#-- # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Thom May () # Author:: Nuo Yan () # Author:: Christopher Brown () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "uri" require "net/http" require "chef/http/ssl_policies" require "chef/http/http_request" class Chef class HTTP class BasicClient HTTPS = "https".freeze attr_reader :url attr_reader :http_client attr_reader :ssl_policy # Instantiate a BasicClient. # === Arguments: # url:: An URI for the remote server. # === Options: # ssl_policy:: The SSL Policy to use, defaults to DefaultSSLPolicy def initialize(url, opts={}) @url = url @ssl_policy = opts[:ssl_policy] || DefaultSSLPolicy @http_client = build_http_client end def host @url.hostname end def port @url.port end def request(method, url, req_body, base_headers={}) http_request = HTTPRequest.new(method, url, req_body, base_headers).http_request Chef::Log.debug("Initiating #{method} to #{url}") Chef::Log.debug("---- HTTP Request Header Data: ----") base_headers.each do |name, value| Chef::Log.debug("#{name}: #{value}") end Chef::Log.debug("---- End HTTP Request Header Data ----") http_client.request(http_request) do |response| Chef::Log.debug("---- HTTP Status and Header Data: ----") Chef::Log.debug("HTTP #{response.http_version} #{response.code} #{response.msg}") response.each do |header, value| Chef::Log.debug("#{header}: #{value}") end Chef::Log.debug("---- End HTTP Status/Header Data ----") # For non-400's, log the request and response bodies if !response.code || !response.code.start_with?("2") if response.body Chef::Log.debug("---- HTTP Response Body ----") Chef::Log.debug(response.body) Chef::Log.debug("---- End HTTP Response Body -----") end if req_body Chef::Log.debug("---- HTTP Request Body ----") Chef::Log.debug(req_body) Chef::Log.debug("---- End HTTP Request Body ----") end end yield response if block_given? # http_client.request may not have the return signature we want, so # force the issue: return [http_request, response] end rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e Chef::Log.error("SSL Validation failure connecting to host: #{host} - #{e.message}") raise end #adapted from buildr/lib/buildr/core/transports.rb def proxy_uri proxy = Chef::Config["#{url.scheme}_proxy"] || env["#{url.scheme.upcase}_PROXY"] || env["#{url.scheme}_proxy"] # Check if the proxy string contains a scheme. If not, add the url's scheme to the # proxy before parsing. The regex /^.*:\/\// matches, for example, http://. Reusing proxy # here since we are really just trying to get the string built correctly. if String === proxy && !proxy.strip.empty? if proxy.match(/^.*:\/\//) proxy = URI.parse(proxy.strip) else proxy = URI.parse("#{url.scheme}://#{proxy.strip}") end end no_proxy = Chef::Config[:no_proxy] || env["NO_PROXY"] || env["no_proxy"] excludes = no_proxy.to_s.split(/\s*,\s*/).compact excludes = excludes.map { |exclude| exclude =~ /:\d+$/ ? exclude : "#{exclude}:*" } return proxy unless excludes.any? { |exclude| File.fnmatch(exclude, "#{host}:#{port}") } end def build_http_client http_client = http_client_builder.new(host, port) if url.scheme == HTTPS configure_ssl(http_client) end http_client.read_timeout = config[:rest_timeout] http_client.open_timeout = config[:rest_timeout] http_client end def config Chef::Config end def env ENV end def http_client_builder http_proxy = proxy_uri if http_proxy.nil? Net::HTTP else Chef::Log.debug("Using #{http_proxy.host}:#{http_proxy.port} for proxy") user = http_proxy_user(http_proxy) pass = http_proxy_pass(http_proxy) Net::HTTP.Proxy(http_proxy.host, http_proxy.port, user, pass) end end def http_proxy_user(http_proxy) http_proxy.user || Chef::Config["#{url.scheme}_proxy_user"] || env["#{url.scheme.upcase}_PROXY_USER"] || env["#{url.scheme}_proxy_user"] end def http_proxy_pass(http_proxy) http_proxy.password || Chef::Config["#{url.scheme}_proxy_pass"] || env["#{url.scheme.upcase}_PROXY_PASS"] || env["#{url.scheme}_proxy_pass"] end def configure_ssl(http_client) http_client.use_ssl = true ssl_policy.apply_to(http_client) end end end end