# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Seth Falcon () # Author:: Kyle Goodwin () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2017, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "chef-config/exceptions" class Chef # == Chef::Exceptions # Chef's custom exceptions are all contained within the Chef::Exceptions # namespace. class Exceptions ConfigurationError = ChefConfig::ConfigurationError # Backcompat with Chef::ShellOut code: require "mixlib/shellout/exceptions" def self.const_missing(const_name) if const_name == :ShellCommandFailed Chef::Log.warn("Chef::Exceptions::ShellCommandFailed is deprecated, use Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed") called_from = caller[0..3].inject("Called from:\n") { |msg, trace_line| msg << " #{trace_line}\n" } Chef::Log.warn(called_from) Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed else super end end class Application < RuntimeError; end class SigInt < RuntimeError; end class SigTerm < RuntimeError; end class Cron < RuntimeError; end class Env < RuntimeError; end class Exec < RuntimeError; end class Execute < RuntimeError; end class ErlCall < RuntimeError; end class FileNotFound < RuntimeError; end class Package < RuntimeError; end class Service < RuntimeError; end class Script < RuntimeError; end class Route < RuntimeError; end class SearchIndex < RuntimeError; end class Override < RuntimeError; end class UnsupportedAction < RuntimeError; end class MissingLibrary < RuntimeError; end class CannotDetermineNodeName < RuntimeError def initialize super "Unable to determine node name: configure node_name or configure the system's hostname and fqdn" end end class User < RuntimeError; end class Group < RuntimeError; end class Link < RuntimeError; end class Mount < RuntimeError; end class Reboot < Exception; end # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException class RebootPending < Exception; end # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException class RebootFailed < Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed; end class ClientUpgraded < Exception; end # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException class PrivateKeyMissing < RuntimeError; end class CannotWritePrivateKey < RuntimeError; end class RoleNotFound < RuntimeError; end class DuplicateRole < RuntimeError; end class ValidationFailed < ArgumentError; end class CannotValidateStaticallyError < ArgumentError; end class InvalidPrivateKey < ArgumentError; end class MissingKeyAttribute < ArgumentError; end class KeyCommandInputError < ArgumentError; end class BootstrapCommandInputError < ArgumentError def initialize super "You cannot pass both --json-attributes and --json-attribute-file. Please pass one or none." end end class InvalidKeyArgument < ArgumentError; end class InvalidKeyAttribute < ArgumentError; end class InvalidUserAttribute < ArgumentError; end class InvalidClientAttribute < ArgumentError; end class RedirectLimitExceeded < RuntimeError; end class AmbiguousRunlistSpecification < ArgumentError; end class CookbookFrozen < ArgumentError; end class CookbookNotFound < RuntimeError; end class OnlyApiVersion0SupportedForAction < RuntimeError; end # Cookbook loader used to raise an argument error when cookbook not found. # for back compat, need to raise an error that inherits from ArgumentError class CookbookNotFoundInRepo < ArgumentError; end class RecipeNotFound < ArgumentError; end # AttributeNotFound really means the attribute file could not be found class AttributeNotFound < RuntimeError; end # NoSuchAttribute is raised on access by node.read!("foo", "bar") when node["foo"]["bar"] does not exist. class NoSuchAttribute < RuntimeError; end # AttributeTypeMismatch is raised by node.write!("foo", "bar", "baz") when e.g. node["foo"] = "bar" (overwriting String with Hash) class AttributeTypeMismatch < RuntimeError; end class MissingCookbookDependency < StandardError; end # CHEF-5120 class InvalidCommandOption < RuntimeError; end class CommandTimeout < RuntimeError; end class RequestedUIDUnavailable < RuntimeError; end class InvalidHomeDirectory < ArgumentError; end class DsclCommandFailed < RuntimeError; end class PlistUtilCommandFailed < RuntimeError; end class UserIDNotFound < ArgumentError; end class GroupIDNotFound < ArgumentError; end class ConflictingMembersInGroup < ArgumentError; end class InvalidResourceReference < RuntimeError; end class ResourceNotFound < RuntimeError; end class ProviderNotFound < RuntimeError; end NoProviderAvailable = ProviderNotFound class VerificationNotFound < RuntimeError; end class InvalidEventType < ArgumentError; end class MultipleIdentityError < RuntimeError; end # Used in Resource::ActionClass#load_current_resource to denote that # the resource doesn't actually exist (for example, the file does not exist) class CurrentValueDoesNotExist < RuntimeError; end # Can't find a Resource of this type that is valid on this platform. class NoSuchResourceType < NameError def initialize(short_name, node) super "Cannot find a resource for #{short_name} on #{node[:platform]} version #{node[:platform_version]}" end end class InvalidPolicybuilderCall < ArgumentError; end class InvalidResourceSpecification < ArgumentError; end class SolrConnectionError < RuntimeError; end class IllegalChecksumRevert < RuntimeError; end class CookbookVersionNameMismatch < ArgumentError; end class MissingParentDirectory < RuntimeError; end class UnresolvableGitReference < RuntimeError; end class InvalidRemoteGitReference < RuntimeError; end class InvalidEnvironmentRunListSpecification < ArgumentError; end class InvalidDataBagItemID < ArgumentError; end class InvalidDataBagName < ArgumentError; end class EnclosingDirectoryDoesNotExist < ArgumentError; end # Errors originating from calls to the Win32 API class Win32APIError < RuntimeError; end # Thrown when Win32 API layer binds to non-existent Win32 function. Occurs # when older versions of Windows don't support newer Win32 API functions. class Win32APIFunctionNotImplemented < NotImplementedError; end # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException # Attempting to run windows code on a not-windows node class Win32NotWindows < RuntimeError; end class WindowsNotAdmin < RuntimeError; end # Attempting to access a 64-bit only resource on a 32-bit Windows system class Win32ArchitectureIncorrect < RuntimeError; end class ObsoleteDependencySyntax < ArgumentError; end class InvalidDataBagPath < ArgumentError; end class DuplicateDataBagItem < RuntimeError; end class PowershellCmdletException < RuntimeError; end class LCMParser < RuntimeError; end class CannotDetermineHomebrewOwner < Package; end class CannotDetermineWindowsInstallerType < Package; end class NoWindowsPackageSource < Package; end # Can not create staging file during file deployment class FileContentStagingError < RuntimeError def initialize(errors) super "Staging tempfile can not be created during file deployment.\n Errors: #{errors.join('\n')}!" end end # A different version of a cookbook was added to a # VersionedRecipeList than the one already there. class CookbookVersionConflict < ArgumentError; end # does not follow X.Y.Z format. ArgumentError? class InvalidPlatformVersion < ArgumentError; end class InvalidCookbookVersion < ArgumentError; end # version constraint should be a string or array, or it doesn't # match OP VERSION. ArgumentError? class InvalidVersionConstraint < ArgumentError; end # Version constraints are not allowed in chef-solo class IllegalVersionConstraint < NotImplementedError; end # rubocop:disable Lint/InheritException class MetadataNotValid < StandardError; end class MetadataNotFound < StandardError attr_reader :install_path attr_reader :cookbook_name def initialize(install_path, cookbook_name) @install_path = install_path @cookbook_name = cookbook_name super "No metadata.rb or metadata.json found for cookbook #{@cookbook_name} in #{@install_path}" end end # File operation attempted but no permissions to perform it class InsufficientPermissions < RuntimeError; end # Ifconfig failed class Ifconfig < RuntimeError; end # Invalid "source" parameter to a remote_file resource class InvalidRemoteFileURI < ArgumentError; end # Node::Attribute computes the merged version of of attributes # and makes it read-only. Attempting to modify a read-only # attribute will cause this error. class ImmutableAttributeModification < NoMethodError def initialize super "Node attributes are read-only when you do not specify which precedence level to set. " + %q{To set an attribute use code like `node.default["key"] = "value"'} end end # Merged node attributes are invalidated when the component # attributes are updated. Attempting to read from a stale copy # of merged attributes will trigger this error. class StaleAttributeRead < StandardError; end # Registry Helper throws the following errors class Win32RegArchitectureIncorrect < Win32ArchitectureIncorrect; end class Win32RegHiveMissing < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegKeyMissing < RuntimeError; end class Win32RegValueMissing < RuntimeError; end class Win32RegDataMissing < RuntimeError; end class Win32RegValueExists < RuntimeError; end class Win32RegNoRecursive < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegTypeDoesNotExist < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegBadType < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegBadValueSize < ArgumentError; end class Win32RegTypesMismatch < ArgumentError; end # incorrect input for registry_key create action throws following error class RegKeyValuesTypeMissing < ArgumentError; end class RegKeyValuesDataMissing < ArgumentError; end class InvalidEnvironmentPath < ArgumentError; end class EnvironmentNotFound < RuntimeError; end # File-like resource found a non-file (socket, pipe, directory, etc) at its destination class FileTypeMismatch < RuntimeError; end # File (or descendent) resource configured to manage symlink source, but # the symlink that is there either loops or points to a nonexistent file class InvalidSymlink < RuntimeError; end class ChildConvergeError < RuntimeError; end class DeprecatedFeatureError < RuntimeError def initalize(message) super("#{message} (raising error due to treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors being set)") end end class MissingRole < RuntimeError NULL = Object.new attr_reader :expansion def initialize(message_or_expansion = NULL) @expansion = nil case message_or_expansion when NULL super() when String super when RunList::RunListExpansion @expansion = message_or_expansion missing_roles = @expansion.errors.join(", ") super("The expanded run list includes nonexistent roles: #{missing_roles}") end end end # Exception class for collecting multiple failures. Used when running # delayed notifications so that chef can process each delayed # notification even if chef client or other notifications fail. class MultipleFailures < StandardError def initialize(*args) super @all_failures = [] end def message base = "Multiple failures occurred:\n" @all_failures.inject(base) do |message, (location, error)| message << "* #{error.class} occurred in #{location}: #{error.message}\n" end end def client_run_failure(exception) set_backtrace(exception.backtrace) @all_failures << [ "chef run", exception ] end def notification_failure(exception) @all_failures << [ "delayed notification", exception ] end def raise! unless empty? raise for_raise end end def empty? @all_failures.empty? end def for_raise if @all_failures.size == 1 @all_failures[0][1] else self end end end class CookbookVersionSelection # Compound exception: In run_list expansion and resolution, # run_list items referred to cookbooks that don't exist and/or # have no versions available. class InvalidRunListItems < StandardError attr_reader :non_existent_cookbooks attr_reader :cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions def initialize(message, non_existent_cookbooks, cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions) super(message) @non_existent_cookbooks = non_existent_cookbooks @cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions = cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions end def to_json(*a) result = { "message" => message, "non_existent_cookbooks" => non_existent_cookbooks, "cookbooks_with_no_versions" => cookbooks_with_no_matching_versions, } Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(result, *a) end end # In run_list expansion and resolution, a constraint was # unsatisfiable. # # This exception may not be the complete error report. If you # resolve the misconfiguration represented by this exception and # re-solve, you may get another exception class UnsatisfiableRunListItem < StandardError attr_reader :run_list_item attr_reader :non_existent_cookbooks, :most_constrained_cookbooks # most_constrained_cookbooks: if I were to remove constraints # regarding these cookbooks, I would get a solution or move on # to the next error (deeper in the graph). An item in this list # may be unsatisfiable, but when resolved may also reveal # further unsatisfiable constraints; this condition would not be # reported. def initialize(message, run_list_item, non_existent_cookbooks, most_constrained_cookbooks) super(message) @run_list_item = run_list_item @non_existent_cookbooks = non_existent_cookbooks @most_constrained_cookbooks = most_constrained_cookbooks end def to_json(*a) result = { "message" => message, "unsatisfiable_run_list_item" => run_list_item, "non_existent_cookbooks" => non_existent_cookbooks, "most_constrained_cookbooks" => most_constrained_cookbooks, } Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(result, *a) end end end # CookbookVersionSelection # When the server sends a redirect, RFC 2616 states a user-agent should # not follow it with a method other than GET or HEAD, unless a specific # action is taken by the user. A redirect received as response to a # non-GET and non-HEAD request will thus raise an InvalidRedirect. class InvalidRedirect < StandardError; end # Raised when the content length of a download does not match the content # length declared in the http response. class ContentLengthMismatch < RuntimeError def initialize(response_length, content_length) super <<-EOF Response body length #{response_length} does not match HTTP Content-Length header #{content_length}. This error is most often caused by network issues (proxies, etc) outside of chef-client. EOF end end class UnsupportedPlatform < RuntimeError def initialize(platform) super "This functionality is not supported on platform #{platform}." end end # Raised when Chef::Config[:run_lock_timeout] is set and some other client run fails # to release the run lock becure Chef::Config[:run_lock_timeout] seconds pass. class RunLockTimeout < RuntimeError def initialize(duration, blocking_pid) super "Unable to acquire lock. Waited #{duration} seconds for #{blocking_pid} to release." end end class ChecksumMismatch < RuntimeError def initialize(res_cksum, cont_cksum) super "Checksum on resource (#{res_cksum}) does not match checksum on content (#{cont_cksum})" end end class BadProxyURI < RuntimeError; end # Raised by Chef::JSONCompat class JSON class EncodeError < RuntimeError; end class ParseError < RuntimeError; end end class InvalidSearchQuery < ArgumentError; end # Raised by Chef::ProviderResolver class AmbiguousProviderResolution < RuntimeError def initialize(resource, classes) super "Found more than one provider for #{resource.resource_name} resource: #{classes}" end end class AuditError < RuntimeError; end class AuditControlGroupDuplicate < AuditError def initialize(name) super "Control group with name '#{name}' has already been defined" end end class AuditNameMissing < AuditError; end class NoAuditsProvided < AuditError def initialize super "You must provide a block with controls" end end class AuditsFailed < AuditError def initialize(num_failed, num_total) super "Audit phase found failures - #{num_failed}/#{num_total} controls failed" end end # If a converge or audit fails, we want to wrap the output from those errors into 1 error so we can # see both issues in the output. It is possible that nil will be provided. You must call `fill_backtrace` # to correctly populate the backtrace with the wrapped backtraces. class RunFailedWrappingError < RuntimeError attr_reader :wrapped_errors def initialize(*errors) errors = errors.select { |e| !e.nil? } output = "Found #{errors.size} errors, they are stored in the backtrace" @wrapped_errors = errors super output end def fill_backtrace backtrace = [] wrapped_errors.each_with_index do |e, i| backtrace << "#{i + 1}) #{e.class} - #{e.message}" backtrace += e.backtrace if e.backtrace backtrace << "" unless i == wrapped_errors.length - 1 end set_backtrace(backtrace) end end class PIDFileLockfileMatch < RuntimeError def initialize super "PID file and lockfile are not permitted to match. Specify a different location with --pid or --lockfile" end end class CookbookChefVersionMismatch < RuntimeError def initialize(chef_version, cookbook_name, cookbook_version, *constraints) constraint_str = constraints.map { |c| c.requirement.as_list.to_s }.join(", ") super "Cookbook '#{cookbook_name}' version '#{cookbook_version}' depends on chef version #{constraint_str}, but the running chef version is #{chef_version}" end end class CookbookOhaiVersionMismatch < RuntimeError def initialize(ohai_version, cookbook_name, cookbook_version, *constraints) constraint_str = constraints.map { |c| c.requirement.as_list.to_s }.join(", ") super "Cookbook '#{cookbook_name}' version '#{cookbook_version}' depends on ohai version #{constraint_str}, but the running ohai version is #{ohai_version}" end end class MultipleDscResourcesFound < RuntimeError attr_reader :resources_found def initialize(resources_found) @resources_found = resources_found matches_info = @resources_found.each do |r| if r["Module"].nil? "Resource #{r['Name']} was found in #{r['Module']['Name']}" else "Resource #{r['Name']} is a binary resource" end end super "Found multiple resources matching #{matches_info[0]["Module"]["Name"]}:\n#{(matches_info.map { |f| f["Module"]["Version"] }).uniq.join("\n")}" end end # exception specific to invalid usage of 'dsc_resource' resource class DSCModuleNameMissing < ArgumentError; end end end