#-- # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Thom May () # Author:: Nuo Yan () # Author:: Christopher Brown () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright 2009-2016, 2013-2015 Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "tempfile" require "net/https" require "uri" require "chef/http/basic_client" require "chef/monkey_patches/net_http" require "chef/config" require "chef/platform/query_helpers" require "chef/exceptions" class Chef # == Chef::HTTP # Basic HTTP client, with support for adding features via middleware class HTTP # Class for applying middleware behaviors to streaming # responses. Collects stream handlers (if any) from each # middleware. When #handle_chunk is called, the chunk gets # passed to all handlers in turn for processing. class StreamHandler def initialize(middlewares, response) middlewares = middlewares.flatten @stream_handlers = [] middlewares.each do |middleware| stream_handler = middleware.stream_response_handler(response) @stream_handlers << stream_handler unless stream_handler.nil? end end def handle_chunk(next_chunk) # stream handlers handle responses so must be applied in reverse order # (same as #apply_stream_complete_middleware or #apply_response_midddleware) @stream_handlers.reverse.inject(next_chunk) do |chunk, handler| Chef::Log.debug("Chef::HTTP::StreamHandler calling #{handler.class}#handle_chunk") handler.handle_chunk(chunk) end end end def self.middlewares @middlewares ||= [] end def self.use(middleware_class) middlewares << middleware_class end attr_reader :url attr_reader :sign_on_redirect attr_reader :redirect_limit attr_reader :options attr_reader :middlewares # Create a HTTP client object. The supplied +url+ is used as the base for # all subsequent requests. For example, when initialized with a base url # http://localhost:4000, a call to +get+ with 'nodes' will make an # HTTP GET request to http://localhost:4000/nodes def initialize(url, options = {}) @url = url @default_headers = options[:headers] || {} @sign_on_redirect = true @redirects_followed = 0 @redirect_limit = 10 @options = options @middlewares = [] self.class.middlewares.each do |middleware_class| @middlewares << middleware_class.new(options) end end # Send an HTTP HEAD request to the path # # === Parameters # path:: path part of the request URL def head(path, headers = {}) request(:HEAD, path, headers) end # Send an HTTP GET request to the path # # === Parameters # path:: The path to GET def get(path, headers = {}) request(:GET, path, headers) end # Send an HTTP PUT request to the path # # === Parameters # path:: path part of the request URL def put(path, json, headers = {}) request(:PUT, path, headers, json) end # Send an HTTP POST request to the path # # === Parameters # path:: path part of the request URL def post(path, json, headers = {}) request(:POST, path, headers, json) end # Send an HTTP DELETE request to the path # # === Parameters # path:: path part of the request URL def delete(path, headers = {}) request(:DELETE, path, headers) end # Makes an HTTP request to +path+ with the given +method+, +headers+, and # +data+ (if applicable). def request(method, path, headers = {}, data = false) url = create_url(path) method, url, headers, data = apply_request_middleware(method, url, headers, data) response, rest_request, return_value = send_http_request(method, url, headers, data) response, rest_request, return_value = apply_response_middleware(response, rest_request, return_value) response.error! unless success_response?(response) return_value rescue Exception => exception log_failed_request(response, return_value) unless response.nil? if exception.respond_to?(:chef_rest_request=) exception.chef_rest_request = rest_request end raise end def streaming_request_with_progress(path, headers = {}, &progress_block) url = create_url(path) response, rest_request, return_value = nil, nil, nil tempfile = nil method = :GET method, url, headers, data = apply_request_middleware(method, url, headers, data) response, rest_request, return_value = send_http_request(method, url, headers, data) do |http_response| if http_response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) tempfile = stream_to_tempfile(url, http_response, &progress_block) end apply_stream_complete_middleware(http_response, rest_request, return_value) end return nil if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPRedirection) unless response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) response.error! end tempfile rescue Exception => e log_failed_request(response, return_value) unless response.nil? if e.respond_to?(:chef_rest_request=) e.chef_rest_request = rest_request end raise end # Makes a streaming download request, streaming the response body to a # tempfile. If a block is given, the tempfile is passed to the block and # the tempfile will automatically be unlinked after the block is executed. # # If no block is given, the tempfile is returned, which means it's up to # you to unlink the tempfile when you're done with it. # # @yield [tempfile] block to process the tempfile # @yieldparams [tempfile] tempfile def streaming_request(path, headers = {}) url = create_url(path) response, rest_request, return_value = nil, nil, nil tempfile = nil method = :GET method, url, headers, data = apply_request_middleware(method, url, headers, data) response, rest_request, return_value = send_http_request(method, url, headers, data) do |http_response| if http_response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) tempfile = stream_to_tempfile(url, http_response) end apply_stream_complete_middleware(http_response, rest_request, return_value) end return nil if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPRedirection) unless response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) response.error! end if block_given? begin yield tempfile ensure tempfile && tempfile.close! end end tempfile rescue Exception => e log_failed_request(response, return_value) unless response.nil? if e.respond_to?(:chef_rest_request=) e.chef_rest_request = rest_request end raise end def http_client(base_url = nil) base_url ||= url if chef_zero_uri?(base_url) # PERFORMANCE CRITICAL: *MUST* lazy require here otherwise we load up webrick # via chef-zero and that hits DNS (at *require* time) which may timeout, # when for most knife/chef-client work we never need/want this loaded. Thread.exclusive { unless defined?(SocketlessChefZeroClient) require "chef/http/socketless_chef_zero_client" end } SocketlessChefZeroClient.new(base_url) else BasicClient.new(base_url, :ssl_policy => Chef::HTTP::APISSLPolicy) end end protected def create_url(path) return path if path.is_a?(URI) if path =~ /^(http|https|chefzero):\/\//i URI.parse(path) elsif path.nil? || path.empty? URI.parse(@url) else # The regular expressions used here are to make sure '@url' does not have # any trailing slashes and 'path' does not have any leading slashes. This # way they are always joined correctly using just one slash. URI.parse(@url.gsub(%r{/+$}, "") + "/" + path.gsub(%r{^/+}, "")) end end def apply_request_middleware(method, url, headers, data) middlewares.inject([method, url, headers, data]) do |req_data, middleware| Chef::Log.debug("Chef::HTTP calling #{middleware.class}#handle_request") middleware.handle_request(*req_data) end end def apply_response_middleware(response, rest_request, return_value) middlewares.reverse.inject([response, rest_request, return_value]) do |res_data, middleware| Chef::Log.debug("Chef::HTTP calling #{middleware.class}#handle_response") middleware.handle_response(*res_data) end end def apply_stream_complete_middleware(response, rest_request, return_value) middlewares.reverse.inject([response, rest_request, return_value]) do |res_data, middleware| Chef::Log.debug("Chef::HTTP calling #{middleware.class}#handle_stream_complete") middleware.handle_stream_complete(*res_data) end end def log_failed_request(response, return_value) return_value ||= {} error_message = "HTTP Request Returned #{response.code} #{response.message}: " error_message << (return_value["error"].respond_to?(:join) ? return_value["error"].join(", ") : return_value["error"].to_s) Chef::Log.info(error_message) end def success_response?(response) response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) || response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPRedirection) end # Runs a synchronous HTTP request, with no middleware applied (use #request # to have the middleware applied). The entire response will be loaded into memory. def send_http_request(method, url, headers, body, &response_handler) headers = build_headers(method, url, headers, body) retrying_http_errors(url) do client = http_client(url) return_value = nil if block_given? request, response = client.request(method, url, body, headers, &response_handler) else request, response = client.request(method, url, body, headers) { |r| r.read_body } return_value = response.read_body end @last_response = response if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPSuccess) [response, request, return_value] elsif response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPNotModified) # Must be tested before Net::HTTPRedirection because it's subclass. [response, request, false] elsif redirect_location = redirected_to(response) if [:GET, :HEAD].include?(method) follow_redirect do send_http_request(method, url + redirect_location, headers, body, &response_handler) end else raise Exceptions::InvalidRedirect, "#{method} request was redirected from #{url} to #{redirect_location}. Only GET and HEAD support redirects." end else [response, request, nil] end end end # Wraps an HTTP request with retry logic. # === Arguments # url:: URL of the request, used for error messages def retrying_http_errors(url) http_attempts = 0 begin loop do http_attempts += 1 response, request, return_value = yield # handle HTTP 50X Error if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPServerError) && !Chef::Config.local_mode if http_retry_count - http_attempts + 1 > 0 sleep_time = 1 + (2**http_attempts) + rand(2**http_attempts) Chef::Log.error("Server returned error #{response.code} for #{url}, retrying #{http_attempts}/#{http_retry_count} in #{sleep_time}s") sleep(sleep_time) redo end end return [response, request, return_value] end rescue SocketError, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::ECONNRESET => e if http_retry_count - http_attempts + 1 > 0 Chef::Log.error("Error connecting to #{url}, retry #{http_attempts}/#{http_retry_count}") sleep(http_retry_delay) retry end e.message.replace "Error connecting to #{url} - #{e.message}" raise e rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED if http_retry_count - http_attempts + 1 > 0 Chef::Log.error("Connection refused connecting to #{url}, retry #{http_attempts}/#{http_retry_count}") sleep(http_retry_delay) retry end raise Errno::ECONNREFUSED, "Connection refused connecting to #{url}, giving up" rescue Timeout::Error if http_retry_count - http_attempts + 1 > 0 Chef::Log.error("Timeout connecting to #{url}, retry #{http_attempts}/#{http_retry_count}") sleep(http_retry_delay) retry end raise Timeout::Error, "Timeout connecting to #{url}, giving up" rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e if (http_retry_count - http_attempts + 1 > 0) && !e.message.include?("certificate verify failed") Chef::Log.error("SSL Error connecting to #{url}, retry #{http_attempts}/#{http_retry_count}") sleep(http_retry_delay) retry end raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, "SSL Error connecting to #{url} - #{e.message}" end end def http_retry_delay config[:http_retry_delay] end def http_retry_count config[:http_retry_count] end def config Chef::Config end def follow_redirect raise Chef::Exceptions::RedirectLimitExceeded if @redirects_followed >= redirect_limit @redirects_followed += 1 Chef::Log.debug("Following redirect #{@redirects_followed}/#{redirect_limit}") yield ensure @redirects_followed = 0 end private def chef_zero_uri?(uri) uri = URI.parse(uri) unless uri.respond_to?(:scheme) uri.scheme == "chefzero" end def redirected_to(response) return nil unless response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPRedirection) # Net::HTTPNotModified is undesired subclass of Net::HTTPRedirection so test for this return nil if response.kind_of?(Net::HTTPNotModified) response["location"] end def build_headers(method, url, headers = {}, json_body = false) headers = @default_headers.merge(headers) headers["Content-Length"] = json_body.bytesize.to_s if json_body headers.merge!(Chef::Config[:custom_http_headers]) if Chef::Config[:custom_http_headers] headers end def stream_to_tempfile(url, response, &progress_block) content_length = response["Content-Length"] tf = Tempfile.open("chef-rest") if Chef::Platform.windows? tf.binmode # required for binary files on Windows platforms end Chef::Log.debug("Streaming download from #{url} to tempfile #{tf.path}") # Stolen from http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/166423 # Kudos to _why! stream_handler = StreamHandler.new(middlewares, response) response.read_body do |chunk| tf.write(stream_handler.handle_chunk(chunk)) yield tf.size, content_length if block_given? end tf.close tf rescue Exception tf.close! if tf raise end public ############################################################################ # DEPRECATED ############################################################################ # This is only kept around to provide access to cache control data in # lib/chef/provider/remote_file/http.rb # Find a better API. def last_response @last_response end end end