# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright 2009-2017, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../knife" require_relative "core/node_presenter" require "addressable/uri" class Chef class Knife class Search < Knife include Knife::Core::MultiAttributeReturnOption deps do require_relative "../node" require_relative "../environment" require_relative "../api_client" require_relative "../search/query" end include Knife::Core::NodeFormattingOptions banner "knife search INDEX QUERY (options)" option :start, short: "-b ROW", long: "--start ROW", description: "The row to start returning results at.", default: 0, proc: lambda { |i| i.to_i } option :rows, short: "-R INT", long: "--rows INT", description: "The number of rows to return.", default: nil, proc: lambda { |i| i.to_i } option :run_list, short: "-r", long: "--run-list", description: "Show only the run list." option :id_only, short: "-i", long: "--id-only", description: "Show only the ID of matching objects." option :query, short: "-q QUERY", long: "--query QUERY", description: "The search query; useful to protect queries starting with -." option :filter_result, short: "-f FILTER", long: "--filter-result FILTER", description: "Only return specific attributes of the matching objects; for example: \"ServerName=name, Kernel=kernel.version\"." def run read_cli_args if @type == "node" ui.use_presenter Knife::Core::NodePresenter end q = Chef::Search::Query.new result_items = [] result_count = 0 search_args = Hash.new search_args[:fuzz] = true search_args[:start] = config[:start] if config[:start] search_args[:rows] = config[:rows] if config[:rows] if config[:filter_result] search_args[:filter_result] = create_result_filter(config[:filter_result]) elsif (not ui.config[:attribute].nil?) && (not ui.config[:attribute].empty?) search_args[:filter_result] = create_result_filter_from_attributes(ui.config[:attribute]) elsif config[:id_only] search_args[:filter_result] = create_result_filter_from_attributes([]) end begin q.search(@type, @query, search_args) do |item| formatted_item = Hash.new if config[:id_only] formatted_item = format_for_display({ "id" => item["__display_name"] }) elsif item.is_a?(Hash) # doing a little magic here to set the correct name formatted_item[item["__display_name"]] = item.reject { |k| k == "__display_name" } else formatted_item = format_for_display(item) end result_items << formatted_item result_count += 1 end rescue Net::HTTPClientException => e msg = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(e.response.body)["error"].first ui.error("knife search failed: #{msg}") exit 99 end if ui.interchange? output({ results: result_count, rows: result_items }) else ui.log "#{result_count} items found" ui.log("\n") result_items.each do |item| output(item) unless config[:id_only] ui.msg("\n") end end end # return a "failure" code to the shell so that knife search can be used in pipes similar to grep exit 1 if result_count == 0 end def read_cli_args if config[:query] if @name_args[1] ui.error "Please specify query as an argument or an option via -q, not both" ui.msg opt_parser exit 1 end @type = name_args[0] @query = config[:query] else case name_args.size when 0 ui.error "No query specified" ui.msg opt_parser exit 1 when 1 @type = "node" @query = name_args[0] when 2 @type = name_args[0] @query = name_args[1] end end end # This method turns a set of key value pairs in a string into the appropriate data structure that the # chef-server search api is expecting. # expected input is in the form of: # -f "return_var1=path.to.attribute, return_var2=shorter.path" # # a more concrete example might be: # -f "env=chef_environment, ruby_platform=languages.ruby.platform" # # The end result is a hash where the key is a symbol in the hash (the return variable) # and the path is an array with the path elements as strings (in order) # See lib/chef/search/query.rb for more examples of this. def create_result_filter(filter_string) final_filter = Hash.new filter_string.delete!(" ") filters = filter_string.split(",") filters.each do |f| return_id, attr_path = f.split("=") final_filter[return_id.to_sym] = attr_path.split(".") end final_filter end def create_result_filter_from_attributes(filter_array) final_filter = Hash.new filter_array.each do |f| final_filter[f] = f.split(".") end # adding magic filter so we can actually pull the name as before final_filter["__display_name"] = [ "name" ] final_filter end end end end