# # Author:: Tyler Ball () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "mixlib/cli" unless defined?(Mixlib::CLI) require_relative "../config" require_relative "../encrypted_data_bag_item/check_encrypted" class Chef class Knife module DataBagSecretOptions include Mixlib::CLI include Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem::CheckEncrypted # The config object is populated by knife#merge_configs with knife.rb `knife[:*]` config values, but they do # not overwrite the command line properties. It does mean, however, that `knife[:secret]` and `--secret-file` # passed at the same time populate both `config[:secret]` and `config[:secret_file]`. We cannot differentiate # the valid case (`knife[:secret]` in config file and `--secret-file` on CL) and the invalid case (`--secret` # and `--secret-file` on the CL) - thats why I'm storing the CL options in a different config key if they # are provided. def self.included(base) base.option :cl_secret, long: "--secret SECRET", description: "The secret key to use to encrypt data bag item values. Can also be defaulted in your config with the key 'secret'." base.option :cl_secret_file, long: "--secret-file SECRET_FILE", description: "A file containing the secret key to use to encrypt data bag item values. Can also be defaulted in your config with the key 'secret_file'." base.option :encrypt, long: "--encrypt", description: "If 'secret' or 'secret_file' is present in your config, then encrypt data bags using it.", boolean: true, default: false end def encryption_secret_provided? base_encryption_secret_provided? end def encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag? base_encryption_secret_provided?(false) end def read_secret # Moving the non 'compile-time' requires into here to speed up knife command loading # IE, if we are not running 'knife data bag *' we don't need to load 'chef/encrypted_data_bag_item' require_relative "../encrypted_data_bag_item" if config[:cl_secret] config[:cl_secret] elsif config[:cl_secret_file] Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load_secret(config[:cl_secret_file]) elsif secret = config[:secret] secret else secret_file = config[:secret_file] Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load_secret(secret_file) end end def validate_secrets if config[:cl_secret] && config[:cl_secret_file] ui.fatal("Please specify only one of --secret, --secret-file") exit(1) end if config[:secret] && config[:secret_file] ui.fatal("Please specify only one of 'secret' or 'secret_file' in your config file") exit(1) end end private ## # Determine if the user has specified an appropriate secret for encrypting data bag items. # @return boolean def base_encryption_secret_provided?(need_encrypt_flag = true) validate_secrets return true if config[:cl_secret] || config[:cl_secret_file] if need_encrypt_flag if config[:encrypt] unless config[:secret] || config[:secret_file] ui.fatal("No secret or secret_file specified in config, unable to encrypt item.") exit(1) end return true end return false elsif config[:secret] || config[:secret_file] # Certain situations (show and bootstrap) don't need a --encrypt flag to use the config file secret return true end false end def knife_config Chef.deprecated(:knife_bootstrap_apis, "The `knife_config` bootstrap helper has been deprecated, use the properly merged `config` helper instead") Chef::Config.key?(:knife) ? Chef::Config[:knife] : {} end end end end