Deprecation CHEF-#{self.class.deprecation_id} from #{location}\n\n #{message}\n\n#{link}" end # Check if this deprecation has been silenced. # # @return [Boolean] def silenced? # Check if all warnings have been silenced. return true if Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] == true # Check if this warning has been silenced by the config. return true if Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings].any? do |silence_spec| if silence_spec.is_a? Integer # Integers can end up matching the line number in the `location` string silence_spec = "CHEF-#{silence_spec}" else # Just in case someone uses a symbol in the config by mistake. silence_spec = silence_spec.to_s end # Check for a silence by deprecation name, or by location. self.class.deprecation_key == silence_spec || self.class.deprecation_id.to_s == silence_spec || "chef-#{self.class.deprecation_id}" == silence_spec.downcase || location.include?(silence_spec) end # check if this warning has been silenced by inline comment. return true if location =~ /^(.*?):(\d+):in/ && begin # Don't buffer the whole file in memory, so read it one line at a time. line_no = $2.to_i location_file = ::File.open($1) (line_no - 1).times { location_file.readline } # Read all the lines we don't care about. relevant_line = location_file.readline relevant_line.match?(/#.*chef:silence_deprecation($|[^:]|:#{self.class.deprecation_key})/) end false end class << self attr_reader :deprecation_id, :doc_page # Return the deprecation key as would be used with {Chef::Deprecated.create}. # # @return [String] def deprecation_key Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName.convert_to_snake_case(name, "Chef::Deprecated") end # Set the ID and documentation page path for this deprecation. # # Used in subclasses to set the data for each type of deprecation. # # @example # class MyDeprecation < Base # target 123, "my_deprecation" # end # @param id [Integer] Deprecation ID number. This must be unique among # all deprecations. # @param page [String, nil] Optional documentation page path. If not # specified, the deprecation key is used. # @return [void] def target(id, page = nil) @deprecation_id = id @doc_page = page || "#{deprecation_key}" end end end class InternalApi < Base target 0 end class JsonAutoInflate < Base target 1 end class ExitCode < Base target 2 end # id 3 has been deleted class Attributes < Base target 4 end class CustomResource < Base target 5, "custom_resource_cleanups" end class EasyInstall < Base target 6 end class VerifyFile < Base target 7 end class SupportsProperty < Base target 8 end class ChefRest < Base target 9 end class DnfPackageAllowDowngrade < Base target 10 end class PropertyNameCollision < Base target 11 end class LaunchdHashProperty < Base target 12 end class ChefPlatformMethods < Base target 13 end class RunCommand < Base target 14 end class PackageMisc < Base target 15 end class MultiresourceMatch < Base target 16 end class UseInlineResources < Base target 17 end class LocalListen < Base target 18 end class NamespaceCollisions < Base target 19 end class DeployResource < Base target 21 end class ErlResource < Base target 22 end class FreebsdPkgProvider < Base target 23 end # id 25 was deleted # id 3694 was deleted # Returned when using the deprecated option on a property class Property < Base target 24 def to_s "Deprecated resource property used from #{location}\n\n #{message}\n\nPlease consult the resource documentation for more information." end end class ShellOut < Base target 26 end class LocaleLcAll < Base target 27 end class ChefSugar < Base target 28 end class Generic < Base def url "https://docs.chef.io/chef_deprecations_client/" end def to_s "Deprecation from #{location}\n\n #{message}\n\n#{link}" end end end end