# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Christopher Brown () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "forwardable" require "chef/version" require "mixlib/cli" require "chef/workstation_config_loader" require "chef/mixin/convert_to_class_name" require "chef/mixin/path_sanity" require "chef/knife/core/subcommand_loader" require "chef/knife/core/ui" require "chef/local_mode" require "chef/server_api" require "chef/http/authenticator" require "chef/http/http_request" require "chef/http" require "pp" class Chef class Knife Chef::HTTP::HTTPRequest.user_agent = "Chef Knife#{Chef::HTTP::HTTPRequest::UA_COMMON}" include Mixlib::CLI include Chef::Mixin::PathSanity extend Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName extend Forwardable # Backwards Compat: # Ideally, we should not vomit all of these methods into this base class; # instead, they should be accessed by hitting the ui object directly. def_delegator :@ui, :stdout def_delegator :@ui, :stderr def_delegator :@ui, :stdin def_delegator :@ui, :msg def_delegator :@ui, :ask_question def_delegator :@ui, :pretty_print def_delegator :@ui, :output def_delegator :@ui, :format_list_for_display def_delegator :@ui, :format_for_display def_delegator :@ui, :format_cookbook_list_for_display def_delegator :@ui, :edit_data def_delegator :@ui, :edit_hash def_delegator :@ui, :edit_object def_delegator :@ui, :confirm attr_accessor :name_args attr_accessor :ui # Configure mixlib-cli to always separate defaults from user-supplied CLI options def self.use_separate_defaults? true end def self.ui @ui ||= Chef::Knife::UI.new(STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN, {}) end def self.msg(msg="") ui.msg(msg) end def self.reset_config_loader! @@chef_config_dir = nil @config_loader = nil end def self.reset_subcommands! @@subcommands = {} @subcommands_by_category = nil end def self.inherited(subclass) unless subclass.unnamed? subcommands[subclass.snake_case_name] = subclass subcommand_files[subclass.snake_case_name] += if subclass.superclass.to_s == "Chef::ChefFS::Knife" # ChefFS-based commands have a superclass that defines an # inhereited method which calls super. This means that the # top of the call stack is not the class definition for # our subcommand. Try the second entry in the call stack. [path_from_caller(caller[1])] else [path_from_caller(caller[0])] end end end # Explicitly set the category for the current command to +new_category+ # The category is normally determined from the first word of the command # name, but some commands make more sense using two or more words # ===Arguments # new_category::: A String to set the category to (see examples) # ===Examples: # Data bag commands would be in the 'data' category by default. To put them # in the 'data bag' category: # category('data bag') def self.category(new_category) @category = new_category end def self.subcommand_category @category || snake_case_name.split("_").first unless unnamed? end def self.snake_case_name convert_to_snake_case(name.split("::").last) unless unnamed? end def self.common_name snake_case_name.split("_").join(" ") end # Does this class have a name? (Classes created via Class.new don't) def self.unnamed? name.nil? || name.empty? end def self.subcommand_loader @subcommand_loader ||= Chef::Knife::SubcommandLoader.for_config(chef_config_dir) end def self.load_commands @commands_loaded ||= subcommand_loader.load_commands end def self.guess_category(args) subcommand_loader.guess_category(args) end def self.subcommand_class_from(args) subcommand_loader.command_class_from(args) || subcommand_not_found!(args) end def self.subcommands @@subcommands ||= {} end def self.subcommand_files @@subcommand_files ||= Hash.new([]) end def self.subcommands_by_category unless @subcommands_by_category @subcommands_by_category = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } subcommands.each do |snake_cased, klass| @subcommands_by_category[klass.subcommand_category] << snake_cased end end @subcommands_by_category end # Shared with subclasses @@chef_config_dir = nil def self.config_loader @config_loader ||= WorkstationConfigLoader.new(nil, Chef::Log) end def self.load_config(explicit_config_file) config_loader.explicit_config_file = explicit_config_file config_loader.load ui.warn("No knife configuration file found") if config_loader.no_config_found? config_loader rescue Exceptions::ConfigurationError => e ui.error(ui.color("CONFIGURATION ERROR:", :red) + e.message) exit 1 end def self.chef_config_dir @@chef_config_dir ||= config_loader.chef_config_dir end # Run knife for the given +args+ (ARGV), adding +options+ to the list of # CLI options that the subcommand knows how to handle. # ===Arguments # args::: usually ARGV # options::: A Mixlib::CLI option parser hash. These +options+ are how # subcommands know about global knife CLI options def self.run(args, options={}) # Fallback debug logging. Normally the logger isn't configured until we # read the config, but this means any logging that happens before the # config file is read may be lost. If the KNIFE_DEBUG variable is set, we # setup the logger for debug logging to stderr immediately to catch info # from early in the setup process. if ENV["KNIFE_DEBUG"] Chef::Log.init($stderr) Chef::Log.level(:debug) end subcommand_class = subcommand_class_from(args) subcommand_class.options = options.merge!(subcommand_class.options) subcommand_class.load_deps instance = subcommand_class.new(args) instance.configure_chef instance.run_with_pretty_exceptions end def self.dependency_loaders @dependency_loaders ||= [] end def self.deps(&block) dependency_loaders << block end def self.load_deps dependency_loaders.each do |dep_loader| dep_loader.call end end private OFFICIAL_PLUGINS = %w{ec2 rackspace windows openstack terremark bluebox} def self.path_from_caller(caller_line) caller_line.split(/:\d+/).first end # :nodoc: # Error out and print usage. probably because the arguments given by the # user could not be resolved to a subcommand. def self.subcommand_not_found!(args) ui.fatal("Cannot find subcommand for: '#{args.join(' ')}'") # Mention rehash when the subcommands cache(plugin_manifest.json) is used if subcommand_loader.is_a?(Chef::Knife::SubcommandLoader::HashedCommandLoader) || subcommand_loader.is_a?(Chef::Knife::SubcommandLoader::CustomManifestLoader) ui.info("If this is a recently installed plugin, please run 'knife rehash' to update the subcommands cache.") end if category_commands = guess_category(args) list_commands(category_commands) elsif missing_plugin = ( OFFICIAL_PLUGINS.find {|plugin| plugin == args[0]} ) ui.info("The #{missing_plugin} commands were moved to plugins in Chef 0.10") ui.info("You can install the plugin with `(sudo) gem install knife-#{missing_plugin}`") ui.info("Use `chef gem install knife-#{missing_plugin}` instead if using ChefDK") else list_commands end exit 10 end def self.list_commands(preferred_category=nil) category_desc = preferred_category ? preferred_category + " " : "" msg "Available #{category_desc}subcommands: (for details, knife SUB-COMMAND --help)\n\n" subcommand_loader.list_commands(preferred_category).sort.each do |category, commands| next if category =~ /deprecated/i msg "** #{category.upcase} COMMANDS **" commands.sort.each do |command| subcommand_loader.load_command(command) msg subcommands[command].banner if subcommands[command] end msg end end def self.reset_config_path! @@chef_config_dir = nil end reset_config_path! public # Create a new instance of the current class configured for the given # arguments and options def initialize(argv=[]) super() # having to call super in initialize is the most annoying anti-pattern :( @ui = Chef::Knife::UI.new(STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN, config) command_name_words = self.class.snake_case_name.split("_") # Mixlib::CLI ignores the embedded name_args @name_args = parse_options(argv) @name_args.delete(command_name_words.join("-")) @name_args.reject! { |name_arg| command_name_words.delete(name_arg) } # knife node run_list add requires that we have extra logic to handle # the case that command name words could be joined by an underscore :/ command_name_words = command_name_words.join("_") @name_args.reject! { |name_arg| command_name_words == name_arg } if config[:help] msg opt_parser exit 1 end # copy Mixlib::CLI over so that it can be configured in knife.rb # config file Chef::Config[:verbosity] = config[:verbosity] if config[:verbosity] end def parse_options(args) super rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e puts "Error: " + e.to_s show_usage exit(1) end # Returns a subset of the Chef::Config[:knife] Hash that is relevant to the # currently executing knife command. This is used by #configure_chef to # apply settings from knife.rb to the +config+ hash. def config_file_settings config_file_settings = {} self.class.options.keys.each do |key| config_file_settings[key] = Chef::Config[:knife][key] if Chef::Config[:knife].has_key?(key) end config_file_settings end # Apply Config in this order: # defaults from mixlib-cli # settings from config file, via Chef::Config[:knife] # config from command line def merge_configs # Apply config file settings on top of mixlib-cli defaults combined_config = default_config.merge(config_file_settings) # Apply user-supplied options on top of the above combination combined_config = combined_config.merge(config) # replace the config hash from mixlib-cli with our own. # Need to use the mutate-in-place #replace method instead of assigning to # the instance variable because other code may have a reference to the # original config hash object. config.replace(combined_config) end # Catch-all method that does any massaging needed for various config # components, such as expanding file paths and converting verbosity level # into log level. def apply_computed_config Chef::Config[:color] = config[:color] case Chef::Config[:verbosity] when 0, nil Chef::Config[:log_level] = :warn when 1 Chef::Config[:log_level] = :info else Chef::Config[:log_level] = :debug end Chef::Config[:log_level] = :debug if ENV["KNIFE_DEBUG"] Chef::Config[:node_name] = config[:node_name] if config[:node_name] Chef::Config[:client_key] = config[:client_key] if config[:client_key] Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] = config[:chef_server_url] if config[:chef_server_url] Chef::Config[:environment] = config[:environment] if config[:environment] Chef::Config.local_mode = config[:local_mode] if config.has_key?(:local_mode) Chef::Config.listen = config[:listen] if config.has_key?(:listen) if Chef::Config.local_mode && !Chef::Config.has_key?(:cookbook_path) && !Chef::Config.has_key?(:chef_repo_path) Chef::Config.chef_repo_path = Chef::Config.find_chef_repo_path(Dir.pwd) end Chef::Config.chef_zero.host = config[:chef_zero_host] if config[:chef_zero_host] Chef::Config.chef_zero.port = config[:chef_zero_port] if config[:chef_zero_port] # Expand a relative path from the config directory. Config from command # line should already be expanded, and absolute paths will be unchanged. if Chef::Config[:client_key] && config[:config_file] Chef::Config[:client_key] = File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:client_key], File.dirname(config[:config_file])) end Mixlib::Log::Formatter.show_time = false Chef::Log.init(Chef::Config[:log_location]) Chef::Log.level(Chef::Config[:log_level] || :error) end def configure_chef # knife needs to send logger output to STDERR by default Chef::Config[:log_location] = STDERR config_loader = self.class.load_config(config[:config_file]) config[:config_file] = config_loader.config_location merge_configs apply_computed_config Chef::Config.export_proxies # This has to be after apply_computed_config so that Mixlib::Log is configured Chef::Log.info("Using configuration from #{config[:config_file]}") if config[:config_file] end def show_usage stdout.puts("USAGE: " + self.opt_parser.to_s) end def run_with_pretty_exceptions(raise_exception = false) unless self.respond_to?(:run) ui.error "You need to add a #run method to your knife command before you can use it" end enforce_path_sanity Chef::LocalMode.with_server_connectivity do run end rescue Exception => e raise if raise_exception || Chef::Config[:verbosity] == 2 humanize_exception(e) exit 100 end def humanize_exception(e) case e when SystemExit raise # make sure exit passes through. when Net::HTTPServerException, Net::HTTPFatalError humanize_http_exception(e) when OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError ui.error "Could not establish a secure connection to the server." ui.info "Use `knife ssl check` to troubleshoot your SSL configuration." ui.info "If your Chef Server uses a self-signed certificate, you can use" ui.info "`knife ssl fetch` to make knife trust the server's certificates." ui.info "" ui.info "Original Exception: #{e.class.name}: #{e.message}" when Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Timeout::Error, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, SocketError ui.error "Network Error: #{e.message}" ui.info "Check your knife configuration and network settings" when NameError, NoMethodError ui.error "knife encountered an unexpected error" ui.info "This may be a bug in the '#{self.class.common_name}' knife command or plugin" ui.info "Please collect the output of this command with the `-VV` option before filing a bug report." ui.info "Exception: #{e.class.name}: #{e.message}" when Chef::Exceptions::PrivateKeyMissing ui.error "Your private key could not be loaded from #{api_key}" ui.info "Check your configuration file and ensure that your private key is readable" when Chef::Exceptions::InvalidRedirect ui.error "Invalid Redirect: #{e.message}" ui.info "Change your server location in knife.rb to the server's FQDN to avoid unwanted redirections." else ui.error "#{e.class.name}: #{e.message}" end end def humanize_http_exception(e) response = e.response case response when Net::HTTPUnauthorized ui.error "Failed to authenticate to #{server_url} as #{username} with key #{api_key}" ui.info "Response: #{format_rest_error(response)}" when Net::HTTPForbidden ui.error "You authenticated successfully to #{server_url} as #{username} but you are not authorized for this action" ui.info "Response: #{format_rest_error(response)}" when Net::HTTPBadRequest ui.error "The data in your request was invalid" ui.info "Response: #{format_rest_error(response)}" when Net::HTTPNotFound ui.error "The object you are looking for could not be found" ui.info "Response: #{format_rest_error(response)}" when Net::HTTPInternalServerError ui.error "internal server error" ui.info "Response: #{format_rest_error(response)}" when Net::HTTPBadGateway ui.error "bad gateway" ui.info "Response: #{format_rest_error(response)}" when Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable ui.error "Service temporarily unavailable" ui.info "Response: #{format_rest_error(response)}" when Net::HTTPNotAcceptable version_header = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(response["x-ops-server-api-version"]) client_api_version = version_header["request_version"] min_server_version = version_header["min_version"] max_server_version = version_header["max_version"] ui.error "The version of Chef that Knife is using is not supported by the Chef server you sent this request to" ui.info "The request that Knife sent was using API version #{client_api_version}" ui.info "The Chef server you sent the request to supports a min API verson of #{min_server_version} and a max API version of #{max_server_version}" ui.info "Please either update your Chef client or server to be a compatible set" else ui.error response.message ui.info "Response: #{format_rest_error(response)}" end end def username Chef::Config[:node_name] end def api_key Chef::Config[:client_key] end # Parses JSON from the error response sent by Chef Server and returns the # error message #-- # TODO: this code belongs in Chef::REST def format_rest_error(response) Array(Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(response.body)["error"]).join("; ") rescue Exception response.body end def create_object(object, pretty_name=nil, &block) output = edit_data(object) if Kernel.block_given? output = block.call(output) else output.save end pretty_name ||= output self.msg("Created #{pretty_name}") output(output) if config[:print_after] end def delete_object(klass, name, delete_name=nil, &block) confirm("Do you really want to delete #{name}") if Kernel.block_given? object = block.call else object = klass.load(name) object.destroy end output(format_for_display(object)) if config[:print_after] obj_name = delete_name ? "#{delete_name}[#{name}]" : object self.msg("Deleted #{obj_name}") end # helper method for testing if a field exists # and returning the usage and proper error if not def test_mandatory_field(field, fieldname) if field.nil? show_usage ui.fatal("You must specify a #{fieldname}") exit 1 end end def rest @rest ||= begin require "chef/server_api" Chef::ServerAPI.new(Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]) end end def noauth_rest @rest ||= begin require "chef/http/simple_json" Chef::HTTP::SimpleJSON.new(Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]) end end def server_url Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] end end end