# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2017, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/mixin/from_file" require "chef/provider/git" require "chef/provider/subversion" require "chef/dsl/recipe" require "chef/util/path_helper" class Chef class Provider class Deploy < Chef::Provider include Chef::DSL::Recipe include Chef::Mixin::FromFile attr_reader :scm_provider, :release_path, :shared_path, :previous_release_path def initialize(new_resource, run_context) super(new_resource, run_context) # will resolve to either git or svn based on resource attributes, # and will create a resource corresponding to that provider @scm_provider = new_resource.scm_provider.new(new_resource, run_context) # @configuration is not used by Deploy, it is only for backwards compat with # chef-deploy or capistrano hooks that might use it to get environment information @configuration = new_resource.to_hash @configuration[:environment] = @configuration[:environment] && @configuration[:environment]["RAILS_ENV"] end def load_current_resource @scm_provider.load_current_resource @release_path = new_resource.deploy_to + "/releases/#{release_slug}" @shared_path = new_resource.shared_path end def sudo(command, &block) execute(command, &block) end def run(command, &block) exec = execute(command, &block) exec.user(new_resource.user) if new_resource.user exec.group(new_resource.group) if new_resource.group exec.cwd(release_path) unless exec.cwd exec.environment(new_resource.environment) unless exec.environment converge_by("execute #{command}") do exec end end def define_resource_requirements requirements.assert(:rollback) do |a| a.assertion { all_releases[-2] } a.failure_message(RuntimeError, "There is no release to rollback to!") #There is no reason to assume 2 deployments in a single chef run, hence fails in whyrun. end [ new_resource.before_migrate, new_resource.before_symlink, new_resource.before_restart, new_resource.after_restart ].each do |script| requirements.assert(:deploy, :force_deploy) do |a| callback_file = "#{release_path}/#{script}" a.assertion do if script && script.class == String ::File.exist?(callback_file) else true end end a.failure_message(RuntimeError, "Can't find your callback file #{callback_file}") a.whyrun("Would assume callback file #{callback_file} included in release") end end end def action_deploy save_release_state if deployed?(release_path ) if current_release?(release_path ) Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource} is the latest version") else rollback_to release_path end else with_rollback_on_error do deploy end end end def action_force_deploy if deployed?(release_path) converge_by("delete deployed app at #{release_path} prior to force-deploy") do Chef::Log.info("Already deployed app at #{release_path}, forcing.") FileUtils.rm_rf(release_path) Chef::Log.info("#{new_resource} forcing deploy of already deployed app at #{release_path}") end end # Alternatives: # * Move release_path directory before deploy and move it back when error occurs # * Rollback to previous commit # * Do nothing - because deploy is force, it will be retried in short time # Because last is simplest, keep it deploy end def action_rollback rollback_to all_releases[-2] end def rollback_to(target_release_path) @release_path = target_release_path rp_index = all_releases.index(release_path) releases_to_nuke = all_releases[(rp_index + 1)..-1] rollback releases_to_nuke.each do |i| converge_by("roll back by removing release #{i}") do Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} removing release: #{i}" FileUtils.rm_rf i end release_deleted(i) end end def deploy verify_directories_exist update_cached_repo # no converge-by - scm provider will dothis enforce_ownership copy_cached_repo install_gems enforce_ownership callback(:before_migrate, new_resource.before_migrate) migrate callback(:before_symlink, new_resource.before_symlink) symlink callback(:before_restart, new_resource.before_restart) restart callback(:after_restart, new_resource.after_restart) cleanup! Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} deployed to #{new_resource.deploy_to}" end def rollback Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} rolling back to previous release #{release_path}" symlink Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} restarting with previous release" restart end def callback(what, callback_code = nil) @collection = Chef::ResourceCollection.new case callback_code when Proc Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} running callback #{what}" recipe_eval(&callback_code) when String run_callback_from_file("#{release_path}/#{callback_code}") when nil run_callback_from_file("#{release_path}/deploy/#{what}.rb") end end def migrate run_symlinks_before_migrate if new_resource.migrate enforce_ownership environment = new_resource.environment env_info = environment && environment.map do |key_and_val| "#{key_and_val.first}='#{key_and_val.last}'" end.join(" ") converge_by("execute migration command #{new_resource.migration_command}") do Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} migrating #{new_resource.user} with environment #{env_info}" shell_out!(new_resource.migration_command, run_options(:cwd => release_path, :log_level => :info)) end end end def symlink purge_tempfiles_from_current_release link_tempfiles_to_current_release link_current_release_to_production Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} updated symlinks" end def restart if restart_cmd = new_resource.restart_command if restart_cmd.kind_of?(Proc) Chef::Log.info("#{new_resource} restarting app with embedded recipe") recipe_eval(&restart_cmd) else converge_by("restart app using command #{new_resource.restart_command}") do Chef::Log.info("#{new_resource} restarting app") shell_out!(new_resource.restart_command, run_options(:cwd => new_resource.current_path)) end end end end def cleanup! converge_by("update release history data") do release_created(release_path) end chop = -1 - new_resource.keep_releases all_releases[0..chop].each do |old_release| converge_by("remove old release #{old_release}") do Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} removing old release #{old_release}" FileUtils.rm_rf(old_release) end release_deleted(old_release) end end def all_releases Dir.glob(Chef::Util::PathHelper.escape_glob_dir(new_resource.deploy_to) + "/releases/*").sort end def update_cached_repo if new_resource.svn_force_export # TODO assertion, non-recoverable - @scm_provider must be svn if force_export? svn_force_export else run_scm_sync end end def run_scm_sync @scm_provider.run_action(:sync) end def svn_force_export Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} exporting source repository" @scm_provider.run_action(:force_export) end def copy_cached_repo target_dir_path = new_resource.deploy_to + "/releases" converge_by("deploy from repo to #{target_dir_path} ") do FileUtils.rm_rf(release_path) if ::File.exist?(release_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(target_dir_path) FileUtils.cp_r(::File.join(new_resource.destination, "."), release_path, :preserve => true) Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} copied the cached checkout to #{release_path}" end end def enforce_ownership converge_by("force ownership of #{new_resource.deploy_to} to #{new_resource.group}:#{new_resource.user}") do FileUtils.chown_R(new_resource.user, new_resource.group, new_resource.deploy_to, :force => true) Chef::Log.info("#{new_resource} set user to #{new_resource.user}") if new_resource.user Chef::Log.info("#{new_resource} set group to #{new_resource.group}") if new_resource.group end end def verify_directories_exist create_dir_unless_exists(new_resource.deploy_to) create_dir_unless_exists(new_resource.shared_path) end def link_current_release_to_production converge_by(["remove existing link at #{new_resource.current_path}", "link release #{release_path} into production at #{new_resource.current_path}"]) do FileUtils.rm_f(new_resource.current_path) begin FileUtils.ln_sf(release_path, new_resource.current_path) rescue => e raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound.new("Cannot symlink current release to production: #{e.message}") end Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} linked release #{release_path} into production at #{new_resource.current_path}" end enforce_ownership end def run_symlinks_before_migrate links_info = new_resource.symlink_before_migrate.map { |src, dst| "#{src} => #{dst}" }.join(", ") converge_by("make pre-migration symlinks: #{links_info}") do new_resource.symlink_before_migrate.each do |src, dest| begin FileUtils.ln_sf(new_resource.shared_path + "/#{src}", release_path + "/#{dest}") rescue => e raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound.new("Cannot symlink #{new_resource.shared_path}/#{src} to #{release_path}/#{dest} before migrate: #{e.message}") end end Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} made pre-migration symlinks" end end def link_tempfiles_to_current_release dirs_info = new_resource.create_dirs_before_symlink.join(",") new_resource.create_dirs_before_symlink.each do |dir| create_dir_unless_exists(release_path + "/#{dir}") end Chef::Log.info("#{new_resource} created directories before symlinking: #{dirs_info}") links_info = new_resource.symlinks.map { |src, dst| "#{src} => #{dst}" }.join(", ") converge_by("link shared paths into current release: #{links_info}") do new_resource.symlinks.each do |src, dest| begin FileUtils.ln_sf(::File.join(new_resource.shared_path, src), ::File.join(release_path, dest)) rescue => e raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound.new("Cannot symlink shared data #{::File.join(new_resource.shared_path, src)} to #{::File.join(release_path, dest)}: #{e.message}") end end Chef::Log.info("#{new_resource} linked shared paths into current release: #{links_info}") end run_symlinks_before_migrate enforce_ownership end def create_dirs_before_symlink end def purge_tempfiles_from_current_release log_info = new_resource.purge_before_symlink.join(", ") converge_by("purge directories in checkout #{log_info}") do new_resource.purge_before_symlink.each { |dir| FileUtils.rm_rf(release_path + "/#{dir}") } Chef::Log.info("#{new_resource} purged directories in checkout #{log_info}") end end protected # Internal callback, called after copy_cached_repo. # Override if you need to keep state externally. # Note that YOU are responsible for implementing whyrun-friendly behavior # in any actions you take in this callback. def release_created(release_path) end # Note that YOU are responsible for using appropriate whyrun nomenclature # Override if you need to keep state externally. # Note that YOU are responsible for implementing whyrun-friendly behavior # in any actions you take in this callback. def release_deleted(release_path) end def release_slug raise Chef::Exceptions::Override, "You must override release_slug in #{self}" end def install_gems gem_resource_collection_runner.converge end def gem_resource_collection_runner child_context = run_context.create_child gem_packages.each { |rbgem| child_context.resource_collection.insert(rbgem) } Chef::Runner.new(child_context) end def gem_packages return [] unless ::File.exist?("#{release_path}/gems.yml") gems = YAML.load(IO.read("#{release_path}/gems.yml")) gems.map do |g| r = Chef::Resource::GemPackage.new(g[:name], run_context) r.version g[:version] r.action :install r.source "http://gems.github.com" r end end def run_options(run_opts = {}) run_opts[:user] = new_resource.user if new_resource.user run_opts[:group] = new_resource.group if new_resource.group run_opts[:environment] = new_resource.environment if new_resource.environment run_opts[:log_tag] = new_resource.to_s run_opts[:log_level] ||= :debug if run_opts[:log_level] == :info if STDOUT.tty? && !Chef::Config[:daemon] && Chef::Log.info? run_opts[:live_stream] = STDOUT end end run_opts end def run_callback_from_file(callback_file) Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource} queueing checkdeploy hook #{callback_file}" recipe_eval do Dir.chdir(release_path) do from_file(callback_file) if ::File.exist?(callback_file) end end end def create_dir_unless_exists(dir) if ::File.directory?(dir) Chef::Log.debug "#{new_resource} not creating #{dir} because it already exists" return false end converge_by("create new directory #{dir}") do begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) Chef::Log.debug "#{new_resource} created directory #{dir}" if new_resource.user FileUtils.chown(new_resource.user, nil, dir) Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource} set user to #{new_resource.user} for #{dir}") end if new_resource.group FileUtils.chown(nil, new_resource.group, dir) Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource} set group to #{new_resource.group} for #{dir}") end rescue => e raise Chef::Exceptions::FileNotFound.new("Cannot create directory #{dir}: #{e.message}") end end end def with_rollback_on_error yield rescue ::Exception => e if new_resource.rollback_on_error Chef::Log.warn "Error on deploying #{release_path}: #{e.message}" failed_release = release_path if previous_release_path @release_path = previous_release_path rollback end converge_by("remove failed deploy #{failed_release}") do Chef::Log.info "Removing failed deploy #{failed_release}" FileUtils.rm_rf failed_release end release_deleted(failed_release) end raise end def save_release_state if ::File.exists?(new_resource.current_path) release = ::File.readlink(new_resource.current_path) @previous_release_path = release if ::File.exists?(release) end end def deployed?(release) all_releases.include?(release) end def current_release?(release) @previous_release_path == release end end end end