require "chef/event_dispatch/base" class Chef module EventDispatch # == EventDispatch::Dispatcher # The Dispatcher handles receiving event data from the sources # (Chef::Client, Resources and Providers, etc.) and publishing the data to # the registered subscribers. class Dispatcher < Base attr_reader :subscribers attr_reader :event_list def initialize(*subscribers) @subscribers = subscribers @event_list = [] end # Add a new subscriber to the list of registered subscribers def register(subscriber) subscribers << subscriber end def unregister(subscriber) subscribers.reject! { |x| x == subscriber } end def enqueue(method_name, *args) event_list << [ method_name, *args ] process_events_until_done unless @in_call end (Base.instance_methods - Object.instance_methods).each do |method_name| class_eval <<-EOM def #{method_name}(*args) enqueue(#{method_name.inspect}, *args) end EOM end # Special case deprecation, since it needs to know its caller def deprecation(message, location = caller(2..2)[0]) enqueue(:deprecation, message, location) end # Check to see if we are dispatching to a formatter # @api private def formatter? subscribers.any? { |s| s.respond_to?(:is_formatter?) && s.is_formatter? } end #### # All messages are unconditionally forwarded to all subscribers, so just # define the forwarding in one go: # # @api private def call_subscribers(method_name, *args) @in_call = true subscribers.each do |s| # Skip new/unsupported event names next if !s.respond_to?(method_name) mth = s.method(method_name) # Trim arguments to match what the subscriber expects to allow # adding new arguments without breaking compat. if mth.arity < args.size && mth.arity >= 0*args.take(mth.arity)) else*args) end end ensure @in_call = false end private # events are allowed to enqueue chained events, so pop them off until # empty, rather than iterating over the list. # def process_events_until_done call_subscribers(*event_list.shift) until event_list.empty? end end end end