require 'chef/chef_fs/knife' class Chef class Knife class Show < Chef::ChefFS::Knife banner "knife show [PATTERN1 ... PATTERNn]" category "path-based" deps do require 'chef/chef_fs/file_system' require 'chef/chef_fs/file_system/not_found_error' end option :local, :long => '--local', :boolean => true, :description => "Show local files instead of remote" def run # Get the matches (recursively) error = false entry_values = parallelize(pattern_args) do |pattern| parallelize(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.list(config[:local] ? local_fs : chef_fs, pattern)) do |entry| if entry.dir? ui.error "#{format_path(entry)}: is a directory" if pattern.exact_path error = true nil else begin [entry,] rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::OperationNotAllowedError => e ui.error "#{format_path(e.entry)}: #{e.reason}." error = true nil rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e ui.error "#{format_path(e.entry)}: No such file or directory" error = true nil end end end end.flatten(1) entry_values.each do |entry, value| if entry output "#{format_path(entry)}:" output(format_for_display(value)) end end if error exit 1 end end end end end